Sonic the Hedgehog vs Blue-Eyes White Dragon: Smackdown!

: So…this is happening now. Didn’t think it would come quite so soon, but…we’re finally doing it. We’re finally gonna kill Sonic, right?

: Keep dreamin’, Shadman! Or would you prefer Shadbase?

: Actually I’d prefer to stick my fist up your limp co-

: Whoa, man! That’s NO good!

: He’s right, Shadow. Learn to respect furry anuses and di-

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Hold on! Can’t we at least attempt to maintain a family-friendly facade here?

: I think we abandoned that when we had babies fight.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: True, but make an effort! …More on topic, it’s time we took these two true blue juggernauts and make ’em fight for supremacy! You guys ready?

: Yeah, alright!

: Hehehe…yep.

: Meh. Long as we end this before I gotta pick up Junior from Amateur Demolitions Camp.

: This whole event is a mockery of the KaibaCorp name and a waste of my time. The sooner it ends, the better.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Then it’s time…for a SMACKDOWN!

Domino City, 8:55 PM…

Domino City, normally one of the sprawling hubs of Japan during the day, had now quieted down to an extraordinary degree. The people had begun turning in for the night, almost as if they could feel in their bones that something wasn’t right. The skies had turned the deepest shade of midnight black, and not even the moon shone through the thick clouds.

The only building still lit up was the city’s crown jewel, the monument to the ego of the Kaiba family, KaibaCorp. Once a center for developing weapons of battle, that purpose had been retired to make way for the creation of games. More specifically, the ultimate card game, played all over Japan, and the world. Upon being placed in the hands of genius game designer Seto Kaiba, the company had taken the archaic Duel Monsters and transformed it into a technological marvel. Nowadays, the citizens of Domino couldn’t walk two feet without seeing a duel played with holographic technology, bringing forth real monsters with real powers.

And tonight, Seto Kaiba was taking it to the maximum level.

“More power!” Seto Kaiba roared to his technicians, who nodded dutifully as they cranked the levers and dials upward on their consoles, sending more sparks of electricity into the testing room.

“Excellent.” Kaiba responded, his expression completely impassive as he stared at the culmination of about 3 months worth of work. “‘Pharaoh, I may not have been able to defeat you while you were bonded to Yugi, but upon completing this, we will be able to have our rematch. And I WILL win. Then, the scars of my defeats will be imprinted onto you. You will finally know what I have suffered for so long…'”

The door behind Kaiba suddenly slid open, the CEO’s ears perking up as he turned to face his brother.

Mokuba Kaiba was rather short for his age, and yet it belied a greater truth. He was slowly changing, being molded into a future president of KaibaCorp. Once Seto was gone, he was happy the company would be left in good hands.

“What is it, Mokuba? I’m a bit busy right now.”

“I know, Seto, but don’t you think that what you’re doing is a bit dangerous? I mean, you don’t even know what this machine will do when you finish it! Shouldn’t we make sure that it’s safe?” Mokuba urged.

“Safe? Mokuba, the pharaoh would never have played it safe, and neither will I, if I am to be his superior!”

“The pharaoh is gone, Seto. You need to let it go, and focus on running the company!”

“I will. Once I have finally moved on…Roland, status update!”

A man in a black suit and sunglasses stepped forward, handed Kaiba an electronic clipboard. “I’m sorry, sir, but the card is not achieving the desired results.”

“This is unacceptable! I require these cards to achieve greater levels of realism if I am to use them to unlock the doorway to the past! I WILL finish this! Crank the power to maximum!”

“But…but sir! We don’t know what will happen! The computer may overloa-“

“I’m paying you to do what I say, and what I say is to crank up the power! Now do it before I have you all thrown out on the streets!”

The researchers looked at each other with sad finality, as they pushed the settings to their highest possible level, creating the strongest electrical storm yet, one that spread across Domino City and even into the clouds above.

And yet when the smoke cleared, the card was unchanged, still showing the same translucent Blue-Eyes White Dragon it had been projecting for the past 4 hours.

“Well then, I suppose we have to-” Kaiba started, but was unable to complete his thought before the lights went out. And so, there they were, standing in inky black darkness and pondering how to resolve it.

But as soon as they had begun to adjust to the darkness, a brilliant blue light shone from within the testing room, emanating from the Blue-Eyes card.

“What’s happening!?” Mokuba cried out, struggling to hold on to a nearby chair as the area started shaking.

His question was swiftly answered as from within the card itself emerged the Blue-Eyes White Dragon itself, but it was different. The design was certainly the same, but it looked much less fuzzy, and seemed more visible than it had before the lights went out.

Kaiba began to have some suspicions, and they were quickly confirmed when the dragon opened its mouth and blasted an enormous White Lightning shot, destroying the back wall completely and allowing the winged beast to flee out into the Domino skyline.

“Did…did it just-?” Roland started, only to be cut off by Kaiba.

“Come alive…yes. This could be the answer I’ve been seeking!” Kaiba yelled, pointing his finger to the door. “To the chopper! Follow that dragon!” 

The researchers immediately bowed before clambering out the door as fast as humanly possible, ascending to the roof to reach the swath of helicopters available to the Kaiba family at any time.

“Seto, you’re not going to do anything crazy again, are you?”

“Of course not, Mokuba. This’ll just be a simple research experiment, I promise.” Kaiba replied, and that seemed to satisfy Mokuba as he raced to join the others.

“At least, for now…”

Meanwhile, outside the city…

The waters outside Domino, at the moment, were rather calm and serene. There was the occasional enormous wave that battered the trees and threatened to make them buckle under the intense pressure, but otherwise the beaches were pristine.

That is, until a blue streak sped by, creating pillars of water that ran parallel to each other, along with a smooth line of extremely hot glass that used to be coarse sand.

As the blur moved through the trees, every single one in its way was quickly uprooted and tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage, the creatures living within cursing under their breath at the unknown assailant.

Finally, as it crested the nearby hill overlooking Domino, the flash of blue light made a hard stop, skidding across the ground and leaving a dirt trail before it finally stopped on the edge of a steep incline. 

The figure was simply dressed in white gloves and red trainers. His emerald eyes glistened with excitement as he gazed at all the possible new adventures he could undertake, his blue quills ruffling in the wind. He rubbed his cream-colored stomach in hunger as he spoke into his communicator.

“Hey Knuckles, can I eat now? I’m starving and there’s a real nice chili dog stand somewhere down in the city, ya know?”

“Look, Sonic, I know it’s been rough, but this mission really needs to be finished ASAP. The future of the planet could be at stake!”

“Yeah, yeah, fair enough. Remind me what it is again?”

“Last night Blaze and Tangle were scoping this place out, and they picked up an incredible energy surge at the tower in the city’s center. And more importantly, the presence of robot AI.” Knuckles explained.

“So, you think Eggy’s holed up in here, making his robots to sic them on Japan? Sounds bad.”

“It is. If Eggman takes control here, there’s nothing stopping him from taking Chun-nan, and then the rest of the world. So you gotta stop him here and now, okay?”

“Got it.”

“Good luck, Sonic. Over and out.”

Sonic hung up and crossed his arms. “Man, can’t Eggman ever take a break or something? It’s kinda getting annoying just stopping his plans every week. I got a life too!”

“And I’m talking to myself. Great.”

Sonic revved up his legs until they formed a figure 8, before zooming off down the hill and into the city, heading for KaibaCorp tower. He was about halfway there when…


A blast of white light came hurtling towards Sonic at incredible speeds, leaving the spiky haired rodent just barely enough time to dodge before it created a brand new crater in the road where a car used to be.

