VS Blogs

All my fights!

Pretty self explanatory so here ya go.
(Also I updated the TNs. There shouldn’t be any fanart here but in case there is, and for my last thumbnails, credit to those who made said art.)

Slider's (25) by JJSliderman


Champions of Gods and Mortals- Mewtwo(Pokemon) vs Palutena(Kid Icarus)

(Thanks to :iconthenerd-bot: for selling this to me. I don’t exactly remember the initial conditions, but I believe it was anime only, with some moves from the games.)
Slider's (33) by JJSliderman

Rolling Thunder Kombat Storm: Blanka(Street Fighter) vs Raiden(Mortal Kombat)

(Thanks :iconthenerd-bot:)
Slider's (39) by JJSliderman

Undercover Assault: Chase McCain(LEGO City: Undercover) vs Sly Cooper(…)

(Sold to me by :iconnanoisepic: I just forgot to mention it earlier)

Slider's (2) by JJSliderman

Destruction of Humanity: Android 21(Dragon Ball FighterZ) vs Ultron Sigma(Mahvel vs Cuckcom: Finite)

Slider's (37) by JJSliderman

Nice of the princess to invite us to Looney Tunes, eh?: Luigi(Super Mario Bros.) vs Daffy Duck(Looney Tunes)

Both of these were sold to me by Fool-Writer before he quit.

Slider's (24) by JJSliderman

#CellGames: Cell(Dragon Ball) vs Saitama(One Punch Man)

Slider's (32) by JJSliderman

Chronal Catastrophe: Hit(Dragon Ball) vs Dialga(Pokemon)


Slider's (23) by JJSliderman


Warrior Ladies of the Wasteland, without the Wasteland: Samus Aran(Metroid) vs Cutie Honey(…)

(Thanks again to :iconthenerd-bot: for selling this to me)

Slider's (17) by JJSliderman

Robotic Killing Machines who got sidelined: General Grievous(Star Wars) vs E-123 Omega(Sonic the Hedgehog)

(Thanks to :iconscott910: for this one)

Slider's (5)

Pressuring Power: Po (Kung Fu Panda) vs Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)
Slider's (42) by JJSliderman

More than a Friend, Like a Brother: Mordecai and Rigby(Regular Show) vs Finn and Jake(Adventure Time)

(Thanks to :iconatkforever: for allowing me to do my own version of this)
Slider's (41) by JJSliderman

Because Tendo’s gone and I felt like it myah also Angel vs Demon: Dante(Devil May Cry) vs Pit(Kid Icarus)

(For real, though, it seemed like a cool idea and everyone else was doing some of Tendo’s fights, so I jumped on the bandwagon. Maybe read the original first though. Or not since it no longer exists on the site…ah, you’ll find a way)

Slider's (14) by JJSliderman

TIME TO DUEL!: Future Trunks(Dragon Ball Super) vs Grovyle(Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky

Slider's (1) by JJSliderman

Pride of the Alpha: Toothless (Dreamworks’ Dragons) vs Rathalos (Monster Hunter)

Slider's by JJSliderman

Monsters are like Onions: Shrek (…) vs James P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.)

Slider's (3) by JJSliderman

To Make the Master Proud: Genos (One Punch Man) vs Ikaros (Heaven’s Lost Property)

Slider's (40) by JJSliderman

Blades of Future Past: Zero(Mega Man) vs Sephiroth(Final Fantasy)

(No Dissidia for fairness)


Slider's (13) by JJSliderman

Heart of the Asshole: The Pharaoh/Yugi(Yugioh: The Abridged Series) vs Sonic(Sonic for Hire)

Slider's (36) by JJSliderman

Oy, Mate! Those ‘Rangs are RIPPER!: Ty the Tasmanian Tiger(…) vs Captain Boomerang(DC Comics)

Slider's (27) by JJSliderman

The Fearsome Furrsomes!: Penguins of Madagascar(…) vs Team O.W.C.A(Phineas and Ferb)

Slider's (11) by JJSliderman

Kongstoppable Force Meets Immovable Heavy Object: Hard Boiled Heavies(Sonic the Hedgehog) vs the Martial Arts Master Kongs+Ghastly King(Donkey Kong)

(Credit to ProsafiaGaming for Thumbnail Art)

Slider's (10) by JJSliderman

Dance, Water, DANCE!: Demyx(Kingdom Hearts) vs Azura(Fire Emblem)

Slider's (31) by JJSliderman
Hey, uh…nice chin: Thanos(Marvel Comics) vs Sigma(Mega Man)

(Base Thanos only for…obvious reasons)


Slider's (21) by JJSliderman

Link was a wolf once, remember?: Link(The Legend of Zelda) vs Okami Amaterasu(Okami)

Slider's (16) by JJSliderman

The KND Concludes their war on teenagers, TODAY!: Kim Possible(…) vs Numbuh 1(Codename: KND)

Slider's (18) by JJSliderman

My Blade will show you the way to LIGHT!: Lightning Farron(Final Fantasy) vs Sora(Kingdom Hearts)

Slider's (12) by JJSliderman

She Protecc, She Atacc, and I always got her back!: Rex and Pyra(Xenoblade Chronicles 2) vs Hiro and Zero Two(Darling in the FranXX)

Slider's (8) by JJSliderman

Ninja vs Samurai…idk what round: Raiden(Metal Gear) vs Silver Samurai(Marvel Comics)


Legacy of Darkness: Lord Garmadon(Ninjago) vs Obito Uchiha (Star Wars)

(Credit for Oni Garmadon image)

Slider's (5) by JJSliderman

Sorry for causing the apocalypse I guess: Epic Mickey! Mickey(…) vs Wreck-it Ralph(…)

Slider's (7) by JJSliderman

An Inverted World Order: Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) vs Anti-Pops (Regular Show)

Slider's (35) by JJSliderman

I’m READY! POYOO!!!: Spongebob Squarepants (…) vs Kirby (…)

Slider's (28) by JJSliderman

Lucha-Libre Mejico: El Tigre (…) vs Rikochet (Mucha Lucha)

Slider's (15) by JJSliderman

Ninja-Style Ribbit: Jiraiya (Naruto) vs Greninja (Pokemon)

Slider's (6) by JJSliderman

Cybernetic Phantom Zone: Akira Kurusu (Persona) vs Bass.EXE (Megaman Battle Network)

Slider's (20) by JJSliderman

Armored to the Teeth: Ratchet and Clank (…) vs Iron Man (Marvel Comics)

Slider's (38) by JJSliderman

Unraveling the Mysteries: Dipper Pines(Gravity Falls) vs Makoto Naegi(Danganronpa)

(Gonna be more of a mystery, not killing game style, than a fight)

Slider's (30) by JJSliderman

Make Homeworld Great AGAIN!: Garnet(Steven Universe) vs Senator Armstrong(Metal Gear)

(Thanks to :icondeathclaw153: for this one)

Slider's (34) by JJSliderman

Kicking Ass…and showing some too: Cammy White(Street Fighter) vs Spider-Gwen(Marvel Comics)

(Thanks :iconzacmariozero: for selling me this)

Slider's (29) by JJSliderman

Going Commando: Jack Fenton(Danny Phantom) vs Captain Commando(…)

Slider's (6)

Spinning Towards the Future: Ryuga and L-Drago(Beyblade) vs Jack Atlas and Red Dragon Archfiend/Evolutions(Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Slider's (22) by JJSliderman

Percy Jackson and the Olympians-Ghost of Sparta: Kratos(God of War) vs Percy Jackson(…)

I’ll probably update this sometime down the line, don’t worry

(I don’t own any of the artwork used except for the actual design of the thumbnail.)


My Death Battle Rules

So…on DeviantArt, a lot of people write their own versions of Death Battle, from Screwattack, using characters they wanna write about. An important element of writing these is that they are researched. All the feats of a character are taken into account, and then put up against another character, and whichever character is more impressive overall will come out on top. I feel like I don’t need to go in depth since you all probably know this, but it is important to establish some rules going in to better justify your choice of a winner and conditions. So I figured I’d make some guidelines to establish how I feel about this.

Lot of these rules are somewhat inspired by NocturnBros, aka Kirsche, a very excellent writer, so thanks to her as well.

