Goku Black vs Black Shadow: Smackdown Warm-Up!


resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Quick question: What is evil?

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: Farting in public?

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: Telemarketers?

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: My dad’s shell acne?

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Nope, nope, and gross. No, true evil in its purest form is…actually, no, I’m not gonna say it, that’s just going too far.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: Pfft, never stopped you before.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Well, I’m…trying to be a nicer person, okay?

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: Understandable, it is rather difficult to treat this issue with sensitivity given the nature of the combatants, who are truly vile with or without their given names.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview : Goku Black, the body-snatching deity of darkness.

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: And Black Shadow, the evil emperor of Dark Million.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: For many years, these twin despicable despots have plotted the downfall of the universe in order to create a perfect new one. But now, their ideals will be tested and tempered against the blackened steel of each other’s twisted hearts.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: We’re the trio of JJ, Clank, and BJ, here to find out who would win…a SMACKDOWN!


Name: Black Shadow

Age: Unknown

Occupations: Ruler of Dark Million, F-Zero Racer

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resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: So, we have this game series about a guy with a bird motif racing with futuristic hovercars. How do we make a 51-episode anime out of this?

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: Well, making the plot about stopping the recreation of the universe seems like the right way to go.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Yeah okay, so apparently these F-Zero machines now have these things called “Reactor Mights” in them, which can do things like screw with people’s minds, create portals to other dimensions, and destroy the universe, all tied together with a prophecy about the “Legendary Hero” Ryu Suzaku waking up after 150 years of cryo-sleep…are we sure this is the same series?

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: Of course, no hero is truly complete without an intimidating villain to oppose them. And none are quite as malevolent or fear-inducing as the ruler of Dark Million himself, Black Shadow.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Yeah, uh, this guy? He doesn’t screw around. You try to fuck with him, your ass is either getting airlocked into space or just knocked on the floor by him looking at you funny. And most notably, he just does not want to die. He’s been in the middle of fiery explosions, fire dragons, and even being Falcon PUNCHED, and he lived through all that. It took an explosion that spanned an entire GALAXY to finish him off for good, and even then Falcon had to die too. Simply put, Black Shadow is one tough son of a bitch.

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: But of course, the true reason for Black Shadow’s might is in fact the Black Bull, his F-Zero machine. Despite looking like a “normal” car on the surface, it’s actually a machine with power capable of ending the universe if it so chooses. All due to the power of the Reactor Mights under its hood.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: For you see, the Reactor Mights are a set of six all powerful engines which can provide a bevy of fantastical powers. Most of them are mainly demonstrated by Zoda, but considering Black Shadow knows a lot more about the powers of Reactor Mights, it’s possible he may be able to perform them too. Stuff like creating shields, mind manipulation, seeing through walls, stuff like that.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Most notably, however, when the Reactor Mights are combined together, they have the potential to shrink the universe by reversing its expansion. And when all six come together, they can reset the universe in its entirety, creating an entirely new one in the form their master wishes. In the case of old Horn Head, he wanted to make a universe of pure evil. So…goals!

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: And he’s really smart too! Successfully double and triple crossing both Zoda and Haruka, managing to stay under the radar for years, building his own evil base in the Dark Star…no wonder he was so hard to beat!

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: However, Black Shadow is not infallible, in spite of the image he puts forth. Likely his biggest weakness is his general overconfidence. He believes himself to be an all-powerful being with the Reactor Mights’ energy, which has led him to lower his guard on several occasions. It’s these instances, in fact, that led to his eventual demise by allowing Ryu to destroy the Dark Matter Reactor.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: There is also the fact that Black Shadow’s power nullification is dependent on Reactor Mights, which make them rather useless in most scenarios. But regardless of these small issues with his character, Black Shadow is still a mighty force in the universe. His title as the Evil Emperor of Dark Million truly speaks volumes.