Flipping backwards through the air, Sonic gracefully landed on his feet and looked up to see his attacker. 

There, in the skies above, was the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, leering at the hedgehog with a look that could melt steel.

“Hey, buddy. I don’t think you’re acquainted with the rules of the road. Rule 1, don’t cross a solid yellow line. Rule 2, always make a complete stop at stop signs. And 3, DON’T BLAST LASERS AT CARS!” Sonic yelled, the Blue-Eyes cocking its head in confusion briefly, before glaring once more and threatening to fire another blast.

“Look. I don’t wanna fight, OK? You don’t…seem like one of Baldy’s robots, so I got no beef with you. Run along or I’ll get testy, OK?”

In response, Blue-Eyes let loose another White Lightning, which Sonic just managed to limbo under as it decimated a chunk of a nearby building, causing it to collapse and send shattered brick debris in all directions.

Sonic turned to face his enemy in defiance. “OK, so it looks like peace isn’t an option. Time to rely on the whole ‘asking questions later’ mantra. But just know, big guy…you asked for this!”

Blue Eyes roared into the sky, signifying its acceptance of Sonic’s challenge. The lightning traveling through the clouds caused them to burst, unleashing a storm of water, cutting into Sonic’s fur like a knife, staining his eyes with false tears.

“Alright. You wanted it this way…

Now bring it!”

Sonic didn’t move, taking the time to size up his enormous enemy.

“‘Okay, so it’s big. It’s got giant claws. It’s wings are bigger than Shadow’s ego. And it shoots laser beams. Seems pretty normal so far…Eggy’s been crackin’ under the pressure, I guess. No big deal, just gotta finish this off and find him!'” Sonic mentally strategized, before turning to face the beast.

“HEY!” Sonic yelled at the airborne reptile, attracting its attention as it swiveled its head and narrowed its eyes.

“Yeah, I’m talking to YOU! Did someone hear order a clobberin’!?”

Blue-Eyes cocked its head in confusion.

“Huh, that’s funny. Says here…” Sonic began, pretending to glance at a piece of paper, “that someone ordered an extra large clobbering topped with everything!”

Blue-Eyes flapped its wings and glowered, clearly not amused.

“Oh…you didn’t order it? Well, I can’t take this thing back, so I’ll just give ya an extra-large clobbering for nothing! Hope you’re hungry.” Sonic finished taunting, dropping into a battle stance and shifting his hands into a karate pose.

Fed up with the hedgehog’s taunts, Blue-Eyes roared and unleashed a devastating stream of white light that Sonic managed to sidestep around, leaving a burning sedan in his wake as he waggled his finger at the enormous dragon.

“Now that’s not very nice! Now someone can’t get to work tomorrow!” Sonic teased, clucking his tongue as he lay on his back and yawned, clearly not taking his opponent very seriously. Needless to say, if the Blue-Eyes was in a cartoon, there would be enough steam coming from its ears to fill a sauna for a year.

Determined to kill Sonic once and for all, the Blue-Eyes continued to shoot out streams of destruction, as Sonic parkoured his way across cars, street lamps, even running up the sides of buildings as Blue-Eyes destroyed them piece by piece, until Sonic managed to perform a mighty leap that vaulted him to the top of a nearby card shop. Stopping to take a quick breather, Sonic was unable to avoid Blue-Eyes’s next shot, which nailed him right in the back!

Sonic was sent flying, unable to prevent himself from crashing into a nearby billboard and sending it toppling to the ground, crushing a swath of trees below it. As Sonic struggled to get to his feet, he managed to catch a glimpse of the sign:

“Huh…sounds familiar. Maybe I gotta visit it sometime.” Sonic muttered. “‘Maybe Tails can show me where it is?'”

While Sonic mused on thoughts for vacation after Eggman had been stopped, Blue-Eyes had enough time to fly across the city at mach speeds, its gargantuan wings rhythmically flapping along with the sounds of lightning, crashing against the trees outside the city.

Spreading his wings, Blue-Eyes readied itself and prepared to fire…

…only to be kicked in the face by a red trainer, sending the mighty dragon careening to the ground, laying spread-eagled and seemingly defeated.

“Heh. What, did ya think I wasn’t gonna stop your attack? Get real! This is a fight, not a dance…although I can do both. I just don’t think you’ll really appreciate it. Unless dragons secretly enjoy breakdancing? That would be really helpful to know, if ya catch my drift.” Sonic whispered to the seemingly unconscious beast, when all of a sudden he could feel a cold, scaly set of claws wrapped around his throat.

Struggling to break free, Sonic was lifted forcefully into the air by the suddenly re-energized dragon, as it tightened its grip and began wringing the poor hedgehog’s neck back and forth. As Blue-Eyes stopped its forceful treatment of Mobius’s savior, Sonic gasped for air, his lungs crying out for mercy as the last drops of air within them were slowly squeezed out.

With his last ounce of strength, Sonic recoiled his foot, and without warning kicked the Blue-Eyes right in the snout. It didn’t seem to do any real damage, but it did distract the monster long enough for Sonic to escape, backflipping ad nauseam until the two were standing about fifty feet apart, Sonic giving himself a little pat down to remove the dust from his luxurious spines.

“Alright, I’ll admit. I wasn’t exactly expectin’ that one. I know you’re strong now…but are you fast enough!?” Sonic yelled over the rain, which had begun to turn the skies a midnight black color as the drops poured. When he got no answer, Sonic simply folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently on the sodden ground.

“Okay, I see you’re not really gonna go along with this whole ‘playful banter’ thing. Fair enough, lots of robots don’t really do that. Not even Metal Sonic, and he’s supposed to be better than me at everything! Like, seriously Eggman, step up your game and maybe you’ll avoid future BBBEs. That’s ‘Best Boss Beating Ever’, in case you were wondering.” Sonic explained.

Growing tired of his opponent’s impertinence, Blue-Eyes slapped Sonic with its tail without warning, flinging Sonic into a nearby birch tree and cracking it at the base, felling the enormous plant as it hit the ground with a thunderous CRASH.

Sonic could feel the splintered wood lodged firmly in his back, but he had no time to deal with it as he saw the next White Lightning out of the corner of his eye. Reaching into the unknown, Sonic pulled out a small yellow gem and clenched it tightly in his fist, concentrating deeply as he channeled its power.

The beam was just about to hit Sonic, as the Blue-Eyes watched in anticipation, when all of a sudden the beam did a complete 180 and slammed right into the dragon’s face!

Blue-Eyes staggered, dropping to one knee as it touched a claw tenderly to its face, feeling the scales that had been scorched. Incredulous, Blue-Eyes tried again, firing another shot at where he presumed Sonic was standing, only to have it once again backfire right into his face, leaving the previously unburned left half of its face matching the right.

Finally, Sonic stepped out from behind the tree line, revealing that he had equipped his Electric Shield.

Shaking off its confusion, Blue-Eyes attempted to shoot, but with its eyes now burned, it couldn’t see Sonic with its blurry, distorted vision, so it simply began firing in every direction, destroying all the trees and even vaporizing a nearby lake.

Sonic took great care to avoid all of the rampant blasts of energy as he slowly closed the gap, the dragon not even aware of Sonic’s location as it kept blasting. When Sonic was within arm’s length of the dragon’s torso, he quickly curled up into a ball, revved up, and then launched at high speed right through Blue-Eyes’s stomach!

It may have been virtual, but that didn’t stop the beast from bleeding blue liquid, coating the soaked grass in a layer of aquamarine. Trying to cling to life, Blue-Eyes limped forward, claws outstretched in an attempt to grab Sonic as he prepared for battle. But just before they touched his face, the life drained from Blue-Eyes at last, as it slumped forward and breathed no more, beginning to disappear into a shower of blue sparks. Soon, all that was left was a card.

