Link vs Amaterasu: Smackdown Warm-Up!

Resizedimage-275x75 by JJSliderman: Okay so maybe I was a little exaggerative last time in my assessment of being “the end of DA” but well, the only reason I can make this is because it’s not part of the new Deviantart so what does that say.


Resizedimage (3) by JJSliderman: Either way, welcome back to the Slider Show. Where today, we’ve got a true clash of legends and gods. Quite literally!

Resizedimage (4) by JJSliderman: Since the beginning, there has always existed the age old conflict between light and dark, good and evil. When there is a new foe rising to destroy the land, a valiant hero stands to fight them. They create legacies that span generations, each of their offspring taking up the fight once more ad infinitum. And these two are the perfect encapsulation of this age-old theorem.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Link, the wielder of the Triforce of Courage and the Hero of Ages.

Resizedimage (3) by JJSliderman: And Okami Amaterasu, the sun deity of Nippon.

Resizedimage (4) by JJSliderman: Now, of course, there are many different versions of Link, some of them having direct thematic ties to Amaterasu. Like how the Hero of the Wilds had a hundred year slumber, or how the Hero of Twilight can turn into a wolf. But for this battle, Link will be composited across the entire Zelda series.

Resizedimage by JJSliderman: That’s nice. But furball’s gonna wash this elf boy any day of the week!

Resizedimage-275x75 by JJSliderman: Well either way I feel like very few people will be satisfied so let’s just get right into it. Time for a SMACKDOWN!

Amaterasu main artwork by JJSliderman


Name: Amaterasu
Age: 100
Aliases: Ammy, Origin of all that is good, Mother to Us All, Sun Goddess, Shiranui



100 years prior to the events of Okami, Amaterasu’s descendant, Shiranui, fought against the mighty Yamato no Orochi alongside the Moon Tribe warrior Waka, before being forced to flee with the other Celestials in the Ark of Yamato down to the earth below. However, the Ark was filled with monsters that slew all the Celestials on board, while Shiranui waited until the birth of the legendary hero Nagi before confronting Orochi again, eventually slaying the eight-headed demon along with the sacred sword Tsukuyomi, which sealed the beast for a century. Afterwards, Shiranui died, a result of wounds gained from fighting the twin owl demons Lechku and Nechku in the future alongside Amaterasu. Upon Shiranui’s death, her spirit reincarnated into the goddess Amaterasu in the Celestial Plain, and for awhile there was peace. That is, until Orochi returned to invade Nippon a hundred years later, with Amaterasu having lost her Celestial Brush powers. So, with only the Poncle Issun as her companion, Amaterasu set out to slay Orochi once again alongside the warrior Susano, descendant of Nagi. After Orochi’s death, more evil appeared in the form of the fox Ninetails, the corrupt Blight, and ultimately the evil Lord of Darkness Yami. But with the power of the people’s faith behind her as a result of Issun’s actions as the new Celestial Envoy, Amaterasu slew Yami, departed back to the Celestial Plain in the Ark with Waka, and restored peace, even having a child in the form of Chibiterasu.


Although Amaterasu doesn’t truly speak, she conveys a strong sense of justice and the desire to do what’s right, along with occasionally being somewhat playful with the other Brush Gods. Most of her meaning is portrayed by Issun, who himself is mainly a rather perverted individual, but will ultimately do the actions that need to be done, despite his somewhat headstrong nature.



-At the beginning of her adventures in Nippon, could create up to 30 stars in the sky with her Celestial Brush.
-Power Slash can slice through crystal rocks with ease.
-Can dig through stone.
-Can smash rocks with her head.
-Helped Nagi and Susano slash through Orochi’s necks.
-Spun the Whirlpool Galaxy with Galestorm.
-Defeated Yami, who could easily destroy the Celestial Brush constellations.
-Her previous incarnation Shiranui could lift a massive boulder about to crush Nagi.