  1. Gonna make sure not to give any characters any prep time, even if they thrive on it. For example, if I used Light Yagami, he’s not allowed to know the name of his opponent before-hand, detective battles don’t have one character know the answer before the battle, etc.
  2. Winning comes down to: Death, knock-out, or BFR (Like trapping someone in another dimension). If none of these are possible, then the winner will be determined based on who has the overall superior stat-line and set of abilities as a “most likely scenario” deal, or a tie if there are absolutely no majority winners.
  3. Stat equalization is not allowed. I’d like to keep that on VBW, seems more appropriate
  4. I will use stuff outside the main-canon in terms of feats as long as it’s not a massive increase in power for said character. For instance, Rayquaza in M18 was able to fight against the Unsealed Creation Trio, which is WAAAAAAAAY above his normal showings, so this will not be considered. An exception is if I go full composite on purpose, in which case the power level of alternate continuities is irrelevant.
  5. Abilities and weapons from non-canon sources can be used in the fight for entertainment, and in the analysis as long as they have feats in their non-canon source without resorting to using their feats from another source material. I think it’s okay to have Perry the Platypus use Black Panther’s Vibranium Knives from Disney Infinity, since those knives don’t have feats and it’s a fun extra in the fight.
  6. Not gonna use crossover scaling. If I consider crossovers, I’ll only use the power levels showcased in the crossover, unless it is a joke character like my Scott the Woz bio, or in cross-game scaling in the same series, like scaling Tora to Riki due to the Challenge Battle arena in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
  7. If a series has multiple canons that are all just as important to the mythos as each other (The Sonic series or Pokémon), all canons will be considered unless they violate rule numero quatro, in which case, only the canons that keep the characters’ statistics on more even grounds will be considered (For example, all versions of Dialga will be considered for Hit vs Dialga, but the Kill la Kill IF game won’t be for Ragyo vs Black Doom even though the Archie Comics are being used, since Post-Genesis Archie Base Sonic tier characters are about on par with their game counterparts).
  8. If a character no longer has their true potential they got at some point, they will be used at their strongest feasible state. For example, Sigma would be used in his strongest battle bodies, mainly like X3 or something. However, if a character lost an ability, but got a completely new and distinct moveset, their current arsenal will be the one to be taken into consideration. However, there are exceptions to this, such as if a lost item or weapon is a super iconic part of said character’s arsenal, in which case I’d include it despite being lost.
  9. Outside help is allowed as long as it’s a standard part of the combatant’s arsenal, or if it can be matched up with opposing outside help. The Stone Army is not standard for Lord Garmadon, but when I put him against Lord Vader I would let him use it by also letting Vader command an army of Stormtroopers. The Bear Army is standard for Master Highroller, so I would include it no matter what. And characters that function as part of a character’s arsenal, like Fidget and the Blade of Ahrah for Dust, will be used.
  10. In cases where a combatant has a bunch of tools with similar names and attributes but different stats (like with RPG characters), I will combine all the different attributes of said weapons and take every advantage and disadvantage of said weapon into account. For example, Sora gets a bunch of different levels for each Keyblade in Re:Coded, so I would use them all.
  11. If a character has something like an instant revival option, or multiples of them, I will consider them as legitimate full revivals if put against characters that don’t completely destroy the opponent in a way they can’t revive.
  12. Consumable items from RPGs will be used, but limited to only the strongest versions of said consumables and only 5 items maximum. This includes Megalixirs, Phoenix Downs when FF characters are paired up in a fight, Revives on Pokemon, etc.
  13. If a character has regeneration, but their opponent severely outclasses them in power, speed, and durability, it is assumed that the superior character can win before the regeneration can come into effect. Either that, or just knock the regenerator out cold. There are a few exceptions, like Sailor Moon possibly, but generally this is how it’ll work. In addition to that, if a character is killed, but their healing factor revives them after a period of time more than 30 minutes, they will be given the loss by default, as they take too long to continue fighting the same fight, and it gives the opponent plenty of time to heal from the wounds sustained in battle, as well as to plan out another strategy.
  14. The main factors that decide the winner are strength, speed, and durability, along with hax and other abilities. Skill, experience, intelligence, choice of fighting style, etc. are important in their own way, but ultimately won’t be too necessary unless outsmarting or outfighting a character actually helps in winning the battle due to it being dead even in stats or related to time limits.
  15. I won’t consider a level of power or speed, or an ability, consistent unless it happens at least twice, unless it’s a feasible one time transformation doing said abilities. For example, in Sonic Riders 1 specifically, Sonic can instantly transform into his Super Form at the start of a race. In the first two Riders games, Sonic could become Super with one Emerald. The first would not be considered, but the second would. There are exceptions though, when the character does something once at the end of the series, or it’s never implied they can’t do it again. For example, Pig from Back at the Barnyard at one point created a Large Island Level burst of energy by burping. He never does it again, but nothing implies he can’t do it, so I’d consider it.
  16. Generally, I would like to see proof or consistency for every feat, and clearly define the limits of each one. (Basically, most dimension feats are bunk for this reason. However, if the size of the dimension is shown, such as Brooklyn Masefield’s dimension in the original Beyblade, or a lot of universe creation feats in the Beyblade Metal Saga, then I can consider it).
  17. In order for a combatant to win a fight through possession or hypnosis, it must be completely impossible for the victim to escape the mental manipulation. Mewtwo can hypnotize Shadow, for instance, but the Great Emeralds offer mental protection, so Mewtwo can’t truly win a fight against him with hypnosis alone definitively.
  18. The field will be designed to draw out the full realistic capabilities of both fighters. If I put a magnesis user in a battle against a woodbender, he wouldn’t be stuck in a completely wooden arena, it would be 50-50 metal and wood. If a character needs an item in a certain place to access his higher forms, generally he’ll be able to get to that place from where he starts.
  19. If a character can transmute the opponent into an apple, or a stone, or any sort of non-sentient or non-fighting capable object, and it can’t be undone, it’s an automatic win for the transmuter.
  20. If a character can only win with a suicide move, the fight will be considered a tieunless the suicide move user can survive the attack. For example, if Yveltal was fighting Pit and could only win by dying and killing everything else, then it’s a tie. If Vegeta used Final Explosion and won, that’s a win for Vegeta.
  21. If a character has an ability or power-up that lasts for a limited time, but their opponent has equal or superior overall stats, it is assumed that they can stall for long enough time that the power-up runs out on its own. However, if there is enough evidence to say a transformation time limit is only for the purpose of, say, gameplay balancing, then I will pretend there is no time limit. 
  22. Team or army-based fights will be determined by whether or not the leader/strongest member can survive. If the number one figure loses, the whole team goes down with it unless one of the members of the team has a way to turn the tables. Complete annihilation of the army/team is not necessary. Unless of course the army is physically stronger than the leader, such as with the Stone Army.
  23. If a combatant can only win by using a specific power-up that they can only access after a certain period of time has passed, but it’s in-character for the superior combatant to fight at his hardest for 100% of the battle and not leaving the enemy time to use their full power, I will use the power-up if there is at least one way that the character can feasibly access it. I will also bump up the characters in base form to their highest feasible level. For example, there are multiple instances of a Planet Level Base Sonic cast, so if Shadow was in a fight I’d bump him to that level. If the transformer still loses with the transformation I will include it for the sake of covering my bases. Finally, if a character CAN access a transformation at any time but chooses to start without it, I will still include the transformation in terms of figuring out the results, but I will acknowledge it as unrealistic for them to start with it. And obviously, if a character can access transformations immediately and starts with them in most fights, they’ll be covered. I will only not include a power-up if it breaks rule 24.
  24. I will use all transformations/power-ups a character can feasibly access. Much like in the last rule, I will also be taking the highest consistent possible level for each transformation, even if the second highest is ridiculously below that. For example, there are multiple Universal+ Super Sonic feats, and the second highest it goes is Large Planet. But I would consider the Universal+ stuff since it comes from at least 2-3 different instances.
  25. I won’t use any fanfiction. For example, if I used Seto Kaiba in a Death Battle, he’s not gonna turn into a dragon because I read it in a fanfiction. Super Amy won’t be a thing because it’s in fanfiction only. If the character comes from fanfiction, this is obviously not an issue.
Think that’s it really. Of course, I prefer to give characters the benefit of the doubt overall, so I think these are fine for what I have in mind. Sometimes rules were made to be malleable, but this is only on very rare occasions, so generally these should be ironclad expectations for when I write things. Just wanted to edit this to give credit. For example, I’m breaking rule 8 for Thanos vs Sigma for the sake of a more even fight and because the Infinity Gauntlet is something Thanos rarely has anyway.


Badlands Brawl List

So…yeah. Not really much to talk about here. It’s just me…saying what my DBXs are. Maybe I’ll write all of ’em, maybe not. I’ll at least try, though.

Badlands (2) by JJSliderman


The Darkest Heart of the Cards: Yami Bakura(Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Darkrai(Pokemon)

Badlands (13) by JJSliderman

Domo Arigato, Mr. Dead Roboto: R.O.B(Super Smash Bros./NES) vs Robocop(…)

Badlands (3) by JJSliderman

DDD, That’s The Name You Should Know! King Knight King, He’s the Star of the Show!: King Dedede(Kirby) vs King Knight(Shovel Knight/King of Cards)

Badlands (12) by JJSliderman

Dark Sneakers of Destiny: Solid Snake(Metal Gear Solid) vs Sly Cooper(…)

Badlands (1) by JJSliderman

Destroy the Universe? We call that… Tuesday! Frieza(Dragon Ball) vs Count Bleck(Super Paper Mario)

Badlands (15) by JJSliderman

With our Elements combined… Aang(Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Captain Planet(…)

Badlands (17) by JJSliderman

Mechanized MELEE! Dr. Wily(Mega Man) vs Bowser Jr.(Super Mario)

Badlands (14) by JJSliderman

Paint the Town Red…with your BLOOD! Inkling(Splatoon) vs De Blob(…)

Badlands (18) by JJSliderman

Your wish is my command… Prismo(Adventure Time) vs Rosalina(Super Mario)

Badlands (8) by JJSliderman

Can’t Win with Fists? Punch Harder! Little Mac(Punch-Out) vs Saitama(One Punch Man)

Badlands (7) by JJSliderman

Prepare for Trouble, and make it Double! Ratchet and Clank(…) vs Plusle and Minun(Pokemon)

Badlands (10) by JJSliderman

Nice Knights Fight at Night Outta Sight! Shovel Knight(…) vs Anakin Skywalker(Star Wars)

Badlands (4) by JJSliderman

Don’t Judge a Warrior by his Size! Steven Universe(…) vs Gumball Watterson(The Amazing World of …)

Badlands (6) by JJSliderman

Because of a dare: Dr. Fate(DC Comics) vs Zero(Mega Man X)

Badlands (5) by JJSliderman

OOOOOOOOH I’M EEEEVIILLLL: Dr. Doom(Super Hero Squad Show) vs Slade(Teen Titans Go! To the Movies)

Badlands (16) by JJSliderman

The Original vs the equally badass Homage: Akuma(Street Fighter) vs Magma Dragoon(Mega Man X)

Badlands (9) by JJSliderman

That’s my BABY!: Kangaskhan(Pokemon) vs Yoshi and Baby Mario(Yoshi’s Island)

Badlands (11) by JJSliderman

BIG. MEATY. Yellow. CLAWS!!: Wolverine(X-Men) vs Peashy(Hyperdimension Neptunia)

Badlands (19) by JJSliderman

Costume-Clad Capeless Crusaders: Crimson Chin (Fairly Oddparents) vs Ultra Lord (Jimmy Neutron)


Ratchet and Clank Analysis Blog

So, you probably don’t know me, but the PS2 is 100% my childhood console. I was raised by this thing, and it made me love video games. Many of my favorite games come from this little black brick, and among them are the three PS2 platformer mascots: Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, and of course, Ratchet and Clank.