“Huh…okay, gonna take a guess and say that ole’ Baldy Mcnosehair didn’t really make that one. Cards aren’t his style. But at least the city is safe. Now…where’s that chili dog stand?” Sonic questioned, turning back towards the city.

Little did he know that the battle was far from over…

Chili Dog Stand, Domino Avenue…

“Uh, hi. So listen, I know that there was this big fight with a dragon earlier and it kinda wrecked a big chunk of this place. I’m also aware it’s pouring rain out here. But…mind if I have a chili-“

“Just take it!” 
The frightened chili dog stand owner insisted, pushing the greasy food into Sonic’s arm.

“Hey, thanks. Just lemme get some gold rings out-“

“It’s on the house!”

“Are you sur-“


“Oooookay.” Sonic finished, as he took a large bite, his mouth streaming with chili. “People here definitely know how to treat a hero, at least.” he muttered, as he began trying to find shelter from the storm. Just then, however…


An enormous explosion shook the ground under Sonic’s feet, threatening to collapse the street altogether. Sonic attempted to keep his balance as he stared around in confusion, still clutching the chili dog close to his mouth and taking frequent nibbles to steady his nerves.

He had just cast his eyes onto KaibaCorp headquarters in the distance, when without warning another blast of white-hot energy squarely hit the small of Sonic’s back. The hedgehog couldn’t even feel pain before he crumpled to the floor like a paper bag, felled by the power of the reborn Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

“RRRAAARRRRGGHHHH!” Ultimate Dragon roared to the heavens above, as it wreaked its ultimate revenge. Every step it took caused the very Earth itself to rumble, the dragon’s incredible might bending the elements to its will.

As Sonic supported himself on his arm and stared in fear at the dragon stomping towards him, he realized that he wasn’t going to win this battle unless he got serious. 

“Then let’s go!” Sonic yelled, pulling out his Blue Star II and hopping on.

The Air boosters hummed with power as Sonic performed  a series of twists, flips, and other tricks in an attempt to show off to his adversary.

Growing bored of the rodent’s games, Ultimate Dragon prepared to fire off a Neutron Blast to wipe Sonic, and about half the country of Japan, off the map.


“Welp, that’s my time to go!” Sonic said, as he fired the boosters on his rocket, allowing him to just pass underneath the blast before it torched about half the city behind him. 

“Wow, that’s some serious firepower! Looks like thi has learned something after all!” Sonic complimented, as he circled around Ultimate Dragon at ludicrous speeds, the dragon’s three heads completely unable to keep up with Sonic’s Extreme Gear. 

“Yeah, that’s right, follow me! Follow me and blast away like the brain-dead killing machine you are!” Sonic taunted as he finished circling and took off down the street in a flash.

As Ultimate Dragon shook itself to stop its dizziness, it saw Sonic’s tailpipe disappear over the nearby crest. And so the beast started to follow…

…only to fall flat on its face.

Confused, the Ultimate Dragon struggled to free itself, only to see that by spinning itself around so much, it had tied its legs together, and now it was stuck. The heads, too, were incapable of freeing themselves without banging into each other repeatedly.

Sonic, meanwhile, was still riding away at the speed of sound, trying to stay ahead of the dragon he assumed was right on his tail. Curious, he glanced back and realized that…he was alone.

Disappointed, Sonic made a U-turn and rode back to where he had last seen the dragon, only to find that it was missing, with only a crater left as evidence of its existence. 

“What in Chaos-” Sonic began, only to get sniped in the back once more by the returning Ultimate Dragon. As Sonic flipped through the air, about to crash into another building, he got an idea. Reaching into the void, he pulled out a bracelet that Tails had been working on in his lab, and slipped it onto his wrist. Channeling the energy of the stars, the Ark of the Cosmos activated and allowed Sonic to land smoothly on the building’s surface, before zooming forward and shattering the windows with the power of gravity.

With surprising deftness, Sonic weaved in between the rapid fire Neutron Blasts coming from Ultimate Dragon, as each one cleaved a piece of the building away and made it more closely resemble a block of Swiss cheese. As the edge came closer, Sonic readied himself and then jumped, performing tricks to maintain air in his board as he landed on a neighboring rooftop, Blue-Eyes continuing to shoot at him.

Having enough gravity power stored away, Sonic activated it once more and began hovering in the air. From the streets below, massive chunks of rubble from the conflict began rising to Sonic’s level, until at last they formed a perfect ring around his body. Lifting his arms, he fired three sets of 5 stone chunks at Ultimate Dragon, one after the other. It was able to avoid the first two with some well-timed wing flaps, but the last ones slammed right into it’s wings and torso, leaving behind visible scratches and welts on the dragon’s skin.

“Wow, Tails really did a good job on this test Ark! Works like a charm.” Sonic monologued, as the Ultimate Dragon came back for more.

“Aw, yeah, this is happenin’!” Sonic whooped, as he took to the skies once more with his Extreme Gear, constantly dodging laser blasts by the skin of his teeth and taking any opportunity to fire potshots at the oncoming dragon. Every so often the dragon slapped its wings together, creating a compressed blast of air that threatened to shred Sonic’s bones to dust, but Sonic’s Extreme Gear was simply too fast to hit, and the numerous pieces of rubble were beginning to take their toll on the mighty Ultimate Dragon.

It was flying slower, more unevenly, and it was covered in wounds. It attempted to hit Sonic with a strong Neutron Blast, but every shot fired simply dissipated as quickly as it was formed. The enormous strain of remaining airborne finally proved too much, and Blue-Eyes ceased its flight to lie on the ground, helpless to stop Sonic from coming up to him slowly on his board, before dismounting to stand over his opponent.

“Alright, Eggman, or whoever you are, you should know that stuff like this isn’t enough to take down the Sonic Heroes! So learn to respect that, or at least try a little harder.” Sonic taunted, as he knelt down to stare Ultimate Dragon right in the face.

“And this…” Sonic continued, raising his fist, “is for Whisper.”

In a last ditch effort, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fired its last Neutron Blast right in Sonic’s face, sending the hedgehog reeling backwards, clutching his once pristine features and screaming in pain. When he finally revealed his face again, half of it was permanently scarred. For the first time in the entire battle, Sonic felt truly angered, as he once again met the Ultimate Dragon face to face, before quietly taking hold of its neck and giving it a firm twist, snapping the bones and sinew and killing it instantly. Much like it’s younger brethren, the dragon simply vanished into blue sparks, leaving a card behind.

Anger still blazing in his eyes, Sonic didn’t intend on falling for the same trick twice. He simply waited, watching as the sparks dissipated in the storm, all evidence of the battle being washed away by the floods. The water was up to Sonic’s ankles, but he hardly noticed, too focused on the prospect of finishing the battle for good and saving the people from these monsters.

Just as he predicted, the sparks returned and began reforging themselves into the shape of another dragon, except this time it only had one head. Yet the overall form seemed sleeker than the bulky Blue-Eyes White Dragon, it’s curves sharper and more angular, more futuristic. Then the sparks disappeared with a pop, and what remained was the scourge of Anubis, the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.

“Alright…so you wanna keep coming back for more? That’s fine. But every time you do, you threaten my friends. You threaten my home. And you threaten our way of life. You represent everything disgusting and deceitful about Eggman. So I can’t let you continue breathing.” Sonic growled, as his fur began to turn dark with rage, his eyes losing their emerald-green pupils.

Even Shining Dragon had to step back, anxious, as Sonic changed into a new form. “I see the only way to defeat a raging monster…IS TO BECOME ONE!”

