Rayquaza vs Spyro: Smackdown!

JJ: Now that the research has been concluded…

Bowser: The answer to this puzzle will no longer be eluded…

Shadow: Why are you rhyming, dumbasses?

JJ: It’s dramatic effect, Shadow, and ya ruined it! You just couldn’t stick to the script?

Shadow: Ultimate Life Forms don’t follow rules. They make them, and then break them.

JJ: Hmm…well, since Shadow completely ruined the intro…I’m JJSlider, your host.

Bowser: I’m the coolest, rudest king you’ve ever seen, BOWWWWWWSSSEEERR!

Shadow: I’m Shadow, and I’m the coolest!

JJ: And…uh, we’re here to find out which draconic lord of the skies will reign supreme…and which one will get his wings clipped forever. It’s Time…for a SMAAAAACCCKDOWWWWWN!

It was dark in the chamber of the Chronicler. It was usually kept this way to allow the ancient dragon within to focus his thoughts without distraction, allowing him to see the nature of the past, present, and future at any time. This was necessary, as all these events needed to be catalogued in order to provide heroes of the generation with the information they needed to help save the world.

And it just so happened that the current Chronicler, Ignitus, once the Guardian of Fire before he had died and taken over the role from the previous Chronicler, had a very special connection to the hero.

At that moment, Ignitus was sitting in his nest, tossing and turning as he was experiencing a rather disturbing nightmare. Black clouds and thunderbolts covered the sky, the once fertile plains of Avalar were now burning in a ceaseless fiery maelstrom, and a dark shadow was cast over the entire land, all with the sound of menacing laughter echoing across the horizon, along with the sight of a gold neckchain and a blue headband

“Ignitus…I am coming for you…and your hero.”

Ignitus awoke with a start, inhaling and exhaling heavily. “Hah…hah…what was that vision? It might have just been a dream…but the Chronicler never receives idle dreams. It must be a prophecy, of dark times brought about by some evil entity. But that’s impossible, Spyro defeated Malefor and saved the world. It must be a new evil…but the vision neglected to tell me what it was. Accursed unclear dreams! …Nevertheless, I should send Spyro a message. He needs to know how to stop this evil.”

With that, Ignitus went over to his table and pulled out a quill feather. Dipping it in the nearby engraved inkwell, he began to write “Dear Spyro…”

In the valley of Avalar…

In a small hut belonging to the Cheetah warrior Hunter, a duo of mid size dragons were sitting together in a bed, fast asleep. One of them was a black dragon with white horns, a red underbelly, and a thorny tail. This was Cynder, former puppet of the dark master Malefor, before being reformed to the light side and ultimately helping to destroy the villainous purple dragon.

The other dragon, with scales the deepest shade of purple, a yellow underbelly and horns, and a spiked tail, was having a decidedly less than pleasant experience. Spyro, the hero of the planet, was tossing and turning just like Ignitus, and was having the same dream of an apocalyptic world haunted by the ethereal laughter of a new evil.

However, just before Spyro’s dream ended, he caught a glimpse of one figure in the shadows, with red hair and glasses, before he was booted out and woke up in a cold sweat.

Cynder sat up and looked at Spyro with concern. “Spyro? You okay? You’re acting strange.”

“It’s fine, Cynder.” Spyro said reassuringly. “It was just a bad dream.”

“‘Or was it? I don’t think I’ve had a dream like that before…and those features in the shadows aren’t familiar to me. Could this dream be some kind of warning? Is there a new evil coming? Do they want me to stop it? But I thought Malefor was dead…unless it’s not related to him. I have so many questions…so I need to see the only one who can help me.'” Spyro thought to himself

“Listen, Cynder. I’m going to need to go for a morning flight. Clear my head and all that.” Spyro said.

“Of course. You seem a little on edge. Maybe the air will help you wake up.” Cynder affirmed.

Spyro exited the hut and set out for the village gate.

“Spyro! What are you doing? It’s dangerous outside, ya know?”

This came from the leader of the Cheetah Village, Prowlus, accompanied by his second in command, the former village traitor Hunter. Both were cheetahs clad in simple garb, armed with a quiver of arrows and a bow, with the only difference being their skin.

“I know, Prowlus, but I’m the purple dragon. I think I’ll be fine.”

“Well…I guess you’re right. Very well, Spyro. Just be careful out there, it could be dangerous.” Prowlus warned.

“I know.” Spyro assured, before flapping his wings to hover in the air and then soaring into the skies. Up here, Spyro felt completely at ease, letting the wind currents guide him as he soared all across the plains, passing the cave where he had rescued Meadow the healer, the cave with the weights to start the raft he had used to accomplish that, the passage leading to the old hermit under the falls, and even into the mountains, trying to make heads or tails of his vision.

“Hmm…what would Ignitus tell me to do if he was here? Well…probably something about meditating. But I’ve done that, and it hasn’t shed light on anything. I don’t know, maybe Mason in Dragon City could he-“

Suddenly, Spyro was teleported to the Chronicler’s home, where he was face to face with a large white dragon with blue robes, who seemed rather familiar to the young dragon.


“Young dragon, I am disappointed. I thought you’d recognize your old teacher in any form!”

“IGNITUS!” Spyro cried out in joy as he raced over to hug his mentor that he had thought was lost forever.

“But…why am I here, in the Chronicler’s lair? Wait…don’t tell me…”

“Yes, Spyro. I have become the new Chronicler.”

“Wow, Ignitus. I’m really happy for you. Such a big job, but you seem to be pulling it off really well.”

“The time in the library researching did help quite a bit. But unfortunately, I did not call you here simply to catch up. No, I’m afraid we meet on more…dark terms. I have recently received some sort of vision, a vision of dark times ahead. But I could not tell who caused it, aside from a blue headband and a gold chain.”

“‘He knows it too!'” Spyro thought. “Ignitus, I’ve had a very similar vision, but instead I saw red hair and glasses. Do you think the visions are connected somehow?”

“I am sure of it. The only question is…how?”

Ignitus turned to his wall of tomes and began pouring through them book by book, trying to find an image of the things he had seen in both his and Spyro’s visions, until at last he reached the book entitled “Legends of the Hoenn Region.” He opened it up and looked inside, finally finding what he was looking for.

“Ah…here we go. It seems that these two were apparently villains who terrorized this ‘Hoenn Region’ long ago, but then realized the error of their ways after their actions created a terrible war between land and sea. Apparently, they’re now living peaceful lives as geologists.” Ignitus mused.