If you could pick a de facto mascot for Insomniac Games, or even the PS2 in general, Ratchet and Clank would be top contenders. While I do prefer the world, characters, and stories of the Jak series overall, the original, Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, and Deadlocked are some of my favorite games on the system, and I’ve played all of them over 9 times in my life because I enjoy them so much.

Which is why today, I’m talking about something completely unrelated to the game’s quality and instead focusing on VS stats!

Okay, so I’ve noticed on a few vs sites that cover R&C that they tend to…underestimate the series overall power level, and especially their speed and strength. So I’m here to try to rectify that as best as I can, and hopefully by the end of this you too will have a firm grasp of their power.

Should Ratchet and Clank’s Physicality scale to their weapons?

Now this is a common problem with a lot of characters that rely on guns. Because they don’t physically fight anyone, they can’t really scale to their weapons DC in terms of their physicality. Meaning they can dish out a lot of damage, but can’t take that much in return.

However, for Ratchet and Clank, I find this argument to be rather silly.

Yes, the weapons do more damage than Ratchet’s melee attacks, but very rarely in the series is a weapon actually required. In fact, you can beat every enemy with Ratchet’s wrench alone. The same enemies that also regularly tank Ratchet’s weaponry. Off the top of my head, there are a few instances where Ratchet does use a weapon in a cutscene, but generally it’s just to hit something he can’t reach with his wrench, like on Siberia to free the Protopet, or Snivelak to open Angela’s cage

This isn’t even just limited to gameplay, as seen in the opening of Tools of Destruction:

And that throne is actually the final boss of the game. So yes, I do think Ratchet should scale physically to his weapon’s destructive power, but perhaps be a little below it since the weapons do output more power.


How powerful are Ratchet’s weapons?

Well, let’s start off with the first game. 

In that adventure, the main antagonist Chairman Drek had two different planet-busting weapons created to destroy Veldin, the Planet Buster Maximus and the Deplanetizer. But also in that game is a black-market weapon called the R.Y.N.O (Rip Ya a New One), which is easily the strongest weapon in Ratchet’s arsenal at the time.

Now, jump 3 or 4 adventures ahead, to when the super-guns known as the R.Y.N.O IV and V, were created, which utterly dwarfed the R.Y.N.O in power and were so dangerous they were outlawed in 7 galaxies.

Think about that. Guns like the Deplanetizer, or missiles like the PBM weren’t outlawed…but these things were. Which means that Ratchet, at bare minimum, is packing weapons powerful than planet busters.

Moving on, in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet acquires a gun called the Rift Inducer, which is upgradeable to the Rift Ripper. The gun fires out what is stated to be a black hole, which sucks in almost anything that comes in contact with it. Generally, black holes of this size should be around Planet-Large Planet Level, which makes sense given guns like the R.Y.N.O IV and V. In fact, Ratchet acquires a similar gun known as the Vortex/Singularity Grenade in Into the Nexus.

Rift Inducer:

Black Hole radius is about half of Ratchet’s height, so 2.5 feet.

Black Hole Mass = (299792458² * .762) / (2 * 6.67408e-11)= 5.1306805e+26 kg

Energy=5.1306805e+26*8.9875518e+16=4.6112257e+43 Joules, Large Star Level
Singularity Grenade:


Black Hole radius is a little more than Ratchet’s height, being about 5.75 feet tall this time.

Black Hole Mass = (299792458² * 0.8763) / (2 * 6.67408e-11)= 5.9002826e+26 kg

Energy=5.9002826e+26*8.9875518e+16=5.3029096e+43 Joules, Large Star Level
Then, in Ratchet Deadlocked, Ratchet acquires a gun called the Harbinger/Supernova, which is stated to be more powerful than all of his previous guns: The Harbinger is Vox Industries’ answer to its two biggest competitors: The Apocolator and the RYNO. Shellshock says, “Those two guns are like sissies. Weak sissies from the sissiest place in Sissyland.” Essentially, the gun uses a satellite cannon and meteors to rain destruction from above. Also, the Landstalker is stated to have the power to destroy a small star system, and is a fodder enemy that Ratchet defeats several of throughout the game.


And finally, we have the reboot, where Dr. Nefarious actually uses the power of a dwarf star to power his Gadgetron Insta-Mech, and Ratchet defeats it. After he defeats Nefarious, the good doctor falls into the star and causes it to blow up. in the movie, it’s shown Nefarious survived this before being turned into a robot. Whether this makes Ratchet Star Level is up to interpretation, however.

EDIT: Okay so I kinda forgot about Secret Agent Clank, because everyone forgets about that game, but in it Clunk has this laser that is powered by the Eye of Infinity, which he states is powerful enough to blow up every planet in the galaxy in one blast. It’s impossible to tell the size of every planet in the galaxy, or how many planets are in the galaxy, in terms of the number present in the games it’s at least 80 planets or planet-sized space stations, while there are 100 billion planets in the Milky Way Galaxy as a reference point. Using a baseline of 80 planets, the destructive power would be 1.6*10^34 Joules, which is a somewhat low-end Large Planet Level. Using 100 billion planets, it’s 2*10^43 Joules, which is Large Star Level. It’s possible that Ratchet’s highest tier guns may be capable of scaling to the destructive power of this laser, namely the R.Y.N.O variants and above, but it is questionable.

Hax Abilities:

Ratchet has multiple forms of transmutation thanks to guns like the Qwack-O-Ray, Boar-Zooka, Morph-O-Ray, Winterizer, Pork Bomb Gun, Mootator, Critter Strike, Chimp-O-Matic and Sheepinator. Some of these guns, like the Qwack-O-Ray, Sheepinator, and Mootator, can be upgraded so the targets explode and damage foes when they get near, the Chimp-O-Matic and several others can affect robots as well as organics, and the Critter Strike turns enemies into T-Rex minions that serve Ratchet. Ratchet himself even seems to have some transmutation resistance, as when Nefarious used his Bio-bliterator to turn all the organics on Metropolis into robots, Ratchet wasn’t affected at all:

Some of Ratchet’s guns are also capable of freezing something to almost Absolute-Zero temperatures, namely the Freeze mod in Deadlocked and the Cryoshot in Full Frontal Assault. In fact, the Nano-Swarmers have something known as a Zero Kelvin Diode, and Zero Kelvin is pretty much Absolute Zero.


The Infector, acquired from Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal fires out a glob of infectious goo, which upon hitting an enemy makes them turn on their comrades before eventually being destroyed by the gun’s power. 

Guns like Ratchet’s Defragmenter are capable of phasing through solid objects to attack foes, and can even pass through multiple enemies.

The Nightmare Box is capable of deploying an entity which is so fear-inducing, it either makes enemies run away in terror or makes them attack the box instead of Ratchet.

The Temporal/Quantum Repulsor uses quantum energy to trap enemies in stasis bubbles where they cannot escape until the bubble expires.

Guns like the Nano-Swarmers and Netherbeasts/Netherfiends deploy things like swarms of nano-insects or beasts from alternate dimensions to attack Ratchet’s foes for him.

The Nano-Swarmers can also be upgraded to the Toxic Swarmers, which infect enemies with Zanifarian Death Venom and poison them to death. The Acid Bomb Glove can also be used to spray enemies with acid that burns them severely.

If used on smaller enemies, the Suck Cannon acts as BFR by sucking them into the barrel of the gun, where they remain until Ratchet shoots them out as ammo.

The Taunter and Decoy Glove are capable of manipulating enemies into doing certain things that leave Ratchet unharmed as they attack other targets, which are created by the Decoy Glove.

The Groovitron forces enemies to stop in place and dance as long as it is active, and can be upgraded to the Golden Groovitron so it has unlimited uses.

The Static Barrier is a weapon that uses static electricity in the air and converts it into a shield for usage of defense.

Thanks to Clank’s Time Bombs and the Zoni Gun, Ratchet is capable of slowing down time to a crawl in a certain space a nigh-infinite amount of times. However, the Time Bombs can only be used one at a time.

The Thundersmack allows Ratchet to control the weather, generating storm clouds to zap enemies with lightning.

Speedy Furries:

So the verse is kind of at Hypersonic+ to Massively Hypersonic right now and I…don’t know why.