An explosion from within Sonic himself erupted outward with incredible force, blowing the Shining Dragon off its feet and smashing it onto its back, bearing witness to the arrival of a god, corrupted by hatred and rage and fear. 

Dark Sonic had come.

“Alright. Let’s finish this!” Sonic bellowed. The Blue-Eyes, though it could not speak, rose to its feet and roared, seemingly echoing Sonic’s own battle cry. As a flash of lightning struck the earth between them, starting a fire on the grass, the two rivals charged.

Before Shining Dragon could even make a move, Dark Sonic had already begun to deliver a brutal series of punches and kicks, as the great beast’s head was violently rocked back and forth by the incredible power Sonic had attained. Sonic concluded his brutal beatdown with an uppercut that sent Shining Dragon careening into a nearby building, hitting it with enough force to bring the entire structure down and crush the street below.

Normally Sonic would have been satisfied, sitting back to wait for the enemy to counter so he could make some snarky quip and dodge the attack, but now he continued to attack, kicking and blasting his foe over and over again, not letting up for even a second. Every time the dragon attempted to flee, Sonic grabbed its tail, swung it around, and tossed it into another building. Soon the entire city block was nothing but chunks of battle debris strewn all over the once pristine roadways. The dragon itself lay spread-eagled across the highway, crying. Its tears mixed with its shimmering blood to splatter the ground with what seemed to be chunks of stardust.

Sonic stared in silence, waiting to make sure the dragon was truly down for the count this time, it’s spirit truly broken. Seconds turned into a minute, and still nothing. Satisfied with his handiwork, Sonic chuckled darkly at the beast’s misfortune, dropping his guard for just a moment. And so he was unprepared when the dragon sliced away at Sonic’s skin, leaving an enormous scratch that began oozing blood. Surprised, Sonic didn’t try to defend himself from more wing slashes cutting deep gouges into his skin. Then, without warning, the dragon slapped Sonic with its tail in a fraction of a second, yet with enough force to make the hedgehog cough up blood.

Wishing to end things immediately, Shining Dragon flew high into the air, going faster and faster as it passed the exosphere, until at last it flew at the very edge of space. Then, it turned and began flying back to the surface, increasing speed exponentially as it reached terminal velocity. At that point, it also began charging up its Shining Nova power, glowing as bright as an exploding star as it approached Ground Zero.

From beneath a pile of bricks, Sonic stirred. Lifting the refuse off of him, he slowly rose to his feet and began limping to the middle of the street, attempting to find the Shining Dragon. Yet in all directions, there was nothing to be found…except for a loud ringing in his ears.

Confused, Sonic looked up, and covering his entire vision was the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, its enormous wings seemingly shrouding all of heaven.

Sonic considered running for a second. He was probably fast enough to escape the ensuing crashdown. But then he realized what he was saying, and he scolded himself. Running was the coward’s way out. It was what the old Sonic would have done. But he had changed. And now he would prove it.

And so he stood his ground and leered at his foolish opponent. Cracking his knuckles and baring his teeth, Sonic roared into the heavens “BRING IT ON, YOU PIECE OF WORTHLESS TRASH! COME DOWN HERE SO I CAN RIP YOUR WINGS AND STUFF THEM DOWN YOUR THROAT AND CHOKE THE LIFE FROM YOUR VERY SOUL! YOU. WILL. DIEEEE-!”

The nuclear payload hit the ground with such tremendous force, it created tsunamis on the coast, earthquakes of Magnitude 10, and a blast powerful enough to wipe out what was left of the city, minus KaibaCorp. All that remained was a flat, ashen landscape, with KaibaCorp standing as the sole outlier.

A massive, 50-foot deep crater had been formed by the dragon’s collision with the scorched earth, one that Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon flew out of quickly, it’s massive wings darkening the moon and turning it a shade of blue-chrome. And at the very bottom was Sonic, lying with his limbs in awkward positions, his dark powers overtaxed, and his bones crushed. All the blackness drained from his fur, and his eyes regained their spark of life.

But even still, Sonic was powerless to stop the Blue-Eyes from sticking its head into the hole and charging up yet another laser blast, one that Sonic was sure would kill him in an instant if it connected. The savior of Mobotropolis racked his brains in an attempt to find something, anything, that he could use to escape. And then he realized…he was surrounded by soft dirt.

“Duh.” Sonic said to himself, embarrassed, as he began channeling Chaos energy into his body from within the planet’s core. The life energy did its work, embedding itself into Sonic’s bones and marrow and slowly healing them, removing the scars and repairing his broken skeleton. It was working, but too slowly. The Shining Dragon was about to attack…

“Guess that’ll have to do.” Sonic concluded, cutting off his healing. Then, in a split-second, he burrowed through the nearby dirt and disappeared from sight. Luckily, he just barely missed the following beam shot, which was so strong that it tore a hole all the way to the core of the planet and struck the lava swimming within, reacting with it as it combusted and began to bubble out.

Sonic didn’t really know or care at that moment, though. He was just happy to be alive, as he finished healing his wounds. When he was finished, he glanced around, noticing that he was under immense quantities of dirt. He tried to dig back out, but the force of gravity was against him, and the bedrock was too tough to break. He tried over and over, digging in all directions, but it was no use.

“Goddamit! I save myself from being burnt to a crisp by that overgown lizard, and now I get to die in a hole?!” Sonic ranted, before his eyes glazed over, and he quietly took a seat.

“Well…I guess if that’s true…I had a good run. And it’s a good place to go. Just me, the dirt, and that Wisp Capsule.” Sonic mused, looking around once more with a content expression. It took him about 3 seconds before his eyes opened wide.

“A Wisp!” Sonic exclaimed, rushing to examine it. “Please be yellow, please be yellow, please be yellow…” Sonic pleaded, before opening his eyes to see the universe was shining on him once again. “WAHOO!” Sonic cheered, as he boosted through the capsule and absorbed the Drill Wisp into his body. Without hesitation, he activated it, turning into a massive drill that began spinning towards the surface.

Far aboveground, the Shining Dragon was celebrating its apparent victory, until it heard a faint rumbling sound from below its feet. Intrigued, the beast looked toward the ground, its eyes almost touching the dirt, and it could hear the rumbling growing ever louder. Somewhat nervous, the dragon began spreading its wings…

…right as Sonic came up from underground and drilled right into Shining Dragon’s Eye!

Roaring with pain, the beast flailed all over the place, clutching its eye with its sharp wings and accidentally doing even more damage. Soon, both of its eyes welled with think masses of aqua-tone blood, and its lasers were fired haphazardly, destroying the clouds high above the hedgehog’s head.

Knowing the beast was far too dangerous even in its weakened state, Sonic ran at top speed to close the gap between the two, dodging blast after blast and even kicking through a couple of them with his sheer willpower. When he was close enough, he started charging up yet another spindash, only this time he also infused it with the power of the Insta-Shield. When he released the power, it not only broke through the dragon’s neck, it cleaved the beast in two like a hot knife through butter, as the decapitated corpse that was once Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon collapsed beneath Sonic’s feet.

Thinking that he could be safe for a moment, Sonic breathed a sigh of relief, only to be immediately cut short by a strange voice coming from within the dragon itself!

“Attention, strange furry rodent! This is the Domino City Police Squadron, and we are ordering you to stand down!”

“Well, see…that’s already strike numero uno. Calling me a rat, and all. I’m a HEDGEHOG. Not hard to get right. Second, Sonic cannot be tied down by the rules of society! He’s a free spirit, coming and going as he pleases!” Sonic boasted.