“If that’s the case, why were they in our visions? Do you think they’re going to try to make a villainous comeback or something?”

“I don’t know. But whatever the case, it’s clear what you must do, Spyro. Go and find Cynder, and travel to this Hoenn region. Find out what you can, and see if you can make this prophecy any more clear.”

“Understood, Ignitus.”

Ignitus then gave a curt nod before warmly gazing at Spyro with the proud look that only a father could give, before teleporting him back to the village in his hut…right on top of Cynder.

“Oof! Spyro, get off me!” Cynder whined.

“Uh, sorry.” Spyro flapped his wings and got off the squashed black dragon, allowing her to stand up. “Cynder, I’ve got to go somewhere far away…and I was wondering if…well…”

“Is it full of danger? Containing the chance you may not come back alive?”


“Then of course I’m going with you, you big dork. I have to keep you safe, remember? Otherwise you’d just go charging in and get yourself killed”

“You know me too well.” Spyro said, giving a slight laugh, before he and Cynder touched claws and flew off into the air, following the directions Ignitus had implanted in Spyro’s head.

Across the world, in the Hoenn region…

The city of Mossdeep was bright and colorful, full of jubilance over the recent Draconid Festival honoring the mighty god of the Draconid people, protector of the planet. The streets were bustling with people, Tate and Liza were handing out party favors in Mossdeep Gym, and even the scientists at the space station were enjoying themselves, draping the rockets with pictures of Lunatone and Solrock.

The only ones not celebrating were two men, deep in the bowels of the former hideout of Team Aqua, who had tried resurrecting Kyogre the Pokemon of the seas to expand the waters.

“Hmm…Archie, was there no other place we could do this? It’s horribly wet in here and my socks are getting soaked to the bone.” This was said by the one wearing glasses, a red lab coat, and a full head of read hair, who was known as Maxie, leader of Team Magma, who had once resurrected Groudon, the continent Pokemon, to expand the land.

“Man, you just gotta lighten up. We may be livin’ in the dark now, but soon our plan and shit will be set into motion, and we’ll be all powerful! So just quit yer whining and enjoy dem crabs in your dinner.” Archie, leader of Team Aqua, bellowed.

“Hmm…very well. So, are we in agreement on my-er I mean our, plan?” Maxie asked.

“Yeah, I guess so. Sneak past the Sky Pillar guards, use this control device we got from Cyrus to bring Rayquaza under our control, and then use it to conquer the region and then the world. Then we…share…the power.” Archie said.

“Good…with the citizens of Mossdeep and Sootopolis distracted by that ridiculous Draconid festival, we will be able to sneak in completely undetected. The Hoenn region, nay, the planet, will soon belong to Team Steam Eruption.”

“Maxie, I respect ya, but I’m still not really sold on that name.” Archie butted in.

“The name is of little importance. Now, let’s get to the submarine.”

The two geographical juggernauts jumped into the nearby sub, before it submerged and exited the cave, headed for the nearby Sky Pillar standing as a symbol of the region itself. They made sure to stay out of sight as they emerged behind the pillar, away from the prying eyes of the Gym Leader Wallace standing guard. As they stepped out on to the beach, they looked upward and saw how tall the tower was.

“So…how we gonna get up there?” Maxie asked.

“Hmph. Groudon, I choose you!” Maxie called, before pulling out an Ultra Ball and tossing it, revealing the continent Pokemon Groudon within. It was titanic.

“Groudon, use Rock Climb!”

The two villains got on Groudon’s back, before it shrunk down and clasped the tower with its hands, pulling itself up bit by bit, dodging Banette and Dusclops along the way, until it finally reached the top, where a large green dragon was resting.

“Groudon, you have served your purpose well. Return.” 

As Groudon disappeared back into its ball, Maxie pulled out the control device. Then, very carefully, he tiptoed up to the sleeping behemoth, before climbing its neck and placing the gadget on Rayquaza’s head. Satisfied with his handiwork, Maxie slithered back down the neck and pulled out a remote, pressing the red button.

The device suddenly flared to life, and Rayquaza sat up, it’s eyes glowing red with malice.

“Uh…hey man, ya think it worked?”

“There is only way to find out, my foul mouthed ‘friend'” Maxie snarkily replied, turning to Rayquaza.

“My mighty beast, I command you, raze Mossdeep City to the ground!”

Rayquaza roared, before hovering in the air and then flying at unimaginable speeds towards the city. The two villains started laughing at their success, before they were interrupted by the sudden arrival of Zinnia, lorekeeper of the Draconid race, and Wallace.

“What have you two done? I thought you had changed!” Wallace exclaimed.

“You are far too easily fooled, you addle-pated twit. And now that my mighty beast is set to destroy all I command it to, you will henceforth refer to me as ‘Supreme Leader Maxie’!”

“Whoawhoawhoa…hold up. I thought we were equals in this!” Archie yelled.

“Yes, about that. Now that I have what I want, I don’t need you anymore. So after Rayquaza burns Mossdeep, I’ll have it turn its Hyper Beam on you!”

“Hey genius, you’re not the only one with a remote, ya know?” Archie pulled out his own copy of the remote, and pressed the blue button.

“Rayquaza, I command you to attack this poser and show him the true power of Team Aqua!”

Rayquaza stopped in his tracks and turned around, eyes blue now, before racing towards the tower.

“NO! Rayquaza, destroy Mossdeep!”

“Rayquaza, destroy Maxie!”

“Destroy Mossdeep!”

“Destroy Maxie!”





They were about to yell their next command, mashing their respective buttons over and over, when their remotes couldn’t take the strain and finally broke, releasing Rayquaza from their command.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!!” The two yelled in unison.

The device fell of Rayquaza’s head, as he shook it to focus his thoughts, before turning to his tower and seeing the two who had been controlling him all along.

Rayquaza was infuriated. How dare these pathetic humans shackle their protector and god in this manner? They would soon pay, pay with their lives.

Rayquaza flew towards the tower and rose to his full height, glowering at the two villain team leaders.

“Uh…hey, Rayquaza? How’s it going? Doin’ alright?” Archie asked, cowardice rising in his voice.

“Rayquaza, you must understand, uh, it was never my intention to shackle one as great as you. No, I was simply trying to…stop this one here from doing it, committing the ultimate noble act to save this region. If you must punish someone, punish this oaf who knows not how to respect the deities of our world.” Maxie explained.