The entire concept of the series is playing as a duo hopping across galaxies to save the universe, and they are star pilots. With that said, it’s fair imo to scale their reactions to the speed of their ships, seeing as Tools of Destruction shows they’re perfectly capable of combatting enemies at these speeds:

So, with that said, there are multiple different ways to find the top speed of Ratchet’s ship, but I feel like the best place is in the first game.
That right there is a map of the Solana Galaxy. The planet farthest to the left is Veldin. The planet farthest to the right is Pokitaru. As you can see, they’re pretty much an entire galaxy apart, longways.


The average loading screen in this game (which is the traveling between planets part) is about 11 seconds on average. However, assuming this is a bit too small of a timeframe, let’s also use mid and lowballs of 1 minute and 5 minutes respectively. It shouldn’t be any more than that considering that this is Ratchet’s home planet and he kinda needs to get there in a hurry. The diameter of a galaxy is about 105,700.0834 light years across, but since they aren’t exactly an entire galaxy apart, let’s just round it to about 100,000 light years.

Lowball: 10519199474.5 times lightspeed
52595997372.7 times lightspeed
286887258397 times lightspeed

And again, all of this scales to Ratchet’s reactions. Unfortunately, this is pretty much the limit of how fast Ratchet can be. Yes, he does travel between galaxies, but generally those galaxies are either very close to each other (Polaris to Solana), or he gets warped there (Bogon to Solana). The Great Clock being located in the center of the universe could have made for good speed, except it’s located in the Breegus sector, which is where Ratchet spends his entire adventure.

Also as a bit feat, there’s this Tyrrhanoid enemy in Up Your Arsenal:

This enemy’s beams travel in a straight line, burn upon touching the ground, is a constant stream, and can be reflected by Ratchet’s Refractor gadget. Therefore, it seems fair to classify them as legitimate lasers, and since Ratchet can dodge these shots point-blank, it makes Ratchet at least Relativistic+.


Eat your heart out Sanic.


Physicality: At least Large Star Level, City Level to possibly Dwarf Star in the reboot, in terms of both strength and weapon destructive capability. Durability is roughly the same as his strength.

Speed: Beyond Massively Faster than Light, anywhere from 10.5 billion to 286.8 billion times the speed of light.

In summation Jak and Daxter never should have picked a fight with them.


Kung Fu Panda Revision Thread Parts 1 and 2

So remember when I made that post about Crane? Well, back then I kinda considered it an outlier because most of the verse is far weaker than that. Well…Paws of Destiny came along and sorta shat on that because WOW.

So I might as well just start from the beginning because there’s a few things you need to know.

The Wellspring

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So, remember the ending of Kung Fu Panda 3, and how all the characters used chi to help Po? Well, doing this gave Po access to his Hero’s Chi, an element introduced in Legends of Awesomeness during the episode “Enter the Dragon”, where the Peach Tree gave him Hero’s Chi briefly to fight Ke Pa and his demons. So now he just has that at all times.

Now, the movie made it seem like this was something that came from within, and that’s partially true. However, Paws of Destiny retconned it so that the Pandas aren’t just teachers of chi, they’re guardians of a mystical artifact called the Wellspring, which was hidden in a peach statue. This Wellspring gave them access to their chi, and when it was sealed away, that’s what caused them to lose their chi, exemplified by how the unlocking of the Wellspring gave them back their chi. The Wellspring is also stated numerous times to be the source of all chi in the universe:

Episode 1, 13:09

and in this universe chi is basically the energy that makes up all living things. This will be important for later.

The Spirit Realm

So, in Kung Fu Panda, there’s two different locations of interest. There’s the mortal world, which is where most of the series takes place, and then there’s the Spirit World, an ethereal dimension focused on heavily in this series and in the 3rd movie. Remember Tai Lung and the Wu-Xi Finger Hold? Yeah, that sent him here. So, what is the spirit world?

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Well, according to the wiki, it’s described as a place beyond our earthly realm of existence, meaning that it’s a separate dimension (obviously). The rules of the mortal world don’t apply here, so you can go over the horizon and end up back where you started in seconds, you can dig underground and end up falling from the sky, etc. So how big is it?

Well, according to White Tiger in Episode 12, 18:11, “The Spirit World is defined by those within it. It has no true borders. He could be anywhere” (He referring to Jiandiao).

So, yes, the Spirit World is infinite in size. Again, this will be important for later. Also, fun fact, in development it was known as “The Celestial Realm” and contained a bunch of stars and galaxies and shit. Again, this is just in development, but I figured it was worth noting.

The Eternal Chord/Anti Chord

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So, in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, in the episode “Eternal Chord”, it’s revealed that in the beginning, the KFP universe was just a mass of chaos. That is, until 5 instruments, the Wu-Di instruments, came about and played a chord so harmonious, it shaped the entire universe into what it is today. And so, there was a sect created by a race of demons known as the Yaoguai, who sought to create the Anti-Chord, a counter to the Eternal Chord that would revert the universe into its primal, more chaotic state. In fact, they almost succeeded, creating the Anti-Chord with the Wu-Di instruments and summoning a void to swallow the universe. That is, until Po used the instruments himself to create his own Eternal Chord, countering the Anti-Chord and saving the universe. This is important because it wasn’t just the instruments themselves. It was also Po, channeling his energy and harmonizing with the instruments to create the Chord. This implies that the process of the Eternal Chord, and likely the Anti-Chord as well, comes about as a mixture of the Wu-Di instruments and the energy of the parties using said instruments harmonizing together. This is important because a Yaoguai actually appears in Paws of Destiny, and is rather fodderized.

So, might as well talk about the feats.

Most of the stuff is something you could probably guess already. The CB calc of Kai shattering rock, the Large Building calc of Tai Lung striking Po into the earth, the Hypersonic calc due to Po running fast enough to ablate his hands, and Subsonic+ to Supersonic stuff from dodging cannonballs. So I might as well talk about some lesser known stuff.
First off is this post I made about Crane, which mainly applies to the mid tiers (i.e characters who don’t have god chi). Mainly the Furious Five, Shifu, Fenghuang, Junjie, Temutai, Hundun, Master Chao, and a lot of the other characters from the show, along with Kai being above said mid-tiers:

Crane on an Outlier?Well I was watching the Kung Fu Panda TV show recently and something…interesting, caught my eye.
So, the feat is around 19:24. Po gets knocked off Crane’s back and Crane flies all the way from the mountains to the valley to catch him, all in about two seconds. So how fast is it? Idk. But I’ll give it a shot.
Now, the show never makes it clear where, but the Valley of Peace is based off the Lijiang River Valley. The mountains Crane was in are never specified, but since they are specifically referred to as the Northern Mountains, and they aren’t that high above the ground, we’ll assume it to be Mount Wutai, the highest mountain in Northern China.
Mount Wutai is about 3058 meters off the ground, and the distance between the Li River Valley in Guilin and Mount Wutai is 1930 km. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we find the distance Crane flew to be about 1930002.42263 m. The

Black Tortoise Defends the Planet

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So this is a fairly straightforward one. In Episode 2, 5:21, Master Black Tortoise conjures a shield bigger than the Earth, and stops a meteor from crashing into it. Seeing as Master Tortoise went to all the trouble to create such an enormous shield, it’s likely this meteor was capable of doing some serious damage. A meteor the size of Mount Everest is enough to wipe out all life over time and hits with about 1.3844593e+23 Joules, or Country Level.

Higher yield meteors could also yield greater results in the Continent to Multi-Continent Range, or it could just be straight up planet busting since, again, the shield that blocked it is bigger than the planet.

With that said, this is anywhere from Country to Planet Level. Scales to Bao, since he was the one blessed with Black Tortoises’ chi, the other Panda Constellation warriors since their chi should be on par with Black Tortoises’, Po since he’s the Dragon Master and one of the strongest Kung Fu masters around, and Jiandiao at full power since he was superior to all four Constellation Warriors individually.
Speaking of the Constellation Warriors, I’m not entirely sure where they should be at. Given their name, and the fact that there are actual constellations that appear when their power is brought forth and inherited by the Pandas, that possibly means they have the power of the stars themselves. However, this is potentially just a visual effect. It should be noted, however, that they were the ones who sealed the Wellspring’s power to begin with, so that could mean something.

Episode 1, 9:55

However, nothing outright confirms this and it’s possible they’re just names and references to Chinese folklore. I guess you could just chalk it down as “At least Country Level, likely Planet Level, possibly Multi-Solar System Level”.

Po Transforms the Spirit World

Remember how I talked about the Spirit World being infinite in size? Well…

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Kung Fu Panda 3, 1:14:01.
At this moment, Po, after absorbing the chi of all the Pandas, transformed into his Master of Chi form and warped the entire Spirit Realm as far as we can see into a golden realm. This isn’t just a cosmetic thing either:

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So, depending on how much peace is present, the realm changes to suit this, which is also shown in Paws of Destiny when Jindiao turns the entire realm back into its chaotic state upon arriving and staying for long enough. This effectively means Po’s peace power was strong enough to overrule the chaos caused by Kai and reality warp the entire Spirit World Universe into a peaceful realm, which likely qualifies as Universal-Universal+ reality warping power. Which is certainly very impressive. But now we get to the big one: Jindiao.

Jindiao absorbs the Wellspring

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So, the main goal of the villain of the series, Jindiao, is to absorb the power of the Constellation Warriors and then the Wellspring (which as stated earlier contains all chi in the universe), and use it to become a god. And in the end, he does just that. He discards his weak vulture body, absorbs the chi of the Constellation Warriors, taps into the power of the Wellspring, and regains his old body along with the Wellspring’s power:

Episode 12, 1:34, “The Wellspring is open! Under my Control!”