From within the Domino Police Station, the dispatch officer looked puzzled, as he turned to face the other comms team members. “Hey, you think it’s weird he’s addressing himself in the third person like that?” he questioned, as everyone else nodded their head.

“You have caused immeasurable damage to the city! Stand down or you will be considered a threat!”

“Look, I didn’t wanna start a fight. The stupid dragon just happened to have a bone to pick with my spine.”


Startled, everyone turned towards the door to see Seto Kaiba barging in, slamming the door behind him, absolutely livid.

“How…DARE…you insult my Blue-Eyes White Dragons, you snake!”

“Uh, again, HEDGEHOG. Although I have fought a snake. He was also part-robot. And his name was Lyric. Kind of dumb, yeah, but clearly the game was rushed and all that so they couldn’t develop him.” Sonic explained, rambling a bit.

Lost as to what the hedgehog was talking about, Kaiba’s eyes narrowed. Very slowly, he put his finger on the intercom button, as the room turned quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Then, with an air of formality to his voice, Kaiba commanded “By order of KaibaCorp, stand down and come in for questioning!”

“Oh, sorry. But there’s one thing you should know, and it’s that…

Kaiba was absolutely livid. The workers in the room tried to hold in their laughter, but eventually the dispatch officer slipped up and let out a small chuckle. Mortified, he tried to cover it up, but Kaiba’s ears were as sharp as a tack. He whirled on the horrified officer and slapped him across the face, sending the man crashing into the wall.

“Get him out of my sight! And get me the KaibaCorp militia on the ground! We need to stop this immediately!” Kaiba ordered.

“Y-yes, SIR!” the others saluted, getting to work on contacting KaibaCorp’s task force.

Elsewhere, the voice from within the dragon ceased, and it disappeared once more into the telltale blue sparkles. The revival this time, however, was much swifter, as the particles didn’t even have time to vanish before they once more reforged themselves, this time becoming the vengeful product of Kaiba’s seething rage against the pharaoh, the bringer of chaos and apocalypse, the Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon.

Sonic wasn’t even fazed this time, as he simply groaned and shrugged his shoulders. “You know, the first couple times that might have been kinda surprising. Now it’s just getting old! I thought maybe I could finish this without having to use this, but…I guess I really gotta seal the deal. Just know that you wanted this, K?”

Sonic bent on one knee and began feeling for more Chaos energy throughout the planet. Specifically, in 7 places, the 7 Gaia Temples spread across all the continents. 

“‘Chaos Emeralds! I need your help! C’mon and give me a hand!'” Sonic mentally urged. And as quick as lightning, the Emeralds burst out of the Gaia temples and began converging in the skies above Domino City, rearranging themselves into a circle before slowly descending, lighting the horizon with their multicolored radiance.

Slowly, the Emeralds encircled Sonic, beginning to spin faster and faster, until at one point they ceased being individual and were just a single, rapidly spinning rainbow ring of destruction. With a final shout of “HAH!”, the Emeralds were absorbed into Sonic’s body and lit up the dark arena with pure light, a blinding one that even the mighty MAX Dragon had to recoil at.

Upon stepping out of the light, Sonic had drastically changed. He was now glowing golden, his spines were sticking up, his eyes gleamed a burning crimson red, and he emanated power-no, he defined power. The energy of Chaos swirled within him, fueled by Sonic’s desire for a challenge. Sonic had now become Super Sonic.

“That’s more like it!” Sonic exclaimed, flexing his muscles and tapping his foot on the ground, leaving little ash-prints with each step. After he had become reacquainted, he turned with careful deliberation to face his adversary, who was still flapping its wings in preparation. Except now its wings were so massive that every beat sent a piece of wreckage skyward.

“You know what.” Sonic continued, looking at the destroyed city, “maybe they were right. We should finish this…” before he pointed to the clouds, “up there, where no one can get hurt.”

The dragon paused for a moment, seemingly hesitant and anxious, but eventually dipped its massive head and began flapping harder, traveling increasingly higher in the sky with every wingbeat. Cracking a smile, Sonic rocketed upward at a much faster pace, so that he reached the exosphere a full minute before MAX Dragon, who looked clearly a little annoyed at being shown up.

Little did both of them know that there was also something else in space with them: a hidden camera, directly linked to a KaibaCorp satellite on the opposite side of the planet that was broadcasting to Japan as they spoke.

“Don’t lose that transmission!” Kaiba demanded, the workers cowering with fear as they nodded. “This battle could be useful for my new augmented reality dueling system…if that hedgehog just plays into my hands…”

Back in space, Sonic chuckled. “So, are ya ready, big boy?”

Chaos MAX Dragon growled.

“Good…then let’s FINISH THIS!”

Sonic began by blitzing the slow dragon, attacking it at least a thousand times a second, before kicking it in the back HARD. Blue-Eyes didn’t even have time to process Sonic’s speed before he was violently jolted back and forth before being pushed by a strong force into a nearby satellite, denting it in the process. Shaking it off quickly, Chaos MAX Dragon launched a thousand laser bursts from its wings, all targeting Sonic.

Thinking fast, Sonic yelled “CHAOS CONTROL!” and disappeared. Stunned, MAX Dragon failed to notice Sonic reappearing behind it, and by the time it felt a warm breath on its neck, Sonic was already delivering yet another series of combos to the dragon’s face, every punch making the great beast feel more and more woozy. Sonic concluded with an axe kick straight to the dragon’s stomach, pushing it upward and leaving itself vulnerable. Taking his chance, Sonic grabbed the tail and spun it around so fast that he became a golden tornado, before throwing the massive behemoth at the moon.

Chaos MAX Dragon may not have been able to stop his forward momentum, but he did manage to get off a single burst of shots on Sonic before he collided with the planetoid. Sonic, too distracted by witnessing his handiwork, was unable to get off his Chaos Control before being sniped by all 1000 lasers at once, staggering him and pushing him back several light years. Sonic was dazed, but not really hurt, minus a single drop of blood.

Seeing his chance to counterattack, MAX Dragon dislodged itself from the moon, leaving an enormous crater behind as it charged towards Sonic as fast as it could. Deciding to meet the dragon head on, Sonic let loose his Super Sonic Boost and dashed forward at speeds beyond even light, ready to give the dragon the royal beating it so richly deserved. But just before Sonic extended his fist…


Chaos MAX Dragon faked him out and unleashed a wing smash onto Sonic’s head, creating an audible THUMP as Sonic was caught between them. When they were retracted, Sonic was too woozy to stop MAX Dragon from tail-swiping Sonic once more, sending the golden hedgehog so far that he smashed into Mercury, and then recoiled upon feeling how hot it was.

“Ooh, Hot, Hot, HOT! I need that to stay un-crispy!” Sonic whined as he rubbed his behind. But the sharp pain did help clear Sonic’s mind, and he got an idea. He turned around and grabbed hold of the planet tightly, ignoring the burning pain present in his palms, and began to release the full power of Chaos Control.

“HRRRAAAAGGGHHH!” Sonic shouted, as he enveloped the entire planet with green energy. When the entire surface was shrouded in the power of Chaos, Sonic placed his hand on the side, and gave Mercury a casual flick.

Except that flick translated into the equivalent of 50 million megaton bomb colliding with the planet’s surface, causing the enormous planet to rocket away like it was strapped to nitro boosters, shattering Venus into chunks along the way.

“Here’s a package for you! No charge on delivery!” Sonic yelled, even though no one could hear him scream.

The Chaos MAX Dragon was too busy roaring and showing off to the people below that it failed to notice the 300 quintillion ton boulder flying his way and slamming into him, all in the blink of an eye. 