No one truly knows where Black Shadow came from, and those who tried to defy him have usually never survived to tell his story. All that is known is that he rules the Dark Million crime organization with an iron fist, and that he desires evil to rule the universe. To this end, he constructed the Dark Matter Reactor to recreate the universe into one ruled by evil, and recruited or created entities like Zoda, Blood Falcon, and a brainwashed Haruka to help him. His plans nearly succeeded, but they were overturned at the last minute by Ryu Suzaku and Captain Falcon, ending in Black Shadow’s demise.


Attack Potency:

-Destroyed a small mountain by snapping his fingers.

-Overpowered a Reactor Might that destroyed his space station.

–Reactor Mights have also been stated as being capable of blowing up planets.

-Far superior to Ryu Suzaku, who can kick down steel doors and defeat gangs of thugs singlehandedly.

-Superior to Samurai Goroh, who cut through a train with his sword.

-Superior to Hyper Zoda, even though Zoda had absorbed the power of a semi-nurtured Reactor Might and at least 10 Blood Falcons, who were equal to a mid-series Captain Falcon. Even in his weaker state, Zoda with the Reactor Might stated he could reduce the entirety of Mute City to rubble.

-Superior to Blood Falcon, who was able to crack the windshield of the Dragon Bird, which survived clashes with Captain Falcon’s Blue Falcon and possesses a Reactor Might.

-Due to having 2 Reactor Mights in his Black Bull, it is superior to the Blue Falcon, which equalled the power of the Dark Matter Reactor that was shrinking the universe, and is comparable to the Dragon Bird EX, which completely overpowered the reactor and destroyed it.

-Black Bull easily knocked the Dragon Bird aside when they collided.


-Comparable to Captain Falcon, who moved at FTE speeds to blitz three robots.

-F-Zero machines can outrun avalanches, which travel at 255 km/hr

-Superior to Ryu Suzaku, who dodged a close-range bullet from Pico and reacted to a falling meteor.

-F-Zero machines can reach speeds of over 4000 km/hr.

-Black Bull is superior to the Dragon Bird, which outraced an explosion in Don Genie’s palace.

-Black Bull is comparable to the Falcon Flier and Galaxy Runner, which can cross several star systems in an instant.


-Survived the Falcon Punch from Captain Falcon, only dying because of the explosion of the Dark Matter Reactor.

-Survived Hyper Zoda’s fire attack unscathed.

-Black Bull has taken several hits from the Blue Falcon with little damage done.

Powers, Abilities, and Equipment:

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-Fog Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, and Teleportation: Black Shadow can shroud things in fog to teleport them from place to place. Can also make explosions in the fog, or create explosions hundreds of meters away by snapping his fingers.

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-Hologram Creation: Can make holograms to project messages to others far away.

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-Shadow Manipulation/Illusion Creation: Black Shadow can use his shadows to create illusory disguises.

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-Fusionism: Fused a Reactor Might into Zoda’s stomach, along with the Blood Hawk later.

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-Battlefield Removal: The Black Bull can use its Boost Fire technique to create a portal to the Dark Space, a nigh-inescapable dimension of pure evil.

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-Life Creation: Black Shadow can create clones of whoever he targets with his powers, like when he made a clone of Captain Falcon named Blood Falcon, along with his own F-Zero Machine, the Blood Hawk. Black Shadow has access to an army of Blood Falcons as well, which Black Shadow attributes as the Reactor Might’s power.

-Binding Chains: An unnamed ability Black Shadow uses in F-Zero GX to restrain Captain Falcon.

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-Reactor Might Sensing/Power Nullification: Black Shadow can detect Reactor Mights from far away with his senses, as well as nullify the power of any of them, such as when he negated the power of Hyper Zoda’s Reactor Might.

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-Technology Manipulation: Black Shadow can take control of any machine using a Reactor Might’s power.

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-Memory Manipulation: With his devices, Black Shadow can erase a person’s memories, leaving them a blank slate for him to influence.

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-Fire Manipulation: Black Shadow set one of his lackeys on fire for failing him. The Dragon Bird EX just hitting Don Genie’s F-Zero machine caused it to catch fire, and the Black Bull has the same amount of Reactor Mights.

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-Resurrection/Transmutation: Black Shadow resurrected Blood Falcon after his death in a black hole, and can seemingly transmute him into other materials. Or at least, he can command Blood Falcon to do so.