-Can react to enemies that can intercept the Celestial Brush, which reached the Whirlpool Galaxy in a short time.
-Able to intercept a lightning strike and stop its movement with the Celestial Brush.
-Capable of running at speeds faster than professional athletes in Nippon.
-Can dodge Crimson Helm’s charge.


-Shiranui, who Amaterasu is comparable to, survived a strike from Lechku and Nechku. While near death, she returned to the past to help Nagi slay Orochi before finally succumbing to her wounds.
-Survived an electrocution from Yami that destroyed the Celestial Brush gods.
-Endured the freezing cold of Kamui for extended periods of time.

Powers, Abilities, and Equipment:

Divine Instruments:

-A set of mystical weapons Amaterasu uses to combat the forces of darkness, gathered from all over Nippon, including:

Divine Retribution by JJSliderman

–Divine Retribution: The very first weapon Amaterasu obtained, a basic reflector capable of blocking attacks before striking with a serrated disc.

200px-SnarlingBeast by JJSliderman

–Snarling Beast: Forged from the remains of the horrific Spider Queen, this reflector is still imbued with her stinging bite.

Be7e3c5c4aaf4945bd3b991cd6c07cff by JJSliderman

–Infinity Judge: Reflector marked with the power of infinity.

Trinity Mirror by JJSliderman

–Trinity Mirror: Embodies the ideals of knowledge, faith, and power in order to strike foes with incredible force.

200px-Devout Beads by JJSliderman

–Devout Beads: The first of the Rosary class of instruments obtained after bringing life back to Agata Forest. The beads can serve as either a long-range whip, or a projectile.

200px-Life Beads by JJSliderman

–Life Beads: Pulled from the corpse of Orochi’s servant Crimson Helm, these beads administer life-rending power to their target.

200px-Exorcism Beads by JJSliderman

–Exorcism Beads: Obtained from the remnants of the Blight that corrupted the Emperor, these beads use holy light to drive back evil.

Snapshot 001 by JJSliderman

–Resurrection Beads: Use light to guide souls to their proper place.

200px-Tundra Beads by JJSliderman

–Tundra Beads: Use the power of the freezing cold to destroy enemies.

Unnamed (1) by JJSliderman

–Tsumugari: A reborn version of the Tsukuyomi sword that sealed True Orochi, this glaive has tremendous striking power.

Seven Strike by JJSliderman

–Seven Strike: A legendary seven-pointed blade, later copied by the demon Ninetails to create the Ninestrike.

Unnamed by JJSliderman

–Blade of Kusanagi: A remnant of the beast Ninetails, this glaive can strike with all of the demon’s power.

–Eighth Wonder: A relic of an eight-armed beast god.

200px-Thunder Edge by JJSliderman

–Thunder Edge: A sword forged by the power of the monster Orochi at his most fearsome, this glaive uses the power of thunder to deliver tremendous striking power.

200px-Solar Flare by JJSliderman

–Solar Flare: The weapon of the god Shiranui, obtained by the fusion of all 13 brush techniques to strike with a fire that burns away all shadows.

Brush Techniques:

-Abilities Amaterasu performs with her Celestial Brush. When it occurs, time halts around her as she raises the brush to the canvas encompassing the world itself, and alters it to her liking.

–Sunrise: Allows Amaterasu to summon the sun to make night turn to day.

Rejuvination by JJSliderman

–Rejuvenation: Allows Amaterasu to repair any broken objects.

–Power Slash: Enables Amaterasu to slice through almost any object, including trees, pottery, boulders, and more.

Amaterasu Vine by JJSliderman

–Vine: Allows Amaterasu to grapple to nearby Konohana blossoms.

–Cherry Bomb: Lets Amaterasu plant up to three bombs at a time, which explode and deal heavy damage to anything nearby.

–Bloom: Allows Amaterasu to make withered plants or buds bloom, usually resulting in praise and items.

Lily by JJSliderman

–Water Lily: Creates a lilypad on the water for Amaterasu to stand on, as she cannot swim very well herself.