Mercury flew past Earth, destroyed Mars, and wiped out half the asteroids in the belt without slowing down. On the other side, Chaos MAX Dragon attempted to slow down the massive hurtling asteroid, continuously punching it with its wings. The odor of hot gas wafted behind, so the dragon chanced a quick peek to see they were hurtling towards Jupiter. Desperate to not be destroyed by the cosmic storms, it punched even faster, ORAORA style, and ultimately stopped the impromptu projectile mere inches before the Dragon touched the Great Red Spot.

If the dragon could express emotions beyond rage, it would have breathed a deserved, yet short-lived sigh of relief, cut off by a whining noise. Before the thought of the source could process itself, Super Sonic body slammed right into the dragon, drilling a massive hole through the planet and splitting it into two halves. 


Stunned, the dragon drifted out into space, leaving Sonic enough time to grab both halves of the planet with one hand each, and then use his immense strength to literally smash the two halves of Mercury together, catching Chaos MAX Dragon in the middle and reducing it to little more than a blue jelly stain on the rocks.

Sonic pulled the two halves apart once more and marveled at his handiwork. “Get it? ROCK and Roll? Cuz…it’s a huge rock…wait, you’re dead, what am I doing?!”

Worn out from the battle, Sonic used Chaos Control to hold his half of the planet in place, allowing him to stick Mercury back together and then quickly push it back to where it had originate from. Along the way he also tried to put Mars and Venus together again, but it proved significantly harder. The scars remain to this very day.

When the solar system had been straightened out, Sonic took a minute to rest on a nearby moon, walking around it to get his legs warmed up for the long flight back. In the meantime, he thought about his friends back on Earth, and whether they would be worried. Sonic’s communicator was gone, lost in the battle somewhere. Not a huge loss, but it had some sentimental value.

“Welp, time to head back I guess.” Sonic muttered, standing up and blasting off towards Earth. But before he could make it back to Domino City…

“Yeah, yeah, let’s get it over with.” Sonic sighed, turning to face the sun. From within its depths, a blazing light emerged, and with it came the arrival of light, hope, destruction, and creation, spreadings its wings and taking flight, pas the stars and across the galaxies. The Deep-Eyes White Dragon had finally deigned to appear, letting loose the mightiest roar of all, one that shook the very heavens themselves.

“Oh, wow…you’re a bigger boy than last time. But hey, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!” Sonic taunted, his golden aura flaring to life once again. Confident the bout would end the same way it did last time, Sonic attempted to strike Deep-Eyes at blinding speed once again…

…only to have his attack be caught by Deep-Eyes!

“H-huh!?” Sonic protested, as his arm was being crushed by Deep-Eyes. He tried to pull it free, but the dragon’s iron grip was far too strong, and getting tighter all the time. Finally, Deep-Eyes pulled Sonic in close and lowered its massive head so that his snout was level with Sonic’s face, so the hedgehog could get a full dose of hot, steamy breath into his nose.

“Ooo-wee! That is nasty! Two words: breath mint.” Sonic joked, fanning his face in an attempt to rid himself of the smell, but clearly Deep-Eyes wasn’t in the mood for comedy, as it pulled its wing back and slammed it into Sonic’s gut all in one move. Immense pain surged through the hedgehog’s body, and he was forced to double over in pain, wheezing to get the air back in his lungs. While he was distracted, Deep-Eyes tail-slapped the ‘hog, bit down hard on his neck and tossed him around like a ragdoll, and picked up the nearby Ganymede moon to smash it in Sonic’s face full force, before finally unleashing a powerful laser attack that completely eclipsed Sonic’s body and went on to destroy a star far away, the miniature supernova just barely visible.

As the attack subsided, Sonic was barely conscious. He was still Super, but only just. He couldn’t even raise a finger to defend himself, for his wounds ran too deep. Satisfied, Deep-Eyes readied itself to deliver the coup de grace.

Sonic stared with wide eyes, but then conceded. His face adopted a look of resignation, as he prepared for the end. But as Deep-Eyes prepared to wipe Sonic off the map, Sonic hid the smallest of grins beneath an impassive disposition.

He closed his eyes, concentrating heavily, channeling even more Chaos Energy than he ever had before to make a miracle from years before happen again. The Chaos Emeralds left Sonic’s body, returning him to normal. But as he focused, energy from the cosmos surrounded him, penetrating the Emeralds and making them twinkle like diamonds. Slowly, they grew larger, until they were about the size of basketballs, and once again they circled Sonic and formed a rainbow disc before being absorbed.

Another shining light emanated from Sonic, but this time it was more of a pure white than a gold, and it was far more potent, shining throughout the galaxy and dwarfing even the brilliance of Deep-Eyes White Dragon. When the light faded at last, Sonic had changed yet again. His quills still stood up, but now his body was off-white, rapidly changing between a multitude of colors. He took a step, and several afterimages were left behind, a hallmark of his unrivaled speed. By tapping into power beyond Chaos, Sonic had become Hyper Sonic.

This time, there were no sardonic quips to be had. Sonic simply gestured with his hand using a c’mon signal, before shifting into a Tae-Kwon-Do pose, keeping light on his toes. Deep-Eyes accepted the challenge, flapping its wings and preparing to strike.

One way or another, the conflict would be settled here.

Deep-Eyes charged at the arrogant hedgehog, ready to kill him once and for all. Sonic simply stood there, watching, waiting. 

As Deep-Eyes launched a claw strike at the unmoving rodent, ready to choke the life out of him, Sonic vanished. Surprised, the dragon’s attack missed the mark completely, and it struck only empty space. Without warning, it was struck from behind with immeasurable force, propelling it forward so that it struck the asteroids that made up Saturn’s ring, each individual rock striking it in the face and drawing large quantities of blood.

Annoyed, Deep-Eyes grabbed the next meteor and crushed it with its claws, scattering rock chunks everywhere. Angered at first, the feeling of the rock crumbling its grasp gave Deep-Eyes an idea. 

It gathered all the nearby uncrushed asteroids and reduced them to pebbles, before flying behind them and unleashing its strongest wind blast yet. The air pressure sent all the rocks flying back towards earth like a hailstorm of stones, ready to smash right into Sonic’s face.

The hedgehog, still waiting for the fight to continue, just barely dodged the first pebble before it zoomed off to be burned by the sun. 

“Ookayyy…” Sonic said, confused. But as he turned around, his questions were immediately answered by the rest of the stones catching up and threatening to engulf Sonic in a tide of earthen destruction.

Sonic simply chuckled. “Hmph. Finally, a real challenge!” he taunted, as he faced the coming rockslide head on. As each rock approached, Sonic used his incredible speed to slip between the gaps, no matter how tight, flipping and limboing and handstanding through it all. When Sonic spotted an enormous cluster of rocks with no room to dodge at the very end, he tapped into Chaos’s power once more and yelled “CHAOS CONTROL!”, stopping time and allowing the godlike rodent to simply toss the rock to the side.

Deep-Eyes was unsure of whether or not the attack had succeeded, so it bided its time in the skies above Saturn, torching a few boulder structures along the way. It was just about to make its fourth pass around Thalos III when Sonic gave the dragon a hard punch to the face out of nowhere, sending it crashing into a Stonehenge like monument and destroying it.

Picking itself out of the wreckage, Deep-Eyes launched into the stratosphere and began a fierce tussle with Hyper Sonic. Claw struck hand, wing beat against spine, as the two went at it with their strongest blows. Every time Sonic landed a hit and dented the nose of Deep-Eyes, it retaliated with a scratch that left a scar across Sonic’s eye.