What this means is that Jindiao, in his dragon form, has the power of all the chi in the universe, which means the power of all living matter in the universe. Meaning that every living thing in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE had its energy transferred to Jindiao. Why is this important?

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Because Jindiao was fought by Po in Po’s dragon form, the Constellation Warriors created a blast powerful enough to hurt Jindiao, and the pandas of Panda Village teamed up to deliver a blast strong enough to force Jindiao’s soul out of his body so he could be sealed in the Spirit Urn(Episode 13, 11:03). Therefore, at minimum, Po and the Constellation Warriors should scale to Jindiao in the Spirit World, while in the human world all the pandas together should be comparable to Jindiao, with Po and the Constellation Warrior Pandas above them by a significant degree due to having Hero’s Chi versus just regular chi.

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Finally, kind of a random one, but Jindiao also states that “heaven and earth could be united as one”(Episode 13, 5:29), which could mean realm merging and Low Multiverse AP, but more likely it’s simply flowery language referring to having paradise in the mortal world. Still something worth nothing, I guess.

Dragon Po goes fast

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So, at one point in Paws of Destiny, Po turns into a dragon and tracks down Jindiao, who has stolen his Hero’s Chi.

(Episode 12, 20:36)

Now, since Po knows where Jindiao is, he can head straight for him, so none of that searching the entire universe stuff like Megaman.EXE did. No, instead we’re going to focus on something else:
The legitimacy of this statement is up for debate, but this would effectively mean Po was zipping around looking for Jindiao in 0 time, which would equate to infinite speed for Po in the Spirit Realm. However, if you don’t buy the idea of 0 time in the Spirit World, let’s just gauge a rough estimate. Now, we don’t exactly know how far away the beach where Po starts is compared to where Jindiao is, but generally speaking the temple where Po had his battle with Kai seems to be a central location in the Spirit World. So let’s just assume the distance Po traveled is 1/4 of the diameter of the universe, or 23 billion, 250 million light years. Since Po is in a hurry to stop Jindiao, we’ll assume a five minute timeframe. Plugging this in gets 2.4456618e+15 c as an example number, Beyond Massively Faster than Light. Again, this number is probably not accurate, seeing as the perspective of the Spirit World is wacky, it has infinite size, and it has no concept of time. That said, if it’s not infinite speed, it should at least be some degree of MFTL+ travel seeing as Po is physically flying and not just teleporting.

New Abilities:

Thanks to the Constellation Warriors, Chi now has the power to:
Bestow energy

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Create weapons

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Resistance to Dream Manipulation

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Create defensive barriers

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Heal status ailments

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Slow down time
Put opponents at peace

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Blast energy


Remove souls from bodies

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Disintegrate things
Offers mindhax resistance 
Resistance to life manipulation 
Outright immunity to having their powers stolen in the Spirit World

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And some sealing with the Spirit Urn.

Jindiao, the main villain of Paws of Destiny, also has some pretty decent hax, such as:

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Sleep Manipulation

Screen Shot 2019-06-06 at 1.01.02 PM by JJSlidermanDream Manipulation/Life Energy Absorption


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Portal Creation 

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Possession and Mind Manipulation
Immortality via stealing chi
The ability to remove his spirit from a host body

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and power nullification.

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His dragon form also gained the power to rip open tears between dimensions, which is explicitly described as a result of him powering up to a level beyond even the Constellation Warriors by Black Tortoise.
And the Panda Village Pandas can use chi for holding enemies in place and soul removal.


So, essentially what I propose is this.
The Low Tiers, namely Lord Shen and likely Tai Lung, should be Large Building Level and Subsonic+ via being able to contend with Kung Fu Panda 1/2 Po, who could survive being kicked so hard he formed a crater, and dodged arrows.
The Mid Tiers, namely the Furious Five, Shifu, Fenghuang, Junjie, Hundun, Temutai, most of the other villains from Legends of Awesomeness, and Kai, should scale to or be above Crane, who has likely MHS+ flight/reaction speed and MCB/Small Town Kinetic Energy as a result.
The Panda Village Pandas collectively should be about Country-Planet Level to possibly High Universe Level, since their chi collectively should be comparable to Black Tortoises’ meteor stopping feat and they were able to restrain Jindiao with the Constellation Warriors and Po, although they shouldn’t scale to the speed aspect.
The Panda Constellation Warriors individually should be about Country-Planet Level to possibly MSS-High Universe Level via scaling to Black Tortoises’ feat, the possibility of the Constellation Warrior chi actually being powered by stellar energy, and being able to harm Dragon Jindiao with their attacks. They should also probably scale to Po’s feat of flight in his dragon form (Yeah Po can turn into a dragon in the Spirit World), so they should have MFTL+ speed.
Finally, Po and Jindiao should be High Universal via Jindiao being able to control all chi in the universe and likely being superior to the Eternal and Anti-Chord which can create and unmake the universe, with Po being able to fight Jindiao and reality warp the entire Spirit World into a realm of peace. And of course, they should also scale to the MFTL+ speed stuff. I think Oogway might be able to scale to this, but I’m hesitant since that would also put Kai on a similar level when he was clearly established as inferior to Master of Chi Po. I suppose he could just be a far lower degree of High Universal, or just be Country-Planet to MSS via being superior to the Constellation Warriors individually.

So, tl;dr:

Large Building and Subsonic+ Shen/Tai Lung tier
MHS+ and CB Furious Five Tier
Country-Planet, possibly High Universal for the entire Panda Village combined
Country-Planet, possibly MSS Constellation Warriors, likely High Universal, with MHS+ to higher speed (only in the Spirit World)
Country-Planet, likely High Universal Po and Jindiao, possibly Oogway, with MHS+ to higher (only in the Spirit World)

Part 2

Let me address something real quick. Some might say to disprove this that Po and the constellations struggle with enemies who are realistically far below them, and that’s true. There’s a key reason for that though.

Simply put, Po and the constellations are ONLY High Universe level in AP when using chi to attack enemies. Physically, they’re on a far lower tier, which is why they can fight people way below Jindiao and still have a hard time. They’re just not using chi to attack.

With that cleared up, this is probably gonna be a shorter post than the last one because Paws of Destiny Season 1 Part 2 doesn’t explicitly have blatant tier 3 feats, it’s more just adding powers, save for one big thing at the end.

Going in order of the season, the first notable thing is that Fan-Tong can now generate fire with his chi.

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Oogway has Dream Manipulation and possible Battlefield Removal, seeing as he was able to send Po to the Spirit World to talk with him in Po’s dream:


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In the second episode, we’re introduced to Sun Wukong. Yes, THE Sun Wukong, the monkey trickster god. And he’s got quite an array of powers.


He has the ability to summon rainstorms:

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He can pull people into a dreamworld like Freddy Kreuger:


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He can use his own shadow to attack people:


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He can create ninja stars and other weapons out of thin air:


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He can shrink people:


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He can turn people’s body parts into other things, like fluffy pillows:


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He can turn people into a scroll:


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He can levitate objects:


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He can summon fire as well:


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He can create a pocket dimension that likely contains a star, seeing as the point of said dimension was to give Fan-Tong a nightmare about seeing his shadow, which would only be possible with natural light:


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He can duplicate himself (although his clones have a weakness in that none of them have shadows):


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He can curse people to stay in his village for 500 years if they don’t escape before dawn:


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He can put a small glowing orb in the sky, small enough to hold in the hand, and make it appear to be a sun through his illusions:


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And finally, he can shapeshift (although he still has his tail when he does):


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In the end, he’s also shown to be able to communicate with the gods by talking to the sun. For the record, these powers do indeed work outside of dreams:


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Outside of that, all the Panda Village pandas have enhanced senses, shown by how Li-Shan was able to sense the trail of chi the Wellspring left behind when it was stolen.


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Stolen for what, though? Well, to put into this:


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This is called Red Jade. It’s a material Wukong stole from the gods generations ago, able to both absorb and expel energy. The villain, Shilong, stole the Wellspring to put its chi into the Red Jade in order to power her Terra-Cotta Warriors, which are capable of regenerating themselves, as well as shooting beams from their Red Jade cores. The only way to defeat them is by breaking that Red Jade.


The main villain, the White Bone Demon, is shown to have both telekinesis and shadow manipulation, as well as soul eating in a story told by a rooster later on:

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Later on, the Bone Demon gets put into a set of iron armor, is amped by the power of the Wellspring just like Jindiao, and also possess Wukong’s magic crown that is capable of amplifying stats, which means that the Bone Demon is likely even stronger than Jindiao.


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The Bone Demon also no-sells a lot of the chi attacks from the Four Constellations, and because of the Wellspring amp, I think scaling her to the highest tiers in both AP and Durability is pretty fair:


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Although, eventually Nu Hai and Po are able to stagger it with their chi, so they should be comparable:


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Nu-Hai demonstrates weapon mastery by skillfully using a sword:


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Chi is shown to be capable of solidifying lava:


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The Wellspring, as stated by Sun Wukong himself, is the source of “all light and life” in the universe. Some might say this is metaphorical, standing moreso for good, justice, and other positive ideals, but not only is this contradicted by the fact that the Wellspring contains chi and chi is basically energy that can enhance those who are buffed by it, but releasing the wellspring in the ending causes the end of the drought in China, brings back the sunlight, and even makes plants grow. So I think it can be taken seriously:


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Assuming the statement of the wellspring being the source of all light is true, someone was kind enough to state how potent this would be:


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Thanks to GyroNutz for this.