Rayquaza was clearly unimpressed, as he opened his mouth and unleashed his mighty Dragon Pulse on the unfortunate souls, burning them to a crisp. With that done, Rayquaza still hadn’t satiated his bloodlust, as he turned towards Zinnia and Wallace and prepared to fire again.

“Uh…maybe we should take cover.” Zinnia squeaked, as she and Wallace ran down the steps of the Sky Pillar.

Since Rayquaza couldn’t fit in the tunnel, he decided to turn his attention to the nearest city, Sootopolis, and destroy it. Roaring into the sky once more, he set off for his destination.

It was at this time that Spyro and Cynder had finally arrived. Their wings were so tired that when they finally landed, they couldn’t fly anymore and had to wait about 10 minutes. When they finally did, they noticed Rayquaza flying through the sky, headed for Sootopolis City.

“Another dragon? You think that the prophecy was trying to tell us something about Terrador being manipulated?”

“Spyro, I don’t think that’s Terrador.”

Spyro took a closer look and saw how the dragon was much longer, sleeker, and had a different head shape.

“Yeah…I think you’re right. Hmm…maybe this dragon is what brings about the apocalypse caused by those guys in the visions. Well, whatever it is, I have to go stop it.”

“Spyro, don’t you think you’ll need help?”

“Cynder, if you try to help me, you’ll only get incinerated. It’s best if I go it alone.” Spyro said with confidence.

“Alright…good luck”

And with that, Cynder and Spyro nuzzled each other for a brief moment before Spyro took off into the sky, headed for the dragon terrorizing the region. When he finally reached it, he called out “Hey! Hey! Turn around and look at me, you scaly piece of crap!”

Rayquaza cocked his ears and turned around, seeing another dragon, a midget purple one, floating in front of him.

“‘Who the heck is this joker? Must be something else those stupid humans came up with to stop me. Whatever, I’m not gonna stop until I get revenge for those human’s manipulation of me!'” Rayquaza angrily thought to himself as he roared in Spyro’s face.

“Look, I ideally don’t want to fight you. I’m a dragon, you’re a dragon, maybe we can work something ou-“

Unfortunately Spyro didn’t get to finish his sentence as Rayquaza chomped down at the spot he had been a mere second ago. “Okay, I don’t think you heard me, I just want-“

But again, he had to dodge as Rayquaza fired a Hyper Beam his way, destroying the clouds behind Spyro.

“Huh…okay, I see that you’re not going to be nice and talk. So I guess I’ll just have to force you to stop attacking these people!” Spyro yelled, getting into a battle stance, Rayquaza doing the same.

Wallace and Zinnia crept up onto the roof of the tower and saw Rayquaza facing off against Spyro.

“What kind of Pokemon is that?” Zinnia questioned, pulling out her Pokedex.

“No information available.” The Pokedex reported. “So it must be something new we’ve never seen before. And it’s taking on Rayquaza himself? You think he’ll be okay, Wallace?”

“Whatever the case, that purple dragon is our only hope of calming Rayquaza. Let’s just hope he can prevail.”

Fite by deathbattledino-db6e93n by JJSliderman

“Alright, big guy, let’s start off nice and slow here. I don’t wanna hurt you too bad, ya know, and I am the purple dragon. So, it might be best if you just calm down and-WOAH!”

Spyro had to rapidly dodge to the side like a matador to avoid Rayquaza’s sudden charge, causing the serpentine dragon to miss him entirely and slam into the Sky Pillar, leaving a massive dent in its side. The tower began to wobble unsteadily, threatening to collapse.

“Uh…Wallace?” Zinna squeaked.

“I know.”

“Salamence, I choose YOU!” Zinnia called, bringing out a Quick Ball and releasing her faithful dragon. Zinnia and Wallace then got on its back before it rose into the air and flew all the way to a nearby island, landing on top of a palm tree. Once there, Zinnia recalled her Salamence as they sat back to witness the brawl.

Rayquaza shook his head, before turning around to face Spyro again, charging once more.

“Again? This guy never learns, does he? Beating him might be easier than I thought!” Spyro taunted, dodging to the side once again.

However, Rayquaza wouldn’t be fooled twice. Just as he passed Spyro, he flicked his tail at the unsuspecting dragon, smacking him in the side and sending him crashing into the ocean, creating a giant wave spreading out in all directions. However, it wasn’t enough to keep Spyro down, as he just got up and took to the skies once again, clashing into Rayquaza as he did so. The two flew all across the clouds, hitting each other and over again with their skulls, neither one conceding to the other, until finally they stopped as they flew over Fortree City.

“Hmm…guess maybe you won’t be so easy to take down after all. No biggie. I’ve taken on things way bigger than you. Let’s see how you deal with me turning up the HEAT!” 

With that, Spyro opened his mouth as a faint glowing light appeared within, growing brighter and brighter until it finally released as a blast of fire, aimed directly at Rayquaza. The green behemoth was in the epicenter of the blast as it covered every part of him, yet when the dust cleared, he was still standing, a little scorched, but no worse for wear. If anything, he seemed more pissed off than hurt.

“Huh? Usually that’s enough to kill your bargain basement Grublins or Ape Guards. Guess this one’s a little bit tougher. And a tougher enemy deserves a tougher blast.”

Spyro charged up his fire breath again, but this time kept holding the charge as he dodged all of Rayquaza’s charges, until he finally let loose Dragsooth’s Fire Blast of the Eternal Inferno, creating a flame cone almost as big as the Sky Pillar, turning all the nearby ocean water to steam and scorching the underwater Corsola and Relicanth. And yet, Rayquaza still remained standing, albeit he was starting to show some signs of damage.

“Oh, I get it. Fire isn’t very effective against him, but it still does damage. Maybe depending on what element I use, I can deal more damage. But what elements are good against him? I don’t know, I guess I’ll keep trying until I find it.” Spyro mentally strategized.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to rest as Rayquaza retaliated with a beam attack of his own at long last. He coated his body in energy and then flicked his tail multiple times, releasing waves of wind energy straight at Spyro. Each one smacked him in the face, until the last one hit him and sent him flying into a nearby island, cracking it in two. This attack was the fearsome Air Slash, and with that, Rayquaza let out a triumphant screech into the air, as if saying Beat that, ya punks!

Unfortunately for the titanic terror of the skies, Spyro wasn’t quite down and out yet, as he sat up. Cocking his head, he released another series of attacks from his mouth, this time being Malak’s Fire Bomb of the Burning Plains. Rayquaza was too busy grandstanding to notice the attacks coming as they pelted him hard, causing him to slowly lose altitude and fall towards the ocean, the domain of Kyogre.