The squabble continued for a bit, until finally they dispersed after giving each other one last smack across the face. Deep-Eyes looked terrible, and Sonic fared only slightly better due to the protection given by the Super Emeralds. Both were breathing heavily, on the verge of collapse, and realized the next move would most likely determine the outcome of the conflict.

Deep-Eyes, using all of it’s remaining reserves of strength, began powering up one final laser burst, the Deep-Eyes Cannon, to fire and wipe out not just Sonic, but the whole planet in its destructive rage. Sonic absorbed more cosmic energy to build up his power to the point where he could unleash his most devastating technique. Soon, he was ready.

“Now I just gotta hope this works…”

After some moments of palpable silence, Deep-Eyes finally fixated its head on Sonic, before opening wide and releasing its ultimate attack. The mere firing of the laser brought about a light that blotted out all stars, and yet Sonic was not focused on it. His eyes were squarely on the dragon’s stomach, it’s weakest point.


“NOW! HYPERRRRR…FLAAAAAASH!” Sonic yelled, as he dashed forward at immeasurable speeds, every second punctuated by the sound of a sonic boom or distorted ripples in reality, every flash Sonic gave off slicing nearby asteroids to ribbons.

Sonic slammed into the laser and began a power struggle, trying to push through and failing as Deep-Eyes shot another laser from its ring to increase the beam’s power. As Sonic was forced back, he could feel some of the molecules of his skin being vaporized by the beam’s intense heat.

Yet still, Sonic did not yield. He kept boosting as fast as he could, going past his limits and achieving a speed beyond infinity.

“HYPER BURST FLASH!” Sonic screamed at the top of his lungs, boosting faster and drawing more strength from within, until finally he burst through the laser blast! But he didn’t stop there. He kept boosting right into Deep-Eyes’ chest and cut through it like spear, before grabbing its tail and continuing to boost faster and faster, crossing millions of miles in milliseconds, until they reached the sun.

“Annnnd…” Sonic began, preparing to throw, “so long!”

With that, Sonic tossed the dragon hard, propelling it into the burning star, witnessing as the beast slowly began burning to a crisp in the heat. And then, to seal the deal, Sonic took aim and materialized an energy ball.

“Sayonara…Deep-Eyes White Dragon.”

The ball was fired and pierced the core of the burning gas giant. Seconds later, it erupted into a full-blown supernova, one that spread across the solar system and incinerated every planet in its wake. Sonic himself only survived because of his Super Form’s protection.

But it was worth it to see the Deep-Eyes permanently destroyed. Nothing remained of it, not even the trademark blue sparks. And as Sonic anticipated the arrival of another Blue Eyes form, it never came. Sonic had destroyed the clan at long last.

“Wow…that was tight!” Sonic murmured, before focusing yet again. With a wave of his hand, Sonic used the power of Chaos and the Emeralds to repair the damage done, restoring the sun to its rightful glory and ridding the planets of ash and crimson fires. Everything seemed as it should be…except without Deep-Eyes.

For a moment, Sonic looked wistful at the realization that he had slaughtered 5 dragons. A tear almost slid down his cheek. But eventually he stopped and looked back at where the battle had begun, a little green mass in a sea of endless turquoise, and he longed to return.

“Huh…hope Tails saved an extra chili dog for me.” Sonic wished, as he zoomed back to Domino City. It was time to find out who was behind all of this.

Ko!!!!! by JJSliderman

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Welp, looks like the dragons are finally extinct. At least, in THIS dimension…

: Aw, what!? That’s fuckin’ bullshit, I demand a do-over! This was supposed to be fixed so I’d win the bet!

: Shadow, I’m touched. Not many rivals go out of their way to actively kill each other in the way you do! I’m flattered.

: Damn faker…

: Welp, time to pay up, short stack!

: Yeah, okay, here’s the damned 500 rings I promised you-CHAOS SMOKE BOMB!

: Oh, OH, that is NASTY! What’s in that smoke bomb anyway? And where the hell did he go, he still owes me the dough! Why am I rhyming, this is really bad timing! Jeez, I did it again, the madness will stop when?

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: As we reach the end, my short-tempered friend. Anyway, this fight was definitely an interesting one, and the result isn’t as clear-cut as it would seem initially. But in the end, Sonic had enough going for him to put him on top, so might as well dissect this piece by piece, starting with the essential stat trinity.

: The Blue-Eyes are certainly strong, being able to scale to Zorc using telekinesis to cause a solar eclipse. This feat has been calculated to be around 5.6 Yottatons, or Large Planet Level. Pretty impressive, and Blue-Eyes’ later forms after Ultimate Dragon should be stronger than that. The problem is, we don’t know HOW much stronger. The Blue-Eyes don’t get stronger in any sort of linear progression, so how much stronger each Blue-Eyes is than the last is impossible to truly determine. So we’ll lowball this and say Deep-Eyes White Dragon, the strongest Blue-Eyes Form, is around this level of power.

: Sonic’s power…kinda runs the gambit really. The only sure thing about Sonic is that his base form is unequivocally weaker than even the original Blue-Eyes, which sits at Planet Level+. There is some decent arguments to be made for Multi-Continent to Planet level Base Sonic, such as defeating the core of a planet swallowing black hole, defeating Ultimate Emerl powered by all 7 Chaos Emeralds(who Gerald Robotnik stated could destroy the planet), or damaging Semi-Perfect Dark Gaia’s eyes(Dark Gaia was one stage away from destroying the world through physical force and thus his durability should be roughly the same as AP). It should be noted, however, that Sonic only damaged Master Core with Gravity Dives, only accessible with the Ark of the Cosmos. However, the actual gravity dive is really just a gravity powered Sonic Boost, and the game happened 10 years ago, so it is possible that Sonic has gotten strong enough to the point where he can match the power he attained with one Ark using his standard Sonic Boost. So, according to one of the rules we established earlier, we’ll give Sonic the benefit of the doubt and say he’s Multi-Continent to Planet level. Even with this, however, Sonic still cannot scratch Blue-Eyes.

: Then explain how he wins! Immediately!

: Well, that’s why I’m called the fastest thing alive and not the strongest.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Indeed, Sonic was definitely faster than the Blue-Eyes. The fastest speed feat Blue-Eyes has ever exhibited was when the original flew 250 miles into space in about 30 seconds, which is about Mach 39. There is another instance of Deep-Eyes White Dragon flying from the sun to Earth in about 10 seconds, but this is unusable due to being a simulation(There are three Earths in this sequence). So, Mach 39. Pretty fast, right? Maybe, but not compared to Sonic.

: Even at his lowest values for speed, Sonic is still Mach 71,000 via scaling to the Eggmobile flying to the moon. Last I checked, 71000 is about 1820 times faster than 39, and it just gets even crazier from there. Sonic can also scale to Shadow, who is able to control his movements while traveling on a circuit described as “lightspeed” not once, but twice, which puts Sonic’s speed at Relativistic+ to Speed of Light. This is also consistent with Sonic Colors DS, where Omega commented on how Sonic would soon pass lightspeed if he kept going. Even lowballing Sonic to only 50% the speed of light, Sonic would still be over 11,213 times faster than Blue-Eyes! Hot damn, Sonic is not getting hit by that thing any time soon, especially considering Blue-Eyes has NO AoE attacks to circumvent this issue.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Buuuut…I know what you’re thinking. “What’s the point of Sonic being faster if he dies in one hit from these dragons and can’t hurt them?” And you know, fair point. Sonic doesn’t really have anything to insta-kill the Blue-Eyes, not even Chaos Control considering they can survive in space just fine. However, this is where Sonic’s forms come in and win the match for him.