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-Time Travel: Black Shadow can send opponents through time, such as when he sent Zoda 150 years into the past.

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-Black Hole creation: Black Bull colliding with other Reactor Might-fueled machines can create black holes that suck anyone too close into the Dark Space.

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-Power Boosting: Can likely activate the dormant power of non-nurtured Reactor Mights with his own.

Dark Matter Reactor:

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-Black Shadow’s ultimate device, allowing him to recreate the universe.

-With 1 to 5 Reactor Mights, it stops the expansion of the universe and reverses it, with the process becoming faster as more Reactor Mights are inserted.

-With all 6, a new Big Bang occurs and the universe is reset into one ruled by evil.

-Casually caused two planets to collide with each other.

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-Absorbed Hyper Zoda into itself to gain power.

Black Bull:


-Black Shadow’s F-Zero machine.

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-Black Shadow can summon the machine to him at any time.

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-Has grapples to hook onto enemies.

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-Can release four nodes to create a teleport window to the Dark Star, Black Shadow’s home base.

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-Can likely fly upside down like other F-Zero machines using its Gravity Drive, which also allows it to survive in places with intense gravitational force like the Warp Gate.

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-Can use Black Fire, the dark equivalent of Boost Fire.


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-A bomb Black Shadow strapped to the Blue Falcon to attempt to destroy it.

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-Will explode if the vehicle’s speed dips below 700 km/hr.

Carbonite Chamber:

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-Used to freeze Haruka in carbonite.

Space Station:

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-Black Shadow’s personal space station, for when he desires to travel interstellar distances.

Black Shadow’s Army:

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-Robots: Standard henchmen, equipped with firearms. Easily destroyed.

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-Armored carriers

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-Robotic Black Shadow: Used as a decoy.

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-Space Pods: Shoot electricity at targets.

Blood Falcon:

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-A clone of Captain Falcon created by Black Shadow.

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-The original Blood Falcon could fight on par with Captain Falcon, but had rather poor durability.

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-Drives the Blood Hawk, which was equipped with a Reactor Might for a brief time, allowing it to use Blood Fire (An equivalent of Boost Fire), and fight evenly with the Blue Falcon and Dragon Bird using their Boost Fire techniques.

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-When it was resurrected, Blood Falcon became a liquid human, capable of changing his shape into forms like a bullet, morphing his arms into metallic blades, regenerating from a puddle, and stretching his arms.


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-Can be overconfident at points.

-Black Fire requires Black Shadow to turn off the safety mechanisms of his Black Bull, which could lead to a crash if not handled correctly.

-Some of his abilities only work on Reactor Mights, which are exclusive to his universe.

“I won’t let my dream die!”


Face the False Goku! by ThatGuyImortal
Name: Goku Black.
Real Name: Zamasu.
Species: Saiyan now.
Previous Species: Kaioshin.
Height: 5’9″
Gender: Male.
First Appearance: 
“SOS From the Future! A New Enemy Appears”

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Son Goku. The mortals who has risen to the level of the gods. And perhaps, has even surpassed some of them. His limitless tenacity and desire to grow stronger has shaken the world many times over, and he has quickly risen to become one of the multiverse’s greatest fighters, and heroes.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: But what would happen, if Goku had instead been born a god? And what if he was not a harbinger of justice, but rather…a harbinger of absolute justice.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Well, enter Goku…Black. Creative, I know.

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: Once the Supreme Kai to-be of Universe 10, Zamasu was training to take over the position from his master Gowasu in order to protect the universe’s mortals. However, over time, Zamasu grew disillusioned with the idea, believing mortals were too flawed to save, and that they needed to be purged in order for the universe to become perfect. Ultimately, some chance meetings with the openly audacious Goku and some horrific monsters on planet Babari led Zamasu to enact his plan. So, while Gowasu wasn’t looking, Zamasu killed him, stole the Time Rings, and used the Super Dragon Balls to swap bodies with Son Goku, killing the former Saiyan and his family in the process.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Afterwards came some time travel shenanigans where Goku Black traveled to a different part of time to find another Zamasu, where the two teamed up as Future Zamasu wished for immortality, making the two a formidable fighting pair.