However, I discovered that there might actually be closer to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (That’s 1 sextillion) stars in the universe. Redoing the calculation with this number gets 1.653264e+65 Joules, which is a very high end Multi-Solar System Level.

So yeah, if High Universe Level sounds a bit too unfeasible, then that can probably be a next highest step you can take.

Later on, Jade Tusk, a character from the first half of the season that’s about Furious Five tier, is capable of tying up and restraining Sun Wukong (depowered):

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This isn’t entirely an outlier, either, as Fan-Tong was able to injure Wukong without his chi in the village. So, if Wukong is indeed Star Level, then it’s possible that Furious Five tier characters could be around that level as well. Of course, this is just a possibility. And it might not even matter for reasons I’ll get to in a little.
Wukong’s Crown allows the one wearing it to control Wukong’s actions (Wukong can also turn giant):
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Wukong fights evenly with the Bone Demon while not wearing the crown (although it’s possible that Nu wearing the crown was subconsciously giving its energy to Wukong throughout the fight).


And in the ending, the Wellspring’s chi power is released, and is now within everyone:

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Yep. The great, powerful Wellspring, with its limitless chi energy, the ability to grant Jindiao infinite energy, the thing that could generate Multi-Solar System Levels of power, it’s just in the hands of everyone now. They also possess a portion of the Wellspring’s chi. This theoretically means that everyone in China, maybe the entire world, now has comparable energy to the Wellspring. This could mean one of three things.


It either means nothing and the stats are exactly the same as they were in the first half of S1. It could mean that everyone, including the Furious Five, Shifu, Mr. Ping, and the villains from Legends of Awesomeness along with the other Kung Fu Masters, have a portion of that MSS power. Or it could mean that they’re all High Universe level to a far lower degree than Po and the Constellations. We won’t really know until the third season happens, so just consider this a possibly for now.

No new speed things sadly, so let’s tally it up.

Furious Five tier pre-S1 finale: At least Large Building Level, possibly Star Level via scaling to Jade Tusk and non-chi Fan-Tong harming and being comparable to a depowered Wukong, who created a dimension that likely has a star in it.

Top/God Tiers (Po, Constellations, Jindiao, White Bone Demon, Wukong with his crown): At least Multi-Solar System Level, likely High Universe Level via scaling to or being Wellspring amped characters.

Furious Five tier post-S1 finale: At least Large Building Level, possibly Solar System Level to High Universe Level via receiving a portion of the Wellspring’s power.

Everyone Else: Normal Human Level, possibly Solar System Level to High Universe Level via receiving a portion of the Wellspring’s power.

And that’s about it. When the third season happens I’ll make a third one of these, but that probably won’t be for a while.


Tumbleweed Goes Fast

If you’ve seen the show you’ll understand.

So, I’ve been watching a lot of Wander over Yonder. It’s a pretty damn good show I’m annoyed didn’t get a third season because it really deserved one. But more importantly in this case, it’s also quite strong. Surprisingly powerful, actually. So I’m here to focus on a speed feat that is definitely impressive.

In the episode “The Gift”, Wander and Sylvia use a chronal jet stream to travel throughout the cosmos and deliver presents to everyone they’ve ever met in the last season…of their lives. And they’re fast enough to react and throw presents while riding this jet stream so it scales to their reactions. How fast is it?

For this one, we’re gonna be using the World Razer method from Star Wars, except instead of wiping out planets, it’s giving gifts to all the planets.

The average distance between stars is 5 light years, so for 100 billion it is 500000000000 LY. One day means 86400 seconds, or 5.47495976*10^22 m/s. Dividing by the speed of light gets about 1.82625e+14 c, or 182.625 trillion times lightspeed. Which is actually fairly consistent with the times that Wander and Sylvia outright move far outside of the galaxy in seconds in “The Family Reunion” and “The End of the Galaxy”

So that’s already like…really fast. But I reckon we can do better.


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Yeah, so…the wiki describes them as traveling the universe instead of just the galaxy. Now, this is probably a huge outlier, but just for fun let’s calc it.

Same 5 LY distance between stars, so for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars that’s 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 LY. Divide that by 86400 seconds to get 5.4749598e+32 m/s, or 1.82625e+24 times lightspeed, or 1.82625 SEPTILLION times the speed of light.

Again, probably a humungous outlier, but I felt it was worth noting.

Jesus Christ Craig McCracken, can you tone it down a bit?


Chowder Feats

Ah what the heck, gonna do one of these verse blogs on Chowder cuz why not.

Grubble Gum Trouble

So this one is just kind of a gag feat, but at the end of the episode Grubble Gum, Chowder eats a piece of gum that actually is the entire planet except it’s really tiny while Chowder looks at it. It’s not applicable to anything, I just thought it was funny.


King of the Sky

So this guy is pretty much the god tier of the verse. No one scales to him.


His main thing is that he’s responsible for all of Marzipan City’s weather, including:

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Giant Soda Splashes

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Strong Wind, And Giant Clouds capable of dealing enormous punches. The amount of wind he can make is likely comparable to a tornado, which generally deal out MCB+ levels of destructive capability.


Yet another character no one scales to:

Yeah, this guy is strong enough to hold up an entire city with one hand.


Let’s just assume that Marzipan City is about the size of Manhattan Island. That would still make it weigh about 4,176,000+2,394,111+123,123+2,683+352,950+118,159,600 tons or 125,208,467 tons. That’s about Class G lifting strength right there, with ONE HAND.

A Taste of Explosions

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So this one is pretty simple. There’s a big explosion at the taste of Marzipan Festival, and the characters tank it. I don’t know how to calculate it exactly, but it seems pretty impressive.

The Moldy Yeast Fighters

So in this episode, Chowder is corrupted by mold and turned into a giant, and Mung turns into a giant using yeast to fight him. They very casually knock over buildings in their scuffle, although this is from an amp.


The Sleep Eater

So, whenever Chowder’s appetite clock is out of wack, he becomes a sleep eater when he goes to sleep. According to Mung, Sleep Eaters have the strength of a bear plus a gorilla. This is definitely at least Wall Level qualifications.

Shnitzel’s Fuckin’ Hench

Pretty standard lifting strength feat, likely only applicable to Schnitzel, moving on.

Giant Cake

So, this feat has already been calculated, but know that the speed is probably a lot higher given that there’s a ton of times in the climb where Schnitzel is forced to a lower part of the giant because of Chowder.

Galaxy-Brain Plays

Essentially, Chowder reality-warps the Chowder universe into a talk-show, and then it’s all reversed by destroying his enormous brain. Could qualify as some high level of reality warping, but it’s not made clear whether it’s just Marzipan City or the entire Chowder universe that’s affected.

Cream Puffs Can Kill

So, in one episode, Chowder’s hand inflates to enormous sizes. Later in the episode, we see the hand tipping over an entire stadium, as well as knocking buildings aside rather casually. This is important since Mung takes hits from Chowder with this hand, and even overpowers it at one point using his own cream-puff hand. However, the cream-puff induced AP is only temporary.


After Chowder eats about a hundred flaming peppers (which is probably a feat in itself), Chowder is capable of releasing enough fire to burn the entirety of Mung’s Catering Company, and everyone is capable of tanking these fire blasts, albeit with serious burns. And that was a non-open wide version of the fire breath.


Flying Flinger-Lingon Catastrophe

Essentially, Chowder, Schnitzel, Mung, and the rest of the Flinger-Lingons catapult all around the giant bread bowl stadium and cause it to be collapsed completely. Given that this is a group effort and it’s non-violent fragmentation, I’d assume the results would be kinda low overall, but still.

Bacon Lettuce and Tomato

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Two notable things here, the fact that Chestnut can lift up the sidewalk and the buildings on it with ease, and the fact that Mung can walk on hot coals without much difficulty.


The Trouble with Fourth Wall Breaking

Nothing much happens in Trouble with Truffles, but it does show one of the many times Chowder characters are capable of actually breaking reality and revealing the white space behind it.

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It also shows how Schnitzel, Mung, and Chowder can spontaneously grow hair.

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Won Ton Time Travel

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This episode clarifies that Chowder characters can time travel by going into thought bubbles. Which is pretty crazy honestly.


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Also Master Lo Mein can teleport I guess, which makes sense given the amount of toon force in this show.

Jeffrey’s Wrath: Deadly Maze

This episode clarifies Chowder can speak bird. Also he seems to be the only one not disgusted by the CGI Minotaur Baby so…eh.


Big Ball/Brain Freeze

Turns out there are some more non-scaleable characters, one of which being this Bowser-looking guy who’s strong enough to lift a stadium and throw it into the trash with zero effort. Brain Freeze also shows how Chowder can resist freezing for quite a long time, and has a way to escape from it.


The Snail Car/The Lollistops

Mung’s new Snail Car, the S-86, is fast enough to reach the edge of space in about a second. This doesn’t scale to anyone’s reactions, just the Snail Car’s speed, although the characters can move while being pushed back in their seats at these speeds.

Generally, it takes about 30 miles to reach the dark part of space, so 30 miles in 1 second is about Mach 140.758892128, or Massively Hypersonic. Again, unsure about scaling it to reactions but maybe possible. In the companion episode, Chowder actually brings down an entire building just by spitting out his extra teeth.

Paint the Town/The BlackoutScreen Shot 2019-04-20 at 10.03.11 PM by JJSliderman

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So in this episode, Chowder gets a set of finger paints that allow him to create basically anything. He eventually loses them by the end of the episode, but still. Also this episode clarifies that every time Chowder characters reveal a patch of white space, that space is actually an alternate parallel dimension. So that’s interesting. The Blackout also features our fourth non-scaleable entity, the Tower of Power, which is actually capable of re-energizing the sun upon being activated.