–Waterspout: Allows Amaterasu to spread water onto any place she desires, either by summoning it from a nearby water source or making it pour from the sky. She can also use the ability to teleport between Mermaid Springs to get around Nippon quickly.

Inferno by JJSliderman

–Inferno: Essentially a fiery version of Waterspout, allowing Amaterasu to either summon fire from nearby torches or create a massive fireball to roast nearby enemies.

–Crescent: An inverse of Sunrise, allowing Amaterasu to summon the moon to turn day to night.

–Galestorm: Allows Amaterasu to summon the wind to blow nearby foes off their feet, as well as create a tornado to increase its power even further.

Veil of Mist by JJSliderman

–Veil of Mist: Allows Amaterasu to slow down time around her.

Blizzard1 by JJSliderman

–Blizzard: Lets Amaterasu freeze things with nearby ice sources or just generate ice herself.

–Thunderstorm: Amaterasu channels nearby lightning storms to blast foes with electricity. Upon improving the technique, she could create lightning herself.

–Catwalk: When facing statues of the god Kabegami, Amaterasu can create a pathway she can walk on to climb 90 degree inclines.

Holy Artifacts:

-Items Amaterasu collects to boost her capabilities.

Fire Tablet by JJSliderman

–Fire Tablet: Allows Amaterasu to swim in fire and lava with no injury.

Water Tablet by JJSliderman

–Water Tablet: Allows Amaterasu to walk on water.

Wood Mat by JJSliderman

–Wooden Mat: Lets Amaterasu heal her wounds in exchange for currency.

Golden Lucky Cat by JJSliderman

–Golden Lucky Cat: Increases the distance Amaterasu can collect items from.

Peace Bell by JJSliderman

–Peace Bell: Drives normal enemies away from Amaterasu.

–Fog Pot: Allows Amaterasu to warp between Ultimate Origin Mirrors.

–Golden Ink Pot: Triples the speed Amaterasu recovers ink at (All of her Celestial Brush techniques use ink)

Thief's Glove by JJSliderman

–Thief’s Glove: Allows Issun to steal important items from enemies.

String of Beads by JJSliderman

–String of Beads: Upon collecting all 100 Stray Beads, the String is forged, giving Amaterasu unlimited health and ink for Celestial Brush techniques, along with increasing her strength tenfold.

Astral Pouch by JJSliderman

–Astral Pouch: Revives Amaterasu instantly upon death if the pouch is full. Can carry up to 4 of them.

Consumable Items:

Holy Bone L by JJSliderman

-Holy Bone: Allows Amaterasu to recover health.

Steel Fist Sake by JJSliderman

-Steel Fist Sake: Increases Amaterasu’s attack power.

Steel Soul Sake by JJSliderman

-Steel Soul Sake: Increases Amaterasu’s defense.

Inkfinity Stone by JJSliderman

-Inkfinity Stone: Allows Amaterasu infinite ink capacity for a limited time.

Exorcism Slip L by JJSliderman

-Exorcism Slip: Deals heavy damage to nearby enemies.

Vengeance Slip by JJSliderman

-Vengeance Slip: Enemies who damage Amaterasu are instead damaged themselves.

Godly Charm by JJSliderman

-Traveler’s/Godly Charm: Increases Amaterasu’s godhood to give her a barrier to deflect a certain amount of damage.

Golden Peach by JJSliderman

-Golden Peach: Instantly fills an Astral Pouch.

Dojo Techniques:

-Learned from Onigiri-sensei in his dojos around Nippon, these techniques boost Amaterasu’s fighting capabilities even further.

–Fleetfoot: Allows Amaterasu to dodge out of the way of attacks. Can be upgraded to counter attacks with Counter Dodge.

–Hardhead: Allows Amaterasu to smash boulders with her head that normally require Power Slash.

–Golden Fury: Amaterasu pisses on enemies to force them to drop Demon Fangs. Can be upgraded to Brown Rage to increase the Fangs collected.