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: There’s more, as well. Afterwards, the two wiped out all the Supreme Kais, thus ridding the multiverse of all twelve Gods of Destruction. Why the angels didn’t come in and stop them I’m not sure, but, it’s not important I suppose. Either way, there was no more mortals, and the Zamasus were free to ravage the timeline of Future Trunks, once again turning it into a hellhole the same way the Androids had years prior.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: Obviously, GB has plenty of raw power to back up his threats. Even in his base form, he could trade blows with Super Saiyan 2 Goku after Goku had already absorbed God ki into his body, meaning Goku’s base form was as powerful at that point as he was in the Battle of Gods arc as a Super Saiyan God. And in that story arc, Goku’s clashes with Beerus were so powerful, they were destroying the entire universe, just as a side effect of their battle!

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: And this is just Base Black. He can transform into Super Saiyan forms as well, due to having Goku’s body. And even more impressively, he can turn into a Super Saiyan Rose as well, essentially his equivalent of Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue transformation. Normally, Blue is achieved by channeling the power of SS God and then turning into a Super Saiyan from that. But since Black is already a god, his form is pink. And apparently more powerful than normal too, considering he absolutely thrashed Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and Goku when they first fought.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: And you might be asking “How is this possible?” And the answer is…bullshit. 

resizedimage__4__by_jjsliderman_dda8424-fullview: The Saiyan race is all blessed with a trait known as the zenkai. Essentially, when a Saiyan is beaten within an inch of his life, he grows far stronger. This is how Vegeta was capable of growing powerful enough to fight Frieza in his later forms during the Namek saga despite not actually being a Super Saiyan at the time. Goku Black, however, just gets these zenkais whenever he gets hurt, meaning he grows in power even faster than normal Saiyans. This also led to many…interesting powers.

resizedimage__2__by_jjsliderman_dcb7366-fullview: Yeah, like how he just…got a scythe out of nowhere. Because it looks cool. Or how he can just slice through space and create a bunch of clones or do your taxes with one hand because he’s just so gosh darn special. Man…Super was kind of a mess in that arc.

Oh, and, technically since Black is Zamasu he can fuse with Future Zamasu in order to form Merged Zamasu, but that won’t be included here. It’s purely Black and his sometimes non-canon abilities and maybe some immortality maybe idk the manga is weird.

resizedimage__3__by_jjsliderman_dda83tq-fullview: Moral of the story, Goku Black is pretty damn cool. He’s cunning, he’s merciless, he’s…British?, and he’s death given form. He’s Goku Black, and he’s out for blood.FEATS:

-Defeated Super Saiyan Blue Goku with little effort.
    -Further more, he defeated an enraged Goku who was overwhelming him at the time.
-Traded blows with Super Saiyan 2 Goku.
-Easily bested Super Saiyan 2 Trunks.
-Killed thousands of people.
-Managed to acquire the Super Dragon Balls and switch bodies with Goku.
-Found a loophole involving time travel.
-Managed to kill Goku after swapping bodies with him.
    -Though Goku was in a physically weaker body.


-Easily blocked a punch from an enraged Goku.
-Overpowered Trunks several times.
-Kicked SSJB Vegeta hard enough to hurt him.
-Casually a planet buster.
-Fought against a stronger Goku than in the Battle of Gods arc, where Goku’s clash with Beerus was quickly destroying the universe.
-In the manga, took on a Weakened SSJB Vegeta in his Super Saiyan State.
-Using Saiyan Beyond God gives him enough power to rival the likes of Super Saiyan God.

Speed & Reflexes:

-Casually FTL via having Goku’s Body.

-Fought on par with Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta.

-Easily outpaced Super Saiyan 2 Trunks.

-Potentially comparable to a casual Beerus, who is 3/4 the speed of a casual Whis. Whis at his best could travel across the universe from Beerus’s planet to Earth in 10 seconds.

-Surprised Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta with his speed.