The Chain Recipe

Here, Mung basically survives being crapped on by the universe for about a day or so. And they really try to kill him too.

The Garden/Sheboodles

Here, Truffles reveals that her voice actually has minor Chlorokinesis, capable of making the Schrubarb Plant grow to enormous size. Schnitzel is also strong enough to cut down the tree in a couple strikes. There’s also a non-scaleable thing in that a plant that eats Chowder has an entire dimension inside of it somehow, but no one interacts with the plant itself in a meaningful way. In Sheboodles, Todd, a sort of fodder character, tanks being blasted out of a cannon into space with not even a scratch. Also, Todd and Gazpacho both have space boots which are capable of boosting them up high distances.


Gazpacho Moves In

This episode reveals a new dish, the Multi-Rye Sandwich. Anyone who eats it has a duplicate made of themselves on the spot.

The Grape Worm

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Not only does this episode further show off how bottomless Chowder’s stomach is, to the point that getting stuck in it is pretty much BFR, but it also shows that Gazpacho has a hot air balloon in his stand.

Tofu Town Showdown

This episode shows that Schnitzel has telekinesis, is an accomplished meatfighter, and has Super Saiyan Hair. He can also throw about 20 strikes in a second, so that’s pretty fast. That’s about it. Granted, the whole thing was a story told by Chowder, but hey, it could be possible. Also they pulled off an amazing anime parody. 

The Blast Raz

This episode shows that Gazpacho has access to super strong glue to restrain opponents if need be. He’s also fast enough to glue Mung and Schnitzel to their seats before anyone notices, and they pull the same trick on him later.

The Poultry Geist/The Spookiest House in Marzipan

This episode shows that Chowder has possession resistance to some degree, and that Mung can actually go outside the world of Marzipan and influence it. Mung and Schnitzel also have a necronomicon that can open portals.

Belgian Waffle Slobber Barker/Apprentice Scouts

This episode, aside from showing more of Chowder’s fourth-wall breaking, introduces a new dish called the Crazy Fruit which turns anything crazy, reveals that Gazpacho has hawk vision and can fly using his loose skin, and shows how Chowder is an expert napkin folder. There’s also a feat of how Chowder’s glider shakes the sky around him and they visibly feel it, which might be somewhat impressive.

A Little Bit of Pizzazz/The Birthday Suits

This episode introduces two new dishes: Pizzazz, which can swap the bodies of any two or more people in its vicinity, and Shrinky-Pinky spice, which shrinks anything to extremely tiny sizes. Chowder in Schnitzels’ body was also capable of lifting a giant fork, and Mung now has a hose.

The Prank

This episode establishes that Mung is really good at crafting fake bodies of himself out of food items. That’s it really. The Heist episode has Team Mung Daal get some equipment to steal sugar sapphires and reveals Chowder has an ultra-sensitive nose, though.

Old Man Thyme/Chowder’s Magazine

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Chowder has a pocket mirror, and he can speak baby. Mung can also levitate, and Chowder’s arms can stretch hundreds of feet, though it causes him immense pain.

Taste Buds

Apparently, people in Marzipan City can replace their tongues, though it takes a lot of delivery time. Tongues can also be trained to become more sophisticated. Schnitzel has a fly swatter and a cage gun.

The Toots

The Tootin’ Fruit introduced in this episode allows characters to fart beautiful music, along with a wind capable of breaking down a wall with ease, and flying using said farts.

Flammoburger Flambee

SO, this is gonna be kinda of a simple one, but not really because it required a lot of math. The context is just that in the season finale, Chowder and Mung tank the destruction of Mung Daal’s catering, fly into the sky, and then fall back down to earth after several hours. I’m only gonna be looking at the catering company destruction part though because that’s the most impressive part. A lot of this came from here, so it might be kind of inaccurate

Keep in mind this calc is kind of an extreme lowball. It’s gonna be using melting values when in reality it should be more like vaporization, so it could probably get a fair bit higher, and it doesn’t factor in cement, but I couldn’t find vaporization values for concrete and such.

So, the catering company is definitely larger than an average residential house, but still far smaller than an average skyscraper. The average weight of a residential house is between 80000 and 160000 pounds, so let’s just use the high end of 160000, which is 72574.7792 kg.

Buildings are typically made from some combination of Silica, which is 27.27%, Granite at 54.54%, and Cement at 18.18%. The specific heat of Silica is 730 J/kg-C, Alumina’s is 880, and Granite’s is 790. The number of moles of silica is the grams of silica/60.0843, and the moles of alumina is 3x the value of that.

790*39582.2845757*2025+39582.2845757*335000+730*2025*19.791073335+50210*329389.579105+880*2025*3.49254204266+620000*329389.579105*3=705820572849 Joules, which is about Multi-City Block Level. Again, this is probably way off, and lowballing, but that’s a general minimum value. Scales to pretty much all the characters, including their AP since they can harm each other. Mung can also fly, and Chowder has some resistance to extreme heat. However, it’s implied this episode was just a dream Chowder had, so take that as you will.


Obviously Chowder has a lot of fourth wall awareness.

In the Sleep Eater episode, he deletes Truffles from the episode because “she wasn’t in it.” This is Plot Manipulation

Shopping Spree shows Chowder and the rest of the main cast has mid-godly regen, as they were able to come back after losing their animation.

Chowder also has a lot of Toon Force, obviously.

Time Manipulation is also present, shown with how Chowder was able to fast-forward and rewind in the episode “The Bruised Bluenana”, as well as flip the screen to move time forward in “Chowder’s Girlfriend”

General Chowder Tiering:

God Tiers: King of the Sky, Hunk, Tower of Power, Big Ball Stadium Turtle, Veggie Guru Plant

Those who scale to everything: Chowder, Mung, Truffles, Schnitzel, Rosemary, Chestnut, Peking Duck, the Meaches, and probably a few others that aren’t really important.


AP and Durability: At least Large Building Level, Likely MCB, possibly higher
Speed: At least Hypersonic+, possibly Massively Hypersonic


Bufftales, Woo-oo!

Life is like an evil scheme, here on GlomTales.
Sharks and bombs and Scrooge’s screams,
It cannae Glom-fail!
Cannae top my grand plan, to beat that Scotsman,
Technically I’m Scottish as well,
Er, what’s next? Oh, oh yeah.
C-C-C-CG is so fancy, when Scrooge sees this
There’s no chance he
Cannae compete with the glory of 
Bravest, strongest, and most modest,
OK we ran out of budget,
But kids 6-10 will love it!

Flintheart Glomgold is the true hero of Ducktales tbh.

Anyway, reason I’m making this is just cuz the Ducktales S2 finale had a lot of really good feats I wanna talk about, almost none of them scaleable to Scrooge!


There’s four things in particular I wanna go over, so let’s begin.

Moonlanders rotate the Earth:

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Right off the bat, this comes from non-scaleable, non combat-applicable technology. Just figured I’d get that out of the way.

So, these moon guys basically install a planetary engine on the Earth to cause it to rotate around the moon, completely against orbital pattern. In case you were unaware, the farther something is from what it’s orbiting, the slower it can spin in relation to it. The moon and Earth are pretty close to each other, so the moon needs to revolve fairly quickly. Now imagine the same thing, except the Earth is what does the revolving, and that’s the situation we have here.

This means that in order to pull this off, this planetary engine would have to cause the Earth to rotate at a certain speed, which is calculated by the formula sqrt((mass of the moon in kg*6.673*10^-11 N*m^2/kg^2)/(distance from moon’s center to Earth in meters))

The moon weighs 7.34767309 * 10^22 kg, and the distance is 386,137,100 meters. The formula dictates that in order to pull this off, the engine would have to be causing the Earth to orbit at a somewhat underwhelming 112.684636981 m/s. Plugging that into the Kinetic Energy formula with an Earth mass of 5.972 × 10^24 kg gets a Kinetic Energy of 3.7915713e+28 Joules, or a high-end Multi-Continent Level.

Admittedly kinda disappointing, but still pretty good. Although I may have calculated this wrong.

Storcules benches the world:

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As a result of that whole moon orbit thing, Storcules is forced to push the planet back to normal orbit. This feat is very similar to one performed by Super Diaper Baby, although Storcules doing it by himself here makes the yield more impressive.

Before: Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 4.02.36 PM by JJSliderman

After: Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 4.02.25 PM by JJSliderman

Using screenshots, the Earth begins at px 431 on the horizontal scale, and the diameter ends at pixel 202, meaning the diameter of the Earth is 229 px. After the movement, the opposite side of the Earth from px 431 is at px 209, meaning the Earth moved 7 px. 7/229=0.03056768558, meaning the Earth moved a distance=0.03056768558*the Earth’s diameter, which is 12.742 million meters, equaling 389493.449782 meters, in a timeframe of 2 seconds, equaling a speed of 194746.724891 m/s, or 567.774708137 times the speed of sound. To get Kinetic energy we just plug that into the formula along with the previously established 5.972 × 10^24 kg for the Earth’s mass gets a total of 1.1324789e+35 Joules of energy, or Large Planet Level. Obviously this only really scales to Storkules since he is supposed to be a figure of divine strength in the Ducktales universe, but still pretty impressive.