“Aw yeah, this is happenin’!” Spyro exclaimed, taking to the air once more as he decided to change tactics, switching to his Electricity breath. He noticed that Rayquaza had fallen into the water, and got an idea. He aimed his next blast at the water and fired, an arc of thunderous electricity surging from his mouth and striking the water a second later, causing the liquid around Ray-Ray to become alight with sparks that electrocuted the struggling beast, leaving it blackened.

“‘Hmm…that electricity seemed to do more damage overall. Maybe I should just…keep using that. Or maybe I’ll save that as a secondary and keep cycling through. Alright, so after electricity breath comes…lightning bombs!'” 

Spyro lobbed one of Penagar’s Thundering Electric Arcs at the stunned Rayquaza, but Rayquaza managed to snap out of it just in time to retaliate by using Extreme Speed to dodge out of the way of the attack as quick as can be as he flew up to Spyro and started smacking him with extreme force in all directions, not giving Spyro a second to react to avoid it.

“‘Hmph. This stupid whelp doesn’t know my power. It is time, now and forever, to show him what happens when one chooses to tamper with my power.'” Rayquaza thought angrily, as he continued bashing poor Spyro upside the head.

“‘Uurgh…this power is something truly special. Maybe even more powerful than Malefor. Guess I really gotta step it up if I wanna win.'” 

As Rayquaza charged in for another assault, Spyro wreathed his body in lightning energy and began spinning around at inhuman speeds, turning into an Electric Tornado of doom that intercepted the Extreme Speed and redirected its force into the Sky Temple once again, causing the emerald warrior to smash into the wall once again, Chatots circling Rayquaza’s eyes as he dropped to the ground below.

“Aw yeah. Let’s try the next power: EARTH!”

Spyro switched to his newest breath attack and fired Yangdrithis’s Shattering Earth Shot at Rayquaza with all his might. However, due to the embarrassingly short-ranged nature of the attack, the blast didn’t even reach a fifth of the distance needed to reach Rayquaza on the ground. Not one to be deterred, Spyro continued to launch attacks at a steady rate, not realizing how much he was draining his already dwindling supply of mana.

“This clearly isn’t working, and that big ass dragon is about to wake up! Better switch to-“

Spyro was stopped in his tracks when Rayquaza ascended and stood eye to eye with Spyro, breathing heavily. Spyro could feel his heart rising up in his chest as he faced down this beast that was floating before him now, and grew even more scared when Rayquaza opened his mouth and started pooling large quantities of draconic, nuclear energy within, making the power grow more and more and more until finally…


Rayquaza shot a concentrated blast of energy out of his mouth that hit Spyro dead on and sent the young dragon flying thousands of miles away, to a place Rayquaza hadn’t been in quite a long time…

When Spyro finally landed, he was smack dab in the middle of Castelia City, in the faraway Unova region, crashing into the Medal HQ building and causing it to collapse into pieces, endangering and even killing those inside. Spyro tried to reach inside and offer assistance, but the people were either too scared of the dragon who had seemingly caused this catastrophe, or were too weak to grasp the dragon’s wings before the structure crumbled.


He felt a familiar surge running through his body, the power of darkness. “Nonono…gotta keep that under control. If it got loose who knows how dangerous I could be? I don’t wanna hurt these people, they’re innocent” Spyro said cautiously.

He then was brought back from his momentary stupor by the sound of an earsplitting roar echoing and rebounding off the nearby windows. “Goddamit, can’t this thing just…leave me alone or something? I guess not. Ah well, better try something else. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use this, but clearly I have no choice.”

With that, Spyro reached into hammerspace and pulled out 9 pieces of armor, equipping 3 of them, which gave him the power of regenerating his lost vitality, as well as increasing his defense and turning his very skin into a weapon that would damage enemies who dared try to attack him.

Rayquaza was not deterred, as he simply opened his mouth and fired yet another destructive move, this time being the marvelous Ancient Power, summoning a set of fossilized rocks and throwing them at the unsuspecting purple dragon.

When Rayquaza hit Spyro this time however, Spyro experienced a stabbing pain that he hadn’t felt from any of Rayquaza’s previous attacks, almost as if his entire body was straining to keep itself from falling apart. “‘But this doesn’t make any sense. Those other attacks were way more powerful than this one…maybe it has to do with the type of move it was. Maybe I fall victim to the same move weaknesses and strengths as this other guy. That was a bunch of rocks, so I guess any move with that type of element is gonna hurt a lot. Duly noted.”

Sadly, this particular display of weakness from the purple dragon was not lost on Rayquaza. “‘Hmm…it seems like this other, inferior dragon is weak to my Ancient Power. Perhaps it is something akin to me, a creature who possesses the power of both draconians and flight. So…I should focus my power into my pulses of deadly wyvernic energy, and these rock shards. He may have been able to heal from my first volley of attacks, but I am sure that under repeated offense, this whelp will fall like all those before him.'” Rayquaza summarized as he flew down to see his masterful handiwork.

Spyro was lying on the street, barely conscious after that last attack. Panting as he got to his feet, he began pacing around in a circle, locking eyes with Rayquaza as it sort of did something similar.

“Do you know what kind of power I possess, buddy? More than you could ever dream of. I have more abilities in my right claw then you could have in 10,000 lifetimes, and now I’m going to prove it. You’ve pissed me off, and now you’re going to see the fruits of your labor. Enjoy.”

The air began turning a greenish color, imbued with the images of leaves and flowers whipping about all over the place as a column of natural energy began forming around Spyro. Time seemed to slow down briefly around the dragon as he pulled the energy in close, letting it fester and grow until finally…it was released.

Destructive waves of earthen energy flowed without rest as Fury of Kytheron’s Wrath of Nature was set in motion, causing Castelia City’s buildings, streets, and even sewer system to collapse in on themselves, buckling under the sheer power and intensity of this dragon’s rage. No one was safe, not even the leader of Castelia City, Burgh, as the spider webs in his gym began falling apart.

“I said I wanted dynamic movements of my muses for my artwork, but this is ridiculous!” Burgh yelled as he was crushed by the weight of the webs.

Rayquaza, meanwhile, was blown away by the sheer power and force of the attack, causing him to be sent flying all the way to someplace very familiar to Spyro, as he once again spread his wings and took flight…for home.

At the Dragon Temple…

Rayquaza rapidly made his descent, crashing through the temple roof and destroying the ancient Dragon Statue in the Training Room. Rocks falling all around him, Rayquaza slowly got up and groggily looked around, trying to make heads or tails of where he was.