: Most of Sonic’s transformations, like Darkspine and Excalibur Sonic, are one time deals that realistically shouldn’t be considered, but if they were included, both have feats that are Star Level via defeating Alf Layla Wa Layla and the Dark Queen, who either created/warped space that included a star. So both of them can one shot all of the Blue-Eyes. But the big one here is Super Sonic, who is rather inconsistent. He does have a consistent amount of feats that put him in the Universal tier, which is absolutely overkill, but for the sake of argument we’ll use the more consistent Large Planet level gotten when Sonic defeated Perfect Dark Gaia, who was destroying the planet. And with that, both Sonic and the Blue-Eyes seem relatively even. But then we get to speed and…hoo boy. If you thought Sonic was faster before, then get a load of this. 

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: In the finale of Sonic Advance 3, Sonic flies from Earth to the Nonaggression Zone, which is an unidentified rainbow colored patch of space known as a nebula, or a cluster of stars. It takes Sonic roughly six seconds to get here, which yielded two different results. The first, and lower one, was assuming Sonic flew to the Hyades cluster. However, since Eggman blew it up in Sonic Battle, the second one assumed it was the second closest cluster, Coma. Ultimately, these got 804 million c and 147 billion c respectively. To put that into perspective, 804 million c is over 1.8*10^13 times faster than Blue-Eyes! Yeah…it’s pretty clear that Super Sonic, even at his bare minimum, easily blitzes all of the Blue-Eyes White Dragons and kills them before they even have a chance to react. And Super Sonic can stay in his Super Form for a pretty long time, so there’s no chance the Blue-Eyes can simply outlast Super Sonic.

: I’d just like to drop in to point out how I’m the coolest, K? Bye.

: Oh, Koopa Crap!

: Koopa Cra-?

: Don’t judge me! Mmhmm…of course, none of this would matter if Sonic couldn’t even reach his Super form to begin with, but considering Sonic can easily outrun the Blue-Eyes and dodge all of their attacks, I think it’s safe to say Sonic can reach his Super form, where he proceeds to sweep up the rest of the dragons.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: Ultimately, the Blue-Eyes White Dragons put up a hard fight, but Sonic was just too fast. He’s got other advantages too, like intelligence and experience and whatnot, but you could probably see that for yourself.

: Looks like these guys are gonna be…seeing blue for a while. Hehe.

: Or black and blue.

: Hahaha, pretty good Shadow!…yeah…don’t hurt me.

Resizedimage (2) by JJSliderman: The winner is Sonic, the fastest thing alive(not really)

Winner (7) by JJSliderman

Winner: Sonic the Hedgehog
++Way faster, even in base form
++Super Sonic’s best(albeit debatable) feats of power eclipse about 99% of Yu-Gi-Oh!, let alone Blue-Eyes.
+Overall more experienced
+More intelligent, even if by just a bit
+More versatile with his items, upgrades, and abilities with the Chaos Emeralds
+More fighting skill
=Transformation amount
= Power(If you don’t accept Super Sonic’s higher end showings)
-Overpowered in base form
-Doesn’t have as much of a killer instinct

Loser: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Clan
+More of a killer instinct
+Stronger than Base Sonic overall
=Amount of forms
= Power(discounting the higher end showings of Super Sonic)
-More predictable overall
-Generally take orders from a master, and aren’t very organized on their own
-Less versatile
-Less experienced
-Less intelligent
–Get blitzed no matter what, meaning there is little chance of them hitting Sonic to begin with. And they don’t have any AoE to circumvent this
–Super Sonic’s more debatable higher end feats shit all over Blue-Eyes, no questions asked.
Note: After this fight, new evidence came out showing Sonic can scale to the full power of the Eclipse Cannon, which can pierce stars. This feat came out to about 3.736 ninatons of TNT, well above anything the Blue Eyes can put out. As such, Sonic doesn’t even need his Super Form to win here.


As Sonic touched down on the planet’s surface, the Super Emeralds left his body and disappeared back to their original resting places, leaving Sonic with fully repaired wounds as a parting gift. Dipping his head in acknowledgement and deference to Chaos, he started towards KaibaCorp tower at top speed.

Seconds later, the door to Kaiba’s control room busted open, and Sonic casually stepped in. Kaiba’s guards held up their guns in an attempt to shoot Sonic, but he simply stopped time and destroyed all the weapons, leaving them to crumple to pieces as time moved forward again.

As the guards stood shocked, Sonic simply brushed past them and stood in the middle of the room, facing a chair turned the other way.

“Okay, so you’re not Eggman. Mind spilling the beans?” Sonic questioned.

“As I told you earlier…” the voice began, before the chair swiveled around to reveal the unknown speaker, “I am Seto Kaiba, head of the company you currently defile with your muddy shoes.”

Sonic looked down at his feet and saw how he had tracked mud in. “Sorry, your ‘majesty’.” Sonic remarked sarcastically, before reaching down and wiping the dirt off with one of the guard’s pant legs until it was sparkling clean.

Annoyed, Kaiba pinched the bridge of his nose before he continued on. “You should probably know, rodent, that I didn’t send my Blue-Eyes after you.”

“Oh yeah? Can’t wait to hear an excuse.”

“We were working with a new strain of VR technology, and it isn’t quite perfected yet. It did as we hoped, bring these creatures to life, but they were out of our control. You can see the results of our foolishness.” one of the scientists muttered, gesturing to the devastation outside.


Kaiba produced a cylindrical glass tube from within his coat pocket, and held it out to Sonic. “We need some of that power you used to defeat Blue-Eyes. It’s critical to shutting down the main reactor and putting an end to this VR problem.”

“Are you sure?”

“After seeing it firsthand, I couldn’t be more positive.” Kaiba deadpanned.

Although Sonic was rather hesitant, eventually he caved and offered up the Chaos Emerald, draining a bit of energy from it and offering the essence to Kaiba, who accepted it quickly before wordlessly retiring to his study.

“Uh…you’re welcome?” Sonic grumbled, as he headed outside, immediately receiving a transmission from Knuckles.

“Hey, Sonic! Ya there?”

“Yeah, Knux. Doin’ just fine. Sorry I lost touch, but…it’s complicated.”

“I could tell. But listen, you gotta come quick. Neo Metal Sonic is launching an attack on the base! He’s got every Badnik-SILVER WATCH YOUR LEFT!-every Badnik he’s got storming us from all sides! We need help!”

“Don’t worry Knuckles, I’m on my way!” Sonic promised, kicking it into high gear and racing off at light speed. “I just hope I’m there in time…Wait, why am I worried? I’ll be there in time to pick up donuts too!” Sonic boasted as he tore across the waves and disappeared from sight.

Back in Kaiba’s room, he anxiously threw all the objects on his desk onto the floor and placed the sample of Chaos power within a transport tube, taking the vial down to the basement lab as Kaiba followed. Once there, the tube was inserted into the master computer, which fueled one of Kaiba’s new Duel Disk designs. When Kaiba called out “Blue-Eyes White Dragon, COME FORTH!” and slapped the card onto the disk, the dragon was summoned yet again. Only this time, it remained perfectly still. Even so, Kaiba could see the rising and falling of its chest. It breathed, like a real animal.

As Kaiba reached his hand out, the beast hesitated, and then let Kaiba rest his fingers on its snout. Incredibly, though, he could actually touch it without going through. The dragon was a hologram no longer.

“‘Excellent! Now that my new Duel Disk system is finally completed, all the pieces will soon come together! Get ready, Atem…for the rematch of a lifetime!

Kaiba laughed harder than he ever had before as the lights blacked out, the shadow of the dragon flickering on the wall as it roared to the sky.

Author: JJ Slider

I'm a somewhat shy, but also expressive individual, who likes to play video games, watch cartoons, and hang out with friends.

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