Lunaris wants to make Earth go bye-bye:

Another good feat, but one that needs no calculation. Lunaris was going to destroy the planet with his ship, everyone knew he would actually do it, Moonlanders have crazy technology, it should be taken seriously. Maybe you can calc it by using explosions, but I’m just going to chalk it up as baseline Planet Level for Lunaris’s ship.

Penumbra go Boom:

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And here we have the only feat that scales to most of the main cast, where Penumbra tanks the explosion of her ship in Lunaris’s giant engine.

The explosion has a radius of about 218 px discounting the smoke that appears along the outside, which reaches to about the midway point of the fins on the back of the ship.

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Comparing it to an earlier scene of the ship landing on top of the money bin, the distance between those two points then was about 122 px. The Money Bin in the same shot is about 12 px tall. According to Don Rosa, the money bin stands at 39 meters tall, and the distance between the ship fins is about 10.1666666667 times that of the Money Bin’s height, meaning that it’s 396.5 meters, which ends up being the diameter of the explosion, and the radius is 198.25 meters. The explosion is likely non-nuclear, and assuming it has a perfect hemispherical explosion, has a height of about 198.25 meters as well.

Using the air-blast radius calculator to find the yield:

((.19825/0.28)^3)/1000=0.00035494862 megatons of TNT, or 354.94862 tons of TNT. Divide that by 2 to account for non-nuclear to get 177.47431 tons, which is about Multi-City Block Level.

Which you know, seems like a fairly good upgrade. Of course, Penumbra may not have been at the exact center of the explosion and the ship may have protected her to some degree, but she was also pretty much unharmed so idk.

Anyway Final Tally:

Moonlander yeet: Multi-Continent Level *non-scaleable
Storcules yeet: Large Planet Level *Only applicable to Storcules
Lunaris yeet: Planet Level *Only applicable to high-end Moonlander tech and maybe Storcules
Penumbra yeet: Multi-City Block Level *Applicable to basically everyone besides normal Donald, Darkwing Duck, the kids, the townspeople, and Glomgold.

And hey the show is getting more feats so it might get better later. I might update this with feats from the rest of the series if y’all want it.


Eggman tanks a Big Boom

So, I’ve been watching some playthroughs of Sonic Chronicles to relive my childhood, and found something really interesting.

Now, this feat is only really applicable to Eggman. Most of the other characters scale way above this anyway, so it’s irrelevant for them, but it is really good for Eggman’s durability.

The context for the feat is that Eggman was in his battleship, the Egg Carrier, when it crashed into Metropolis, generating a huge explosion that covered the entire city and much of the surrounding landscape.

We know Eggman tanked this because a later cutscene reveals Eggman was pulled out of the wreckage by a life-support robot. Essentially this marks a good indication of the upper limit of Eggman’s durability, because he only barely survived this.


With that said, let’s calculate it.

Now, although we know the city in question is Metropolis, we’re never given an indication of what city exactly Metropolis is based on. However, given its size on the map, the couple of ocean-locked landmasses off to its sides, and its heavy focus on industrialization, it seems fair to compare its size to a city like New York, given their similarities. This is further supported by Metropolis being the capital of the Eggman Empire, naturally making it a larger city than average.

(That brown section above the bottom right corner)

New York City has a radius of 32.1869 km. The explosion yield formula is Y Megatons of TNT=((x km/0.28)^3)/1000/.5, so plugging in these numbers gets us 759.509765927 MT of TNT, or Mountain Level.

This number could vary of course depending on the city (Using something like Detroit gets Country Level which seems very implausible), and only really scales to Eggman’s durability, given that he doesn’t physically attack enemies in Chronicles, although him being able to take hits from Nocturnus soldiers makes much more sense with this.

Eggman’s Durability: 759.51 MT of TNT, Mountain Level

It’s also possible that Eggman wasn’t in the center of the blast exactly, given we don’t know his position when the Egg Carrier crashed, so consider this a maximum.


Gamers go Fast

Yeah…I bet you’re just as surprised as I am.

I’m not really a fan of this franchise, but I spent about a couple hours yesterday looking this over and I’m a sucker for easy views and favorites so let’s do it.

In the game Megadimension Neptunia VII, the character…Neptune, in her Hard Drive Divinity (which I’ll shorten to HDD for the rest of this), travels from one part of Heart Dimension to another.

If you’re wondering why they have to use specialized paths instead of just flying, consider it a game mechanics thing.


It’s important to note these paths are not straight, and thus the distance is increased as a result, even if Neptune doesn’t go through the entire dimension. For the sake of eliminating time spent as a result of battling enemies, I’m going to specifically go over the journey up to the halfway mark. Keep in mind the scaling of the map is a little wonky (especially given Neptune’s size on the map), so this may not be a fully accurate estimate.

The dimension is 854 px wide. The diameter of the universe is 93 billion light years. The diameter of the galaxy is 100000 light years

The axis length is 10160368645.2 light years. The axis length assuming galaxy size is 10925.1275755 light years. The perpendicular length is 4476807600.87 light years. The perpendicular length assuming galaxy size is 4813.77161384 light years. The arc length is 2.00177236650466E26 meters. The arc length assuming galaxy size is 2.1524434E+20 meters.



The length of this curve is 1.6209605343699e+26 meters. The length assuming galaxy size is 1.7429683165199e+20 meters.

The axis length is 20545058166.6 light years. The axis length assuming galaxy size is 22091.4603942 light years. The perpendicular length is 1516791697.63 light years. The perpendicular length assuming galaxy size is 1630.95881466 light years. The arc length is 3.89420903E+26 meters. The arc length assuming galaxy size is 4.18732154E+20 meters.


Add them all together and:

Length of Journey: 7.5169419e+26 meters.
Length of Journey (Galaxy Size): 8.0827333e+20 meters.

With all that said, you’re probably wondering why I decided to do both measurements, instead of just the universe-sized assumption. Well, it’s because I’m basing these calculations off the world map, and the world maps in this game aren’t indicative of the size of the universe. For example:

This is a map of the Hyperdimension. The map itself only encompasses a continent, and not the entire universe.
This is a map of the Zerodimension. Same thing, really.


With that said, I don’t feel comfortable saying the map of the Heartdimension represents the entire universe, especially since we don’t see any galaxies of any kind in the dimension map. With that said, I am willing to say the map is at least galaxy-sized, given we see multiple stars in the background, with universe-sized as a high end.

Now that the hard stuff is taken care of, we just have to find the speed. The trip on the map takes 3 seconds, so 7.5169419e+26 meters/3 seconds=8.35793975 × 10^17 c, or 835.79 quadrillion times lightspeed. However, it may be safer to use a more conservative estimate, although not too long because the situation is rather urgent. So let’s use a timeframe of 1 minute, which brings the feat down to about 41.79 quadrillion c, which is still rather impressive. Applying these timeframes to the galaxy sized measurements gets 898.7 billion c and 44.935 billion c respectively, which from what I’ve heard matches up with another feat performed by another character involving an attack animation, although I’m not sure about the context.

Final Tally:
Heartdimension Speed High End: 835.79 quadrillion c


Heartdimension Speed Mid-High End: 41.79 quadrillion c


Heartdimension Speed Mid-Low End: 898.7 billion c


Heartdimension Speed Low End: 44.935 billion c

So…yeah, there you go.

I just wanna thank :icondeathclaw153: real quick for providing me with the feat. I was always sort of wondering where it came from and now my curiosity is sated.

Pac-Man World 3 Merging Universes

Yeah, I got bored so I decided to take a look at something interesting. Anyone remember Pac-Man World 3? Well I didn’t. I played 2 a lot when I was a kid, but not 3.

But PMW3 has something very interesting that could make Pac-Man incredibly strong, if it’s accurate.

So, the main plot of PMW3 is that this alien dude Erwin is using syphons to sap energy from the Spectral Realm to power his robots. The Spectral Realm is the same size as Pac-Man’s universe:

and is where the ghosts come from, kinda like the Netherrealm in the Ghostly Adventures series. It’s also stated late in the game by Orson (A scientist ghost, so he can probably be taken seriously) that if the process continues, the Spectral Realm will collapse, and as a result it’ll merge with the real world.

How powerful this is is kinda up in the air. Could be Low Multiversal due to realm merging, but the Spectral Realm has to collapse first, so it might be closer to Universal-Universal+. Not sure on that.


This is kind of important because Erwin states that while this is happening, his machinery will protect him from the effects of the realm merging, putting his machinery’s durability anywhere from Universal-Low Multiversal.

But in the final boss fight, Pac-Man damages and eventually destroys Erwin’s machine with just his standard butt-bounces and whatnot. So, could Pac-Man be Universal-Low Multiversal?

Well…maybe. I do see a couple problems with this though. One, it’s a pretty big outlier compared to all the other stuff in the series, especially given that Pac-Man needed the Golden Fruit to do a City Level feat in World 2. He could have just gotten stronger since then, but I’m not sure.

The other problem is that Erwin’s mech has a shield that Pac-Man can’t damage himself and first needs to bring down by using these ancient totem statues. Maybe what Erwin meant is that this shield will protect him, and not the actual mech itself, which would invalidate Pac-Man scaling to this, but it would make Erwin’s mech Universal-Low Multiversal in durability still, and Erwin himself would be that rating via chain reaction as a result of him syphoning energy to cause the realm merge to begin with.

So essentially:


Pac-Man could be Universal-Low Multiversal in AP via damaging Erwin’s mech, but only possibly given that we don’t know if Erwin’s shield or the mech itself is what has the durability.

To those who’ve played PMW3, what do you think? I’m kinda curious.

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