“‘Hrmph. It appears that I have landed in some place completely unfamiliar. This doesn’t look like any region I’ve ever seen. And…I can feel the presence of massive draconic energy. Something incredibly powerful, yet vaguely familiar…Whatever it is, it’s time I stopped fooling around with this young dragon. He deserves my full power and attention, for the brief moments that remain to him.'”

Rayquaza then closed his eyes, curled up into a little pile, and began concentrating, drawing in energy from his surroundings, energy that would allow him to finally achieve his true power without the aid of humans…

Meanwhile, Spyro was trying to find out where exactly Rayquaza had crashed. He had received a message from Ignitus pointing him in the direction of the old Dragon Temple, but he didn’t get anything else.

“Hehe…this place takes me back. Wonder how Volteer and Terrador and Cyril are doing? And Sparx…” Spyro reminisced, touching down on the balcony, only to see a familiar face.

“HEY, Spyro!” 

Spyro rubbed his eyes with his wing and glanced again, believing this to be an illusion. But no, standing(or rather, hovering) right there, in the flesh, was Spyro’s oldest and closest friend, Sparx. Spyro hadn’t seen him since the day they had defeated Malefor, as Sparx had chosen to go on his own journey to become strong just like Spyro.

“Sparx? It’s been forever! How you doing, buddy?”

“Eh, you know, just keepin’ busy. Like, just a while ago I was visiting those Atlawans. They’re still worshippin’ me like a god. Then I decided to go and see Mole-Yair and the Manweersmalls. But I had to cut the visit short cuz Boyzitbig was about to erupt. They did send a postcard in the mail though, but I think it might have burned up, so…after that, I visited this monastery up in the clouds. It was paradise, with beautiful food and…monkeys. It was kinda weird but they taught me these sweet martial arts techniques. HOOWAA! HIYAH! HEKDKE!” Sparx rambled.

“Sparx, it’s great to see you, but I don’t have time to catch up. There’s a giant green dragon here and we gotta stop him!” Spyro warned.

“Oh, you mean like Malefor? Well…I don’t like it, but I’ll follow you anywhere, man.”

“Thanks, Sparx. I knew I could count on you.”

“Hey, if it’s not me it’s the queen of darkness herself, and somethin’ tells me you need a…softer touch.” Sparx responded.

The two smiled at each other…right as a giant beam of light descended from the heavens and struck the temple’s roof. “C’mon, Sparx, let’s go!” Spyro yelled, racing inside, the golden dragonfly hot on his tail. As they reached the inner sanctum of the temple, they noticed a giant purple cocoon sphere where the Dragon Statue had once been. “Uh…friend of yours?” Sparx asked.

“If I’m right about my hunch, definitely not.”

The sphere began pulsating and expanding, with tiny cracks appearing on its surface, like it was about to break apart.

“…Spyro?” Sparx said with fear.

“Whatever happens, stay behind me.”

“You don’t gotta tell me twice, oh great and mighty dragon.”

With that, all hell broke loose as the cocoon finally shattered, revealing Rayquaza…but not Rayquaza. He still maintained the same basic appearance, but now had an extra pair of horns on the side of his head, yellow Omega symbol streams dangling off his body, and had turned a menacing looking black color. Unbeknownst to Spyro at the time, this was Rayquaza’s final form…

Mega Rayquaza by JJSliderman

Mega Rayquaza.

“Uh…Spyro, I’m not gonna lie. That thing scares the crap outta me. I’m not sure we can beat it.” Sparx whispered.

“It’s okay Sparx. Win or lose, we do this together. But we aren’t going to lose.” Spyro said encouragingly.

“For my sake, I hope you’re right.”

Rayquaza let out an earth shattering roar that made a dent in the temple walls, before lowering his head to gaze at Spyro with a look of undisguised anger and power.

“Hehe…hey buddy. So…listen. I didn’t really mean all that trash talk from earlier. I think you’re really…really cool, and I really wanna-“

Spyro didn’t get to finish his kiss up attempt, as Rayquaza up and chomped down on Spyro’s head with Crunch. Flailing his head all over the place, Rayquaza tossed Spyro like a rag doll, catching him again with his mouth.

“Hold on man, I’ma coming!” Sparx called as he flew up until he was level with Rayquaza’s head, then began smacking the giant dragon with his wings. However, due to Sparx’s diminutive side, it was essentially the equivalent of a flea trying to hurt a dog. But it did distract Rayquaza long enough as he was flicking the dragonfly off for Spyro to free himself from Rayquaza’s jaws. Thankfully, the armor on Spyro’s head took the brunt of the attack, but it was pretty much beyond repair. So Spyro reached back into hammerspace and pulled out a new helm, placing it on his head and giving him the ability of increased melee attack damage.

And just in time too, for Rayquaza was charging in with another Crunch. Spyro jumped into the air and delivered unto Rayquaza a series of tail smacks and horn attacks before finally delivering a finishing attack and sending Rayquaza smashing into the far wall and into the room with the Pool of Visions.

Rayquaza had taken a lot of damage, so he decided to heal really quick. He once again curled into a little coil and went to sleep, using his Rest to heal all damage and status ailments, at the cost of being unable to defend himself.


Spyro began shooting tons of Hargen’s Earth Bombs of Spinning Terror at the motionless Rayquaza, rocking and jostling the sleeping biomass all over the room while it could do nothing to prevent it.

“‘Uurgh…this is annoying. I must wake up now. NOW! NOW NOW NOW!'” 

Rayquaza’s inner screams of primal rage were enough to end the long slumber, and he countered the next earth bomb with a well placed Hyper Voice, redirecting the earth bomb back at the unsuspecting Spyro…or at least he assumed it was unexpected. In actuality, Spyro had seen it coming and activated his earth flail, swinging it around and hitting the bomb back at Rayquaza, who countered it this time by swirling his body in the air at speeds fast enough to create a Twister, which intercepted the bomb and sent it back once more, this time succeeding in hitting Spyro and knocking him out.

While Spyro was incapacitated, Rayquaza took the opportunity to use a Dragon Dance, channeling his inner mystical energies to boost his power and speed to levels not seen before, and then reached down and picked Spyro up with one of his claws, staring him in the face. When Spyro woke up, he was face to face with Rayquaza, who suddenly twisted and contorted his facade into one of sheer malice.