-Moved fast enough to surprise SSJ2 Goku before attacking him.


-Tanked 2 separate beatdowns from SSB Vegeta.
-Got stabbed through the back by Trunks.
-Took the explosion of a collision between his and Trunk’s attacks without any signs of damage.
-Took a punch from an enraged SSJ2 Trunks with no effort.
-Easily endured a beating from an enraged SSGSS Goku.
-Traded blows with SSJ2 Goku while using Saiyan Beyond God.
-Tanked attacks from SSJ Rage Trunks.

Skills & Abilities:

-A special trait that all Saiyans possess.
-Gives a massive power boost if a Saiyan survives a near death scenario.
-His Zenkai is a bit different, as all he has to do is take damage to get stronger.
-Knows how it works and often allows himself to take damage.
    -When push comes to shove, will hurt himself to power up.

-A natural life force energy that Black can use in a multitude of different ways.
-Can use ki to access high-speed flight.
-Can fire energy blasts.
-Can sense another’s ki and even predict attacks.

Instant Transmission:
-A form of teleportation.
-Allows Black to disappear and reappear anywhere in an instant.
-Can likely combine the Black Kamehameha with this technique.

Godly ki:
-A form of ki that only gods are capable of using.
-Same as normal Ki, but on a more powerful level.
-Used to fuel Super Saiyan Rose.

God Split Cut:
-The signature move of Black.
-Covers his hand in a field of energy before chopping at the opponent.
-Has a more powerful version as Super Saiyan Rose.

Violent Fierce God Slicer:
-A more powerful version of God Split Cut.
-Forms a long blade of godly ki that can be used as a sort of sword.
-Used to stab Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta.

-Has a scythe variant that can rip apart space to summon clones.
-Clones disperse in 1 hit but can reappear in a moments notice.
    -Clones only go away for good if the original Black moves too far away from the rift he created.

Super Saiyan Rosé Azure Dragon Sword:
-More powerful version of the Violent Fierce God Slicer.
-Can extend and form more blades of Godly ki.
-Used to defeat Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku.

Black Kamehameha:
-Black’s version of Goku’s signature attack.
-Virtually the same as the Kamehameha.
-Can likely combine this with Instant Transmission.

Super Black Kamehameha:
-An even more powerful version of the Black Kamehameha.
-Is a pink color instead of purple.
-Extremely powerful.

Energy Shield:
-In the manga, Black is showed to using this to defend against Super Saiyan Vegeta’s ki blast attack.

-Like Shin and Future Zamasu, Black is able to utilize telekinesis to hold down his foes. Black used this against Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta but it didn’t work on him, and later against Future Trunks in the manga.

Invisible Eye Blast:
-The ability to shoot an invisible blast of ki out of his eyes. Used against Future Mai in the manga.

Meteor Blow:
-One of Black’s Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.

Break Strike:
-Black’s Evasive skill in Xenoverse 2.

Pure Heart:
-Despite his evil actions, Goku Black is immune to the effects of the Devilmite Beam (and Psidevilmite Beam) indicating that he has a pure heart and that his evil actions are a result of his misguided belief that mortals are evil beyond repair. One of Goku Black’s passive skills in Dragon Ball Fusions. It should be noted that Zamasu also possesses this skill.

Spirit Shot:
-In the manga, Black uses this in order to clear the dust that Future Trunks had created.

-In the manga, as a result of his faulty defusion from Future Zamasu, Goku Black retains Fused Zamasu’s immortality.

Supervillain Mode:
-In Xenoverse 2 as part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, Goku Black can take on Supervillain Mode by shaving off some of his life. He can even use the power up in his Super Saiyan Rosé form despite its Godly ki.

Rage Saucer:
-A darkness energy fueled rush technique used by Supervillain Mode Goku Black in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Super Pack 4 DLC.

Darkness Mixer:
-A ki and stamina charging technique that produces a dark aura that damages nearby enemies. Used by Supervillain Mode Goku Black in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Super Pack 4 DLC.

Forms & Transformations:

Goku Black Super Saiyan by ThatGuyImortal
Super Saiyan:
-50x Multiplier from his Base Form.
-Resembles a combination of Majin Vegeta and SSJ2 Goku.
-Said to be able to rival the likes of Super Saiyan God.
-Fought with a Weakened Super Saiyan Blue in this form, and was doing really well.
-Unknown if it has an effect on his body.

Saiyan Beyond God
-Unknown Multiplier of Strength.
-Allowed Black to fight on par with Super Saiyan 2 Goku.
-Used by Goku and Vegeta to take on and overpower Frieza.
-No signs of strain to his body.

Gaku Bleck by ThatGuyImortal
Super Saiyan Rose:
-Black’s version of the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue forms.
-Curbstomped Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks upon their first encounter.
-Capable of utilizing godly ki.
-Vastly increases his stats to insane levels.
-Blocked a punch from an Enraged SSGSS Goku.
-Stabbed SSJB Vegeta.


-EXTREMELY Arrogant, and adding A Saiyans Personality on top of that does not help.
-Still vulnerable to attacks that blind him.
-Allows himself to take damage to power himself up, which is not a smart idea.
-Before unfusing with Future Zamasu, did not have immortality.
-Has trouble sensing foes who are moving too fast.
-Still not in control of 100% of what Goku’s body can do.


-Credit to ThatGuyImortal for the information on Goku Black. You can find him here: https://imortalsfightcorner.wordpress.com


Dragon Ball Super vs F-Zero! When two despicable dark tyrants duke it out on the fields of war, who will emerge as the ultimate destroyer? Will it be Goku Black, the Supreme Kai of absolute, utter despair and justice, and the pinnacle of perfection? Or Black Shadow, the F-Zero champion spawned from the blackest pits of the cosmos? Find out soon!

Author: JJ Slider

I'm a somewhat shy, but also expressive individual, who likes to play video games, watch cartoons, and hang out with friends.

3 thoughts on “Goku Black vs Black Shadow: Smackdown Warm-Up!”

  1. I’ll say this is a definite close match.

    Goku Black has a consistent lead in strength, durability, and power phsyciality wise. While the Dark Engines or whatchamacallits outdo Goku Black via consistent Universal+ Power, Goku Black starts off at Planet in base form and can reach up to Universal at his peak. His powers allow him to amp up his stats further, and he has better range. And GB can straight up power through several of Black Shadow’s tricks and abilities.

    On the other hand, Black Shadow has a plethora of hax-like abilities and has a lot in versatility. Removing enemies, Blood Falcons on his side, his Might Reactors, fog and hologram manipulation, and much more. On top of that, his versatility helps in being able to provide more options for escape and to annoy Goku Black, which is where Black’s huge ego and Shadow’s cunning match with their outlook. Though, BS needs a little amount of time to get ready at the start, so it’s a point in both of their courts.

    This really boils down to speed, so I’ll give it to neither right now, but leaning slightly towards Black Shadow. I think he has enough to outlast Goku Black long enough to turn the tides with the Reactors Might.

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  2. Aight so, from what I know of Dragon Ball. Looking at both seem pretty equal. Cuz much scaling to Goku shaking the universe in SSJ!God mode and they said if they kept going they could destroy the Universe and whatever the eff cosmology that Super has. So prolly around Universal+ then. Looking at Black Shadow, if he manages to get his grubby little hands on the full power of Reactor Mights and their universe resetting powers that would be like Uni+ as well.

    Looking at other factors GB definitely has speed on his side. Scaling to 3/4’s Whis’ speed is already way better. Sure his car can prolly be comparable to interstellar travel, interstellar usually means situated between stars, the nearest star system to our own is like 4 lightyears away I think? Assuming the car can travel 10 star systems in a second that would mean the Black Bull is really fast, or around 1 billion c which is still slower than Whis’ feat. BS does have better hax than GB does though, he turn into smoke to evade attacks and he can prolly mindhax GB to death.

    Considering both are around the same strength GB can prolly abuse Zenkai boosts until he eventually becomes stronger than GB and then just overwhelm him. Since GB has the speed advantage over BS he can play it safe with his better speed.

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