–Spirit Storm: Increases the attack rate of Rosaries. Upgrading to Spirit Armageddon boosts the attack rate further.

–4 Winds: Adds another attack to Amaterasu’s Reflector combo, which can be upgraded to Five Winds to add another hit.

–3 Shears: Adds a third hit to Amaterasu’s glaive combo, which can be upgraded to add a fourth hit with 4 Shears.

–Holy Eagle: Lets Amaterasu make a second jump in midair, essentially serving as an improvement to her standard wall jump. Can be upgraded to Holy Falcon to allow the second jump to deal damage.

–Digging Champ: Lets Amaterasu dig through harder surfaces.

–Wailing Mirror: Increases the power of Amaterasu’s reflectors when both her weapon slots are equipped with them.

–Bead String: The rosary equivalent of Wailing Mirror.

–Sword Dance: The glaive equivalent of Wailing Mirror.


-Amaterasu’s Celestial Envoy, and a member of the Poncle tribe.
-Most of the time Issun is mainly just there to make wisecracks and perverted comments about every girl he sees.
-However, he also provides useful information on where Amaterasu should go next.
-Armed with the sword Denkomaru, although his small size means it very rarely does any meaningful damage.


-Recovered all 13 Brush techniques.
-Slew Orochi alongside Susano.
-Defeated Blight and saved Sei-an City.
-Recovered the Dragon Orb and the Fox Rods from within the Water Dragon’s belly.
-Scaled Oni Island and defeated Ninetails.
-Defeated Lechku and Nechku to stop the blizzard over Kamui. 
-Defeated all the monsters in the Ark of Yamato.
-Defeated Yami once and for all with the praise of the people of Nippon.
-Restored peace by returning to the Celestial Plain.


-The Celestial Brush uses ink, and if Amaterasu runs out, she must wait for it to recharge, and cannot use any brush techniques or Divine Instruments until that happens.
-Issun is largely useless in a fight.
-Taking too much damages causes the Celestial Brush gods to be destroyed, robbing Amaterasu of her powers until faith in her is restored.
-Is not at her full potential, as shown by the improved brush techniques of Shiranui.

“Hey Ammy! How about one of those famous victory howls of yours?”

Link by ThePerpetual


Height: ~5’7″ to 5’8″ (varies)

Weight: ~135 lbs. (varies)

Age: 17 (varies)

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Origin: The Legend of Zelda

AKA: The Hero of Time, The Hero of Twilight, The Hero of Winds, The Chosen One, The Bearer of the Triforce of Courage, many more


– Saved Hyrule innumerable times
– Constantly defeats giant monsters and other skilled swordsmen
– Saved Termina from being completely destroyed by Majora dropping the moon onto it
– Defeated Ganon, Gharahim, and other threats capable of wiping all life off of Hyrule at their strongest
– Even defeated a Ganon with the full Triforce, which supposedly gives its bearer immeasurable power: at the very least, power to control all of Hyrule with little effort 
– Is one of Nintendo’s most recognizable icons
– Has repeatedly defeated Dark Link

– Defeated Calamity Ganon and saved Hyrule, even without the Triforce of Courage.
– Survived bastardization at the hands of the CD-i games
– Became a Warriors character with the release of Hyrule Warriors
– Participated in every Smash game to date