“OH SHIT!” Spyro screeched as he jumped away and hit his back on the wall, falling to the ground. As he got up, he noticed that he couldn’t move, for his feet were transfixed in horror at the power of Rayquaza’s Scary Face, making Spyro slower than ever as well as dampening the young dragons’ resolve.

“‘It’s time to finish this once and for all, impostor dragon!'”

“Y-y-yeah, su-su-sure. L-like I’d l-let that hap-happen!” Spyro stammered, switching to his next breath, the breath of wind. With that, he fired a wind tornado at Rayquaza, who activated Twister once again to block the tornado. Spyro kept shooting tornadoes as fast as he could at the swirling mass, and Rayquaza kept deflecting them. However, not even the god of the Hoenn region could block these vortexes forever, and eventually 2 managed to slip through and strike Rayquaza directly, spinning him around and around in the air and making him dizzy, leaving him wide open as Spyro switched to the next, and in this case most effective, of his elemental breaths, that being Ice. He fired Bissthalan’s Hypothermic Ice Stream at the stunned Rayquaza, and Rayquaza screeched in agony as the cold touched his body. He began thrashing about, desperately attempting to stave off the damage from his fatal weakness.

“Ah ha! It seems that ice is the most effective form of dealing damage here. Good to know!” Spyro exclaimed before attempting to fire again…

only to realize he had finally reached his limit on mana output, and he was now defenseless.

“Uh oh.” 

Rayquaza was clearly not amused, as he rose to his full height, anger burning in his eyes, and activated his mighty Delta Stream to summon a mighty hurricane that blew away the entire temple in the blink of an eye.

Spyro stared in horror as the place where he had been taught his true destiny, the place where he had lived among his friends for so long, the place where he had finally felt safe after living in the dark for so long…was just swept away, permanently.

Spyro snapped.

He breathed heavily, eyes alight with anger, as he fixed Rayquaza with a glare that could destroy cities, as his eyes turned as white as a ghost, his scales became black with fury, and a fearsome storm surrounded him, shooting ambient lightning bolts in all directions, as if to announce the arrival of the ultimate destroyer, the one who would singlehandedly bring about the end of days. Then, the dust settled, the clouds dispersed, and what was left was a small black dragon filled with enough hate and anger to rival Asura himself. This was Dark Spyro, and he was pissed off.

“Alright…I tried going easy on you, but you’ve crossed the line! Now…now I’M GONNA KILL YOU, BASTARD!” Spyro screamed to the heavens, dripping dark energy from his mouth as he prepared to fire.

Rayquaza opened his mouth too, a stream of purple energy appearing within, almost alive in how vengeful and angry it appeared to be. Both of them continued to charge, pouring all their energy into the attacks, until finally…

Spyro’s powerful Aether Breath and Rayquaza’s Dragon Pulse shot out and collided with each other in an epic beam struggle. Purple clashed with purple, light vs dark, Jesus vs Satan(okay, maybe that last one is going a bit too far). But neither one seemed to gain the decisive edge they needed to pull out ahead.

That is, until Spyro put more energy and juice into the attack, causing to grow wider and wider until it eclipsed Rayquaza’s Dragon Pulse by several meters of width, and slowly gained ground, diminishing the size of Rayquaza’s attack bit by bit.

To avoid the damage, Rayquaza used Fly, rapidly ascending into the stratosphere to avoid damage. “Where’d you go, you stupid coward!? I’ll find you and END YOU!” Spyro bellowed, unaware of how Rayquaza was descending right above his head, too late to avoid the crushing sensation of Rayquaza squashing Spyro underbelly, before getting off to avoid the counterattack.

“Uurgh…piece of shit. TAKE THIS!” Spyro yelled, before firing his Aether Breath once again and toppling Rayquaza.

“Huh…looks like this power is super good too. Good to know.”

Rayquaza lay on the ground, defeated. “Hehe…looks like I win! And as my prize…I’m gonna destroy everything that you’ve ever known, and everything in a thousands mile radius of that. All GONE! So I hope you enjoyed your little ‘kingdom’, asshole, because it’s gonna be gone soon!” Spyro taunted.

While he was in the middle of his monologue, he heard a flapping sound, so he turned around and saw Cynder, along with Sparx, flying up to reach him.

“Cynder, get out of here! I don’t want you getting in the way when I annihilate this trash!”

“Spyro, that’s just it! This isn’t you. You’re not thinking clearly!” Cynder cried out.

“What do you know? I’m about to fulfill Ignitus’s prophecy and save us all! This is my destiny! So get the hell out of here, before I kill you too!” Spyro then backhanded(or backwinged, I suppose) Cynder across the face, sending her sprawling on the ground.

“Alright, man, that’s it! No way the Spyro I know would want to hurt his friends. Snap out of it buddy, come on! You can do it, man, please!”

Spyro blinked his eyes, and then pupils reappeared within them. “S-Sparx? Is that you…I’m sorry.” Spyro then began turning back to his normal form, with a guilty look in his eyes. “Uh…I’m sorry about all this guys. I guess…I guess the temple being destroyed made me go too far. I gotta be more careful.”

“If you can live that long. This fight isn’t over yet. LOOK OUT!” Cynder warned.

Spyro turned to see Rayquaza had finally gotten up, bruised and battered, but still very much alive. Enraged, Rayquaza channeled his anger into one of his most powerful moves, Outrage. Twisting and writhing, Rayquaza slammed his head down onto Spyro, expecting the young dragon to disappear into a mess of red blood and guts.

Unfortunately, the attack just happened to slam into Spyro’s newly created amber barrier, shielding him and his friends from the effects of Rayquaza’s attack. Unfortunately for the green giant, he couldn’t stop himself from engaging in Outrage once more, this time shattering the barrier. Unknown to Rayquaza was the fact that doing that allowed Spyro to free himself when he wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.

While Rayquaza was distracted by the crystal breaking, Spyro unleashed Hydrax’ Ice Shards of Arctic Hail on the stunned Rayquaza, but the Delta Stream halved the damage making it so Rayquaza was relatively unharmed somewhat. Frustrated, Spyro then equipped his second armor set to allow him to use the Aether Breath for a second time, with the combination of Ice and Dragon element attacks leaving Rayquaza with thousands of wounds all over his body, all spewing blood onto the ground. While Rayquaza was distracted, Spyro switched to his third and final armor set in order to unleash a nuclear firestorm from his mouth unto the poor Rayquaza, engulfing him in a mushroom cloud the size of a city.

When it was all over, Rayquaza was barely alive. He was clawing at the ground feebly in a desperate attempt to stave off his inevitable demise, in a way unbefitting for a warrior such as himself.

“‘Uuh…how can I…how can I be losing this? This was supposed to be a fight I could win with ease. Instead I’m kowtowing to this fool on the ground. Goddamit!'”

“Hey? Hey man…you okay?”

Rayquaza feebly opened his eyes to see Spyro was kneeling next to him, extending his wing. “Look…I guess I’ve realized in all this that…well…both of us were being kinda stubborn and hard headed. Me especially. If it weren’t for my friends…I might have lost myself to the darkness and destroyed everything, and that’s not what I want. I want to create a world of peace, a world where everyone can live in harmony with both nature and each other. And the first step is for us to make up. You know, dragon to dragon? So…why don’t you put ‘er there, and we can go hang out or something? What do you say?”

Rayquaza was still for quite a long time. It seemed like the planet itself had stalled, awaiting Rayquaza’s decision. Then…the mighty dragon got up, and outstretched his miniature hand to Spyro.

Spyro smiled and reached out his own claw to shake, as Rayquaza struck, aiming another Crunch at Spyro’s head. However, Spyro managed to use Dragon Time to slow time down and dodge the attack, before kicking out and smacking Rayquaza into the wall, but there was no wall to smack into, so Rayquaza simply recovered, and began his final, most devastating attack, flying high into the stars before becoming a green ball of energy and careening towards the Earth, using Dragon Ascent to full effect.



“It is time to unleash the true dragon, within you.”

Spyro nodded and equipped his armor to boost the power of his fury attacks, before activating his final move. Purple sparks surrounded Spyro on all sides, gradually coalescing into exact, ethereal replicas of Spyro’s head. The very air turned the darkest shade of purple, and thunderstorms ravaged the battlefield. The construct heads grew larger, and larger, and larger, until finally…

Spyro released them, as they flew up towards Rayquaza and clashed with Dragon Ascent.

It seemed that all around the collision, the universe was beginning to unmake itself. The sheer power and mind bending nature of the attack was just so that planet was beginning to crack apart, unable to hold firm against the strain the attack was putting on it. It seemed like it would finally end, in a tie, but something happened.

Rayquaza was beginning to tire, and his Dragon Ascent slowly started to lose momentum, while the Spyro heads continued to collide, showing no signs of dropping in power. Until at long last, Rayquaza finally gave up and stopped in midair as Aether Fury hit him from all directions, causing bloody gashes to appear in Rayquaza’s hide, until finally the last head ran straight through Rayquaza’s stomach, slicing the dragon in half.

Rayquaza roared to the heavens for the very last time, before the two halves of his body hit the ground, and Rayquaza’s eyes stared blankly into the sky, doomed to move no more.

Spyro, the last one standing, continued to flap his wings in the air, his eyes half closed and tired from the stress the battle had put on him. “Wow…that guy was real tough. I wonder if there are more like him. Cuz if there are…I think I wanna stay away from them.”

“Spyro!” Cynder and Sparx called, flying up next to the purple protector.

“Hey guys…look, let’s go home. I’m tired, and I need to rest.” Spyro informed. The other two nodded, and together the trio flew off for Avalar, their home, to recover.

K O By Dimension Dino-d9limxb by JJSliderman

Shadow: Wow…who woulda guessed Rayquaza was such a dick.

Bowser: Now hold on, he did protect the Hoenn region. That was nice of him.

Shadow: Yeah…maybe. Still don’t like him too much though.

JJ: Anyway…I suppose we might as well discuss why exactly Rayquaza…well…didn’t win.

Shadow: You wanna go first, or should I?

JJ: Nah, it’s cool. Anyway, this fight was certainly rather close. Both characters definitely were very powerful in many ways, but only one of them truly cut the mustard where it really mattered, so to speak.

Bowser: First of all, going over AP, both of them are roughly the same at their most powerful, with Spyro being able to put a planet back together that was falling apart, and Mega Rayquaza was able to obliterate Grand Meteor Delta and is roughly comparable to Mewtwo, who has Multi-Continent to Planet feats of his own. Although the planet stuff is a bit iffy and relies on telekinesis feats from Super Mystery Dungeon which may or may not be legit, but let’s just say they are.

Shadow: In terms of speed, in the main series the fastest Spyro has gone is Superhuman with MHS reactions via dodging lightning in the clouds in the final battle with Malefor, while Rayquaza should be Sub-Relativistic via being superior to Pikachu by a wide margin, and at the very least should be Mach 2000+. So it seems like Rayquaza takes this category…but he doesn’t for one reason: Skylanders. In Skylanders, Spyro is able to scale to certain characters that can go anywhere from MHS to Relativistic, putting Spyro’s top speed overall at a much higher level than Rayquaza can reach.

Bowser: Verstality was also another point in Spyro’s favor. Most of Rayquaza’s moves are either of the Flying, Dragon, or Normal element, with 1 Rock and 1 Dark move mixed in. Spyro, by contrast, is very accomplished at 4 elements(technically 5 including Aether), and has dabbled in 2, making his overall learnset more varied.

JJ: Spyro is also much more experienced, since even though Rayquaza has lived for far longer, most of the time he either patrols the ozone layer or is sleeping. Very little time of his has actually been spent fighting, whereas Spyro has been fighting in every appearance he’s in.

Shadow: Spyro also took intelligence, obviously. Rayquaza is far from an idiot, and Spyro is no genius, but he is at the very least book smart via being able to understand a character like Volteer’s fast and intelligent dialogue, and is actually capable of basic sentences. Rayquaza, by contrast, is very much a one track mind warrior.

Bowser: Another advantage in Spyro’s favor? One of Spyro’s main elements is Ice. You know. The thing that Rayquaza is super weak to? Yeah, that. And if that didn’t work, Spyro also has his Aether breath as a secondary option as a draconic element, which Rayquaza is also weak to. While Rayquaza has his own dragon moves to hit Spyro for big damage, that’s the only option Rayquaza has that has an advantage over Spyro. Two elemental advantages, one of them being twice as valuable, vs one is a very clear difference.