– Can lift Dangoro, and sumo wrestle giant gorons at base
– Matched blows with the likes of Demise and Ganondorf
– Can knock over foes several times his size with shield bashes
– With Golden Gauntlets, a Link with only peak-human strength could lift 1000+ tons: compounded with base-line Twilight Princess! Link’s superhuman strength, can lift well above even that (calculated to be a total of roughly 55,081 tons)
— Likely far higher, given that the Golden Gauntlets are described as having the strength “to move mountains”
— In other words, do this
– Exceedingly agile
– Can easily backflip, roll, etc., and jump massive heights with the Roc’s feather
– Base sprinting speed is at least as fast as Onox, making baseline running speed Mach 1941.5+
– This is tripled with the Pegasus Boots, which give him enough force to barrel through large trees and walls with inertia alone, then further multiplied by 1.68 with the Bunny Hood, making maximum sprint speed clock in at a minimum of Mach 9785+
– Lightning-speed reflexes: can block lightning bolts for days in Skyward Sword, and has reflexes sufficient to control his movement when moving at his item-enhanced top speed
— This gives him Sub-relatavistic reflexes
– As a young child before being awakened as the Hero of Time, could survive getting ran over by a twenty-foot-tall boulder and get up only slightly bruised
– Can survive lengthy, full-body submersion in lava at base: it only minorly wounds him
– Can take multiple hits from Ganondorf/Ganon, Ghirahim, Majora, and similarly powerful threats at base, many of whom threatened to wipe all life off of the World and/or warp all of Hyrule, and sometimes even the world
– Continent-level threats are just another Tuesday for him
– Durability multiplied roughly 42 times with Great Fairy’s Blessing, Green Ring, and Blue Ring, Red Mail, and Blue Mail combined
– Can fight for days on end without fatigue
– Can act normally through multiple injuries
– Has only been portrayed to have be physically worn out by combat once… in a non-canon game, what’s more
– Genius intellect
– Master puzzle-solver, strategist, adventurer, explorer, and analyzer
– 10+ generations of battle experience and various occupational knowledges
– Expert Archer and General Weapons Master
— Carries experience from past lives using similar items combined with intellect to master new items near-instantly
– Surprisingly Adept Boxer, Wrestler, and Martial Artist
— Unarmed strikes enhanced with Expert’s Ring to deal damage equal to his baseline bomb blasts
— Could wrestle and triumph over more experienced Goron sumo wrestlers
— Kicks and throws used most often in Smash
The Triforce of Courage

– Indomitable willpower
– Very high resistance to mind control/dark magics
Master Swordsman
– Noted by Orca to be in his blood, enabling instant mastery of swords even with zero combat experience
– Excellent 1-vs-1 duelist, represented in-game by Z-targeting mechanic
– Via the Heart Ring L-2
– Only active while moving
– Because that makes sense.
Can Merge With Paintings
– Limited time
– Has it


The Master Sword

– Link’s iconic sword
– “The Blade of Evil’s Bane”
– Repels evil, and can not be wielded by evil beings
– Indestructible
– Can reflect lightning/light-type energies
– Powerful enough, without upgrades, to defeat Ganondorf/Ghirahim/Majora/etc.
– Uses the Bombos, Ether, and Quake medallions to summon giant pillars of fire, freeze all enemies, and create massive earthquakes, respectively
Biggoron’s Sword
– Two-handed, has excellent reach and damage
– Link is unable to use his shield while using this
Four Sword
– Allows Link to create three clones of himself while wielded
Wooden Sword
– Because…?
Kokiri Sword
– More like a dagger, at his age
– Could be useful, if a smaller blade is needed
The Fairy Bow
– Fires arrows far faster than normal
– Range and damage further increased via the Sacred Bow upgrade
– Accuracy increased with Hawkeye enhancement
– Can be augmented with Bombs for Bomb Arrows, or Silver Arrows that instantly kill most evil creatures
Megaton Hammer
– Immense damage, slow
– Creates large shockwaves when swung
– Implied to strike with literal megatons of force: also classified as petajoule-class, or able to level entire sprawling cities in one hit with physical force alone
– Good thing it doesn’t do that in-game!!
Magic Hammer
– Functions similarly to the Megaton Hammer
Ball and Chain
– Massive damage and reach, can shatter giant ice blocks
– Limits his mobility
Link Bomb by ThePerpetual
– Variants include the walking Bomblings, wall-crawling Bombchus, and Water Bombs
– Doubled blast radius/power with Nice Bomb upgrade
– Super Bomb is one-time usage with massive damage and 3-second detonation delay, can’t harm Link
– Remote Bombs are remote-detonatable
– Giant Bombs create a larger, more damaging explosion
– Meteor Bombs send people plummeting downwards
– Bomb-proof Ring prevents his own bombs from damaging him
– Stuns enemies
– Can absorb fire and ice elemental energies
– Gale Boomerang surrounds the boomerang in a whirlwind
The Book of Magic + Magical Rod
– Creates magical fireballs that explode
Fire Rod
– Emits columns of fire
– Upgraded with the Nice Fire Rod
Ice Rod
– Fires icicles that freeze enemies
– Upgraded with the Nice Ice Rod
Tornado Rod
– Creates a damaging tornado that can also be used to launch Link into the air
– Upgraded with the Nice Tornado Rod
– Is a slingshot that fires pumpkin seeds


Hero’s Clothes
– Signature clothing, marks him as the hero
– Worn with a chainmail shirt
Goron Tunic
– Enables Link to withstand intense heat
Zora Tunic
– Gets rid of need to breathe air
Magic Armor
– Becomes completely invincible by consuming rupees upon suffering damage: the Wind Waker version does not passively drain rupees
– Can also attain invincibility by consuming magic: this is broken combined with the Chateau Romani
The Hylian Shield
– An indestructible shield given to Link by Lanayru
– Can block all manner of attacks
Mirror Shield
– Reflects energy-based attacks back to their source


  Link Bottle by ThePerpetual

Blue Potion
– Fully restores health and magic
Guardian Potion+
– Renders Link invincible for 6 minutes
– Store consumables, has 36 total
– Can somehow deflect magic
– Maybe just a gameplay mechanic…?

Other Gear

Twin Clawshots
– Allow him to zip around like James Bond/Spiderman/etc.
– Can pull objects
– Allow him to see invisible enemies
– Apparently Link was a Christian in one incarnation
Grappling Hook
– Can function as a tightrope for Link to walk across
– Spring-loaded chain-spear
– Very long-range
– Can pull himself to distant locations with this item
Swimmer’s Ring
– Increase swimming ability
Protection Ring
– Prevents Link from suffering more than 1 heart of damage per hit, no matter how powerful
Green Holy Ring
– Resistance to lightning-based attacks
Steadfast Ring
– Reduces knockback inflicted upon him
Whisp Ring
– Prevents jinxs/curses from affecting Link
Lens of Truth
– Dispel illusions, slowly drains magic while in use
Deku Nuts
– Stun enemies when thrown
– A flying, remote-controlled robot
Magic Powder
– Dispels curses
Gust Bellows + Gust Jar
Suck in/ push away wind
– Gust Bellows is ultra-cheap in Smash
– Lights up the dark
Mogma Mitts
– Allow Link to dig underground
Magnetic Gloves
– Attracts/repels magnetic objects
Iron Boots
– Ultra-heavy
– Give Link extra stability, at the cost of speed
Hover Boots
– Allow Link to temporarily hover in the air
– Is useful if Link manages to find walls with grooves in them? (he can attach to and jump off of them)
Hero’s Charm
– Allows Link to see the remaining lifeforce of his enemies, essentially giving them health bars
Fishing Rod
– Is a fishing rod
Dominion Rod
– Allows Link to possess inanimate objects, such as statues
Sand Wand
– Can manipulate sand
Cane of Somaria
– Can create blocks of pure magical force, which can be manipulated or detonated like remote bombs
Cane of Byrna
– Consumes magic to create an indestructible shield
Blast Mask
– Emits explosions from Link’s face
Bremen Mask
– Allows Link to possess animals
Mask of Scents
– Heightens Link’s sense of smell
– Best version comes with 99,999 rupees
– 500-600 rupees is standard-fare


Spin Attack
– Attacks everything in an area around him for double damage
– Can emit rings of magical energy at the cost of a small amount of magic, and can move while doing so
– Used in midair, it carries him higher into the air
– Enhanced with the Great Spin Attack upgrade
– Hurricane Spin attacks while moving
– Shocking Spin deals additional damage and applies lightning-elemental damage
– Whirling Leap does no damage, but sends Link forward a great horizontal and vertical distance
Jump Attack
– Deals double damage
– More powerful, 2-handed version, the Jump Strike, deals even more damage and emits a shockwave
– Quickly dodges, then counters an attack
Shield Attack
– A shield bash that stuns, and reflects projectiles
Sword Beam
– Fires lasers from wielded sword
– Can only be performed at full health
Back Slice
– Similar to Parry, evades attack then performs a rising slice from behind
– Jumps clean over an enemy and cleaves their skull in two
Rock Breaker
– Shatters giant rocks with physical strength alone
Roll Attack
– A forward roll followed by a guard-breaking lunge
– Can be canceled into a Spin Attack to catch foes off-guard
Skyward Strike
– Raises sword to the sky, then releases a crescent-shaped shockwave of holy energy that follows the arc of the blade
Mortal Draw
– Must stand completely still, with sword sheathed, to use
– Deals absolutely massive damage, instantly killing almost every enemy
– Derived from a real-life technique known as iaijutsu; this samurai art involved leaving a sword sheathed, then instantly drawing and striking with it at the very last second: the fact he is able to do this with a sword sheathed on his back that is straight, not curved is a further testament to his immense reflexes and skill
Ending Blow
– Leaps into the air, and fatally impales the enemy whilst leaping onto them
– Used on prone/stunned/otherwise vulnerable foes
– Is usually an instant-kill to anything that could logically be killed by a sword


Fire Spell
– Shoots fireballs from Link’s sword that penetrate physical defenses
Thunder Spell
– Heavily damages all on-screen enemies with lightning
Jump Spell
– Allows Link to jump large distances, easily reaching high rooftops
Life Spell
– Heals Link
Reflect Spell
– Boosts Link’s blocking ability, allowing him to block previously unblockable attacks
Shield Spell
– Halves incoming damage for a short time
Spell Spell
– Turns weak enemies into Bots, small jelly-like monsters
– Yes, that’s actually its name
Fire Arrow
– Imbues arrow with fire energies, melting ice and lighting targets struck ablaze
Ice Arrow
– Imbues arrow with ice energies, freezing struck target
Light Arrow
– Instantly slays lesser creatures, stunning greater ones
Din’s Fire
– Surrounds self in a massive, expanding dome of fire
Farore’s Wind
– First cast places a warp point, second cast teleports to that warp point
Nayru’s Love
– Consumes some magic to create a nigh-impenetrable barrier
– Only Ganon was powerful enough to penetrate it, and even his attacks were greatly weakened


– Various musical instruments such as the Ocarina of Time, the Wind Waker, the Spirit Flute, the Harp of Ages, etc.
– Various teleportation songs that can take him to preset locations
– Can summon birds/his horse Epona to take him places
– Weather manipulation with Song of Storms and Wind’s Requiem
– Time manipulation with Song of Time and its variants, Tune of Ages, and Sun’s Song: Song of Time goes back in time up to three days, Inverted Song of Time slows time to half its normal speed, Song of Double Time skips forward in time, the Sun’s Song turns night to day or vice versa, and also stuns undead nearby, and Tune of Ages allows time manipulation and travel to an unknown extent
– Song of Healing soothes the souls of ghosts/spirits/similar creatures burdened by negative emotions, potentially one-hit-KOing them by turning them into masks


– Can become a wolf capable of jumping massive heights
– Can see in the dark, dig, perceive and track intangible spirits, and directly destroy evil souls
Various Transformation Rings
– Allow him to become an Octorok, Like Like, Moblin, Subrosian, even an 8-bit Version of himself
– Comparatively useless, but someone smart like Link might find a use for them maybe?
Fairy Spell
– Turns Link into a tiny fairy
– Can not attack in this form, but can fly and move through tiny spaces
Deku Mask/Deku Link
– Turns Link into a Deku Scrub
– Can spit acidic bubbles and skip on water, but is weaker against fire-based attacks
Goron Mask/Goron Link
– Turns Link into a Goron
– Becomes immune to fire, but can not swim
– Can roll at high speeds
Zora Mask/Zora Link
– Turns Link into a Zora
– Vastly superior underwater maneuverability, can breathe underwater
– Gains elbow-blades that can also be used as boomerangs
Giant Mask/Giant Link
– Greatly increases Link’s size
– Further reduces taken dealt to him by 75%
– Gains greater reach
– Slowly drains magic while in use
Fierce Deity Mask/Fierce Deity Link

– Wields the Double Helix blade, a greatsword theorized by some to be an awakened form of the Master Sword
— Alternatively proposed to be an extension of the Fierce Deity Mask’s power
– Gains a new, extremely muscular body standing at over 7 feet tall, which otherwise resembles his adult form
– Doubled attack power
– Can fire energy waves from his sword, one of which can, as of Hyrule Warriors, split a small moon in half; said moon possessed enough force to completely destroy all of Termina and the planet it rested on
– Enemies can be struck by the blade and energy wave simultaneously, even further doubling damage

Breath of the Wild Additions:

Sheikah Slate:

-A tablet that grants Link a host of different runes to aid him.

–Stasis: Freezes an object in place. Then, Link can strike it to give it momentum so it flies off in another direction when time runs out.

–Cryonis: Freezes water into a pillar for Link to walk on.

–Magnesis: Picks up any metallic object.

–Remote Bombs: Can be thrown to detonate objects whenever the trigger is pressed.

–Camera Rune: Self-explanatory.

–Master Cycle Zero: A motorcycle that runs on materials, which Link can ride at any time.


-Throughout his journey in Hyrule, Link can equip a variety of different weapons, seen here. Some of them have elemental properties, and some are far more powerful than others.


-Similarly, Link can equip a variety of different armor sets that offer different passive stat and ability boosts when a set is fully completed, seen here.


– Somewhat reliant on inventory, despite being highly skilled
– Some of his arsenal functions at its best against evil/dark beings exclusively
– Limited, albeit large, supply of magical energy
– CD-i games

Credit to ThePerpetual and ChainGangOfOne on Deviantart

Author: JJ Slider

I'm a somewhat shy, but also expressive individual, who likes to play video games, watch cartoons, and hang out with friends.

4 thoughts on “Link vs Amaterasu: Smackdown Warm-Up!”

  1. Well going over this, I would have to give it the doggy sun god of painting due to simply being far physically superior and many abilities can match Link’s arsenal


  2. I feel like I should prolly give my own thoughts on the matchup since I did a Zelda matchup before, which you should give a read wink wink. So I at least think I know what I’m talking about.

    The strongest canon versions of Link out there range from BotW Link scaling to Ganon who moved the moon, but that might be really iffy maybe according to some peeps, and TP Link who scales to Argorok who created a big storm. Speed wise the strongest versions of Link are consistently Relativistic due to laser dodging and from Guardians and Beamos

    Now comparing Ammy she fucking default dances all over Link statewise, the Celestial Brush can just create around 30 stars in a single stroke, which at least Large Star Level. The Celesital Brush also reached a galaxy in like less than a second according to this calc that means Ammy’s speed is MFTL waaaaaaay better than Link.

    You can use the stronkest version of Link, that being Hyrule Warriors Link, and Uni HW might be a thing, though I’m kinda against it maybe, he’ll still get blitzed by Ammy and might not land a solid blow on her.

    So yeah Betting and Rooting Ammy


    1. Sure I’ll give it a read at some point.

      I was planning on it but then my backlog got so big that I just deleted it.

      That said I will definitely take this into consideration, thanks.


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