Shadow: Also, there’s the Shadowstone to potentially seal Rayquaza in the Shadow Realm, but it’s rather debatable if it would work on something with roughly the same power. Another piece of hax is Dark Spyro’s ability to turn enemies to stone, but again, it’s debatable as to whether it would work on Rayquaza. It worked on Gaul, but that was the only time it was used, and Gaul was quite frankly nowhere near as powerful as Rayquaza

JJ: In terms of durability, both are roughly equal, with Spyro being able to tank hits from Malefor(who as a purple dragon should be roughly comparable to Spyro in power), and Rayquaza tanking the collision with Meteor Delta. Both also have healing, but Rayquaza’s Rest forces Rayquaza to go to sleep for awhile, which can leave him open to major damage from Spyro’s attacks, while Spyro’s healing from his armor and the red gems he can collect is, while slower overall, a better option to allow Spyro to keep fighting while healing. And if push comes to shove, Spyro also has armor that can boost his defense, along with the wing shield that can no sell bomb explosions, so we’ll say Spyro gets this point. Spyro is also superior to base Rayquaza, so that’s another minor point, though it’s not by a huge margin

Shadow: Now of course, Rayquaza has his own advantages. He has Dragon Type moves to deal extra damage, and his personality is better suited for a fight. Rayquaza does not hesitate to kill his opponent if he needs to, as shown by how he “killed” Deoxys in cold blood at the beginning of M07. Spyro, by contrast, fights to win, but generally chooses not to try to kill, with the exception of his Dark Spyro form. Also, Spyro’s barrier, if Rayquaza had let Spyro stay in there, would have ironically caused Spyro to lose since he could never escape it. Unfortunately for Rayquaza, his lack of mind for strategy, coupled with his proud warrior mentality and moves that forced Rayquaza to continue attacking like Outrage, make it so Rayquaza would not leave Spyro alone in the barrier. Mega Rayquaza also helps Rayquaza mitigate some forms of harm thanks to Delta Stream in addition to boosting offense, while Dark Spyro really only serves to boost offense, so point for the green one.

JJ: And I know what some people might say. “What about the time when Rayquaza fought the Unsealed Creation Trio in Hoopa and the Clash of Ages?”

Shadow: While, yes, Rayquaza did fight the Creation Trio(Which are at least Universal and MFTL+, more than enough to obliterate Spyro), not only did Rayquaza have help, but he never exhibits this level of power anywhere else in the series, most likely making it an outlier.

Bowser: Plus, Dragon Time, while not especially useful due to its short time limit, is a nice bonus to help further the speed gap somewhat.

JJ: Overall, while both characters were roughly even in durability and AP, and Rayquaza overall was more willing to kill and had his own options to deal lots of damage to Spyro, it was Spyro’s greater speed, versatility, intelligence, experience, and the fact that he possessed more ways and more deadly ways to harm Rayquaza that ultimately decided the match.

Bowser: You gotta be Ray-Crazy to argue with this outcome! Or not, it was very close.

Shadow: Eh, I’m just glad it didn’t drag-on.

Bowser: Shadow…

Shadow: Don’t get used to it.

JJ: The winner is Spyro, the Purple Dragon.

Spyro (Winner):

+ Faster
+ More Versatile
+ More Intelligent
+ More Experience, both in and out of combat
+ Has More things that would be effective on Rayquaza than the other way around
+ Slightly haxier
-/+ Better Healing, but not instantaneous
+ Base Form is superior to Rayquaza’s Base Form
= Durability
= AP
= Both have finite number of attacks
+/- Spyro can regenerate his amount of attacks with green gems, but has less uses

– Less bloodlusted outside of Dark Spyro
– Dark Spyro is somewhat less useful than Mega Rayquaza due to not providing any extra protection

Rayquaza (Loser):

– Slower
– Less Versatile
– Less Intelligent
– Less Experienced
– Less Hax
– Less Supereffective moves on Spyro
+/- Healing, while more instantaneous, leaves Rayquaza wide open
– Base Form inferior to Spyro’s Base Form
= Durability
= AP
= Both have finite number of attacks
+/- Rayquaza has more uses of attacks, but cannot regenerate them like Spyro

+ More bloodlusted outside of Dark Spyro
+ Has maybe a slightly better transformation due to it offering protection

+Note: Rayquaza scales to Deoxys who scales to Mewtwo, who fought against Zygarde, who scales to Necrozma, who has a Solar System level feat. However, Mewtwo was stomped by Zygarde and dealt no damage to it on top of being one-shot, so scaling makes absolutely no sense, on top of it being an outlier for Mewtwo.


Deep beneath the Earth, two titanic terrors stirred. After Archie and Maxie had bit the dust, the Legendary Pokemon sleeping within their balls were released and sent back underground to sleep once more. However, now that Rayquaza had passed on, his presence was no longer there to quell the rage and conflict between the two geo Pokemon. And now, Groudon(the continent ‘mon), and Kyogre(the ocean Pokemon), were stirring from their prison, their eyes alight with anger as they locked eyes, ready to begin their conflict once again. They grew in size and power steadily, until finally they were so big they broke a hole in the Seafloor Cavern, rising to the surface in order to fight. Their arrival brought the start of both monsoon-like rains and blistering droughts, causing all those who weren’t burned alive to be washed away by the rampant floods.

“Zinnia! Summon Rayquaza!” Wallace ordered.

“Uh…okay? But I don’t feel his energy. I think he’s…he’s…gone.” Zinnia said, eyes filled with tears.

“GONE!? Then how are we supposed to stop this?”

“I think I might have an idea.”

The two trainers turned around to see Spyro, Cynder and Sparx standing in front of them. “What are you doing here? Haven’t you done enough, you menace? Get the hell outta here!” Zinnia screeched.

“Look. I know you guys hate me for killing your god and all that. I never wanted it to go down that way, but it just happened. I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me. But…let me try and stop that thing out there. I can do this, as long as my friends are with me.”

“Look, just give us a chance, okay? We’ll get it done.” Cynder proclaimed, with Sparx nodding his head in agreement.

Zinnia and Wallace exchanged a look before nodding. “I guess we don’t really have a choice, huh?”

With that, Spyro and co. flew out into Sootopolis City proper, where Kyogre and Groudon were about to square off.

Spyro spread his wings and gazed down at Groudon and Kyogre with a look of equal parts wisdom and disappointment. It seemed like Spyro was radiating power, channeling the spirit of Rayquaza himself in order to stop this conflict. When they saw the mighty dragon in the sky, Groudon and Kyogre immediately bowed in deference and retreated back underneath the waves. As they did, an astral image of Rayquaza appeared above Spyro’s head, almost as if the great dragon was passing the torch to this new guardian.

“Hey Wallace?” 


“I think we’re gonna be alright.”

Wallace nodded, before looking up at the sky and saying “Thank you…Spyro the Dragon